Unit 4

(Jan. 2013)
Vocabulary List
Unit 4
The Railroad and the West
1. Morrill Act - 1862
2. Homestead Act – 1862
3. Pacific Railway Act - 1862
4. Union Pacific Railroad
5. Irish Immigrants
6. Central Pacific Railroad
7. Chinese Workers
8. Credit Mobilier Scandal
9. Promontory Point, Utah (1869)
10. Munn V. Illinois (1877)
11. Walbash v. Illinois (1886)
12. Interstate Commerce Commission
13. Chisholm Trail
14. The Great Plains
15. John Deere – Steel Topped Plow
16. Joseph Glidden: Barbed Wire
17. Cyrus McCormick: Mechanical Reaper
18. Granger Laws
19. Cowboy v Plowboy
Native Americans and the Passing of the Frontier
1. Plain Indians
2. Buffalo
3. Sand Creek Massacre 1864
4. Exodusters
5. Crazy Horse & Sitting Bull
6. Little Big Horn (Custer’s Last Stand)
7. Chief Joseph & Nez Perce, “I will fight no more forever”
(Jan. 2013)
8. Helen Hunt Jackson A Century of Dishonor (1881)
9. Dawes Severalty Act (1887)
1. Assimilation
10. “Sooners” Oklahoma Land Rush
11. Wounded Knee Massacre (1890)
12. 1890-Frontier Closed
13. Turner and The Significance of the Frontier in American History 1893
The Industrial Age & The Gilded Age
1. Corporations
2. Stock, Stockholders, Dividends
3. Trusts
4. Monopolies
5. Laissez Faire
6. Bessemer Process
7. Elisha Otis: Elevator
8. Alexander Graham Bell: Telephone
9. Thomas Edison: Light Bulb and Direct Electrical Current
10. Windmill
11. Whiskey Ring Rebellion
12. Fisk/Gould Gold Scandal
13. Tammany Hall
14. William Marcy Tweed - Tweed Ring
15. Thomas Nast
16. Election of 1872/ Issue: Corruption
17. Election of 1876
18. Compromise of 1877
19. Election of 1880
20. Garfield’s Assassination
21. Merit System - Pendleton Act
22. Chinese Exclusion Act
23. Haymarket Square Riot
(Jan. 2013)
24. Knights of Labor
25. American Federation of Labor (AFL)
26. “Skilled Labor”
27. White Collar
28. Blue Collar
30. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877
31. Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain)
32. Election of 1888/ Issue: Tariff
33. Sherman Anti-trust Act (1890)
34. Sherman Silver Purchase Act
35. McKinley Tariff
36. Charles Darwin “Survival of the Species”
37. Social Darwinism
38. Horatio Alger
39. Captains of Industry or Robber Barons
40. Cornelius Vanderbilt
41. Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie Steel
42. Gospel of Wealth
43. Vertical Integration
44. Horizontal Integration
45. Homestead Steel Strike
46. John D. Rockefeller, Standard Oil Company
47. John Pierpont Morgan, J.P. Morgan Company
48. Election of 1892 Issue: Deficit Economy
49. Deflation vs. Inflation
50. Alaskan Gold Rush - Klondike Gold Rush
51. Greenbacks
52. “Free coinage of Silver”
53. James Weaver
54. Populism
55. William Jennings Bryant
(Jan. 2013)
56. Cross of Gold Speech
57. Frank Norris The Octopus
58. American Railroad Union
59. Pullman Car Strike
60. Eugene V. Debs
61. Socialist Party of America
1. Seward’s Folly
2. Rudyard Kipling: White Man’s Burden
3. Admiral Thayer Mahan: The Influence of Sea Power Upon History: 1660-1883
4. Midway Islands
5. Queen Liliuokalani
6. Sanford Dole
7. Annexation of Hawaii /
8. Pan American Union (1889)
9. McKinley Tariff/Wilson Gorman Tariff (1895)
10. General Weyler “The Butcher”
11. Yellow Journalism
12. William Randolph Hearst
13. Joseph Pulitzer
14. The U.S.S. Maine
15. De Lome Letter
16. Spanish-American War/ “The Splendid Little War”
17. The Teller Amendment (Resolution)
18. Commodore Dewey
19. Emilio Aguinaldo
20. The Spanish Philippines
21. “Rough Riders”
22. Treaty of Paris 1898
23. Guam
24. Cuba - Platt Amendment
(Jan. 2013)
25. Puerto Rico
26. Foraker Act 1900
27. Jones Act of 1917
28. Filipino Insurrection
29. Election of 1900
30. Leo Czolgosz (Anarchists)
31. Assassination of President McKinley
32. Panamanian Rebellion against Columbia
33. Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty
34. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
35. “Walk Softly and Carry a big Stick”
36. “Sphere of Influence” in China
37. Open Door Policy
38. Chinese Boxer Rebellion
39. Great White Fleet
40. Russo-Japanese War
41. Teddy Roosevelt’s Nobel Peace Prize
42. Gentleman’s Agreement (with Japan)
Immigration & Urbanization
2. Old Immigrants (pre-1890)
3. “Know Nothings”
4. New Immigrants
5. Statue of Liberty
6. Tenements
7. Jane Addams
8. Settlement - Hull Houses
9. Social Gospel Movement
11. Salvation Army
12. Booker T. Washington
13. Tuskegee Institute
(Jan. 2013)
14. George Washington Carver
15. Atlanta Compromise
16. William Edward Burghardt (WEB) Dubois
17. Niagara Movement