A Symphony of the Seasons PowerPoint

A Symphony
The Seasons ♪♪
A path of reflection
Autumn: Season of Trust
she celebrated the sacrament of letting go.
Frist she surrendered her green
then the orange, yellow and red.
Finally she let go of her brown.
Shedding her last leaf
she stood empty and silent.
Stripped bare, leaning against the winter sky,
she began her vigil of trust.
Macrina Wiederkehr OSB
A Time for Letting Go…
• Clutter
• Unresolved issues
• Unnecessary baggage
A Time to Embrace the Gift of Sparseness
’Think of the ravens. They do not sow or reap; they have no
storehouses and no barns; yet God feeds them all.’ Luke 12:24
Autumn Gives Way to Winter:
Season of Stillness
Winter is the best time
To find out who you are.
Quiet, contemplation time,
away from the rushing world,
cold time, dark time, holed-up
pulled-in time and space
to see that inner landscape,
the place hidden and within.
David Budbill
Winter: A Time for Imagining…
The dance of raindrops on the window pane.
The beauty of bare trees silhouetted against the sky.
The spongy carpet of mosses beneath your feet.
The crunch of fallen leaves.
Attune to the music of silence…
The quieter times.
The seemingly less productive times.
‘Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies
It remains only a single grain.’ John 12:24
Winter Gives Way to Spring:
Season of Hope
How does a flower open?
What inner clock tells a petal to lift,
to move, to reposition itself,
respectful of the others
unfolding beside it?
Lifting, layering,
open to life-giving heart.
Let me open slowly.
Gentle my movement.
Today is not tomorrow.
I wait for the signal.
Make way for beauty.
Cherish the now.
Mary Luke Baldwin SSND
Spring: A Time for…
to the notes of
Hope and Beauty
murmuring in the
depths of your soul.
‘He will come to us as showers come,
Like spring rains watering the earth.’ Hosea 6:3
Spring Gives Way to Summer:
Season of Abundance
Sweet May hath come to love us,
Flowers, trees, their blossoms don;
And through the blue heavens above us
The very clouds move on.
Heinrich Heine
Summer: A Time for Ripening…
What is your life’s passion?
Call out the unsung song in your heart.
Proclaim the unique gift that is YOU.
‘Why, every hair on your head has been counted.
There is no need to be afraid: you are worth more than
hundreds of sparrows.’ Luke 12:7
I am God’s story
told in the changing colours of
autumn, winter, spring and summer
Macrina Wiederkehr OSB
Thank God
for the Symphony of Your Life!
‘With gratitude in your
Hearts sing psalms and
hymns and inspired
songs to God.’
Colossians 3:16