Advanced Placement European History

Advanced Placement United States History
Maine South High School
Mrs. Kaye
Welcome to AP US History (aka APUSH)! This course is a two-semester survey of United States
history from earliest European exploration through to around 2005. The class provides preparation
for the AP exam in U.S. History given by the College Board in the spring.
Alan Brinkley, American History, 11th ed.
Course Outline: Units covered in class are listed below.
Semester I
Semester II
1. European Colonization
2. Revolution and Constitution
3. The Federalist/Republican Eras
4. The Jacksonian Era
5.. The Slave Culture and Reform
6. Sectional Tensions
7. Civil War and Reconstruction
8. The West
9. Industrialization & Urbanization
10. The Politics of the 1880s-1890s
11. The Progressive Era
12. WWI and the 20s
13. The Depression and New Deal
14. World Crises and WWII
15. The Cold War and the “Fifties
16. The “Sixties” and the Vietnam Era
17. The 80s, 90s and Present Day
AP Exam Friday May 11, 2012
There are multiple-choice tests over each unit (typically 2 chapters). Tests may also include either
essay questions (in-class or take-home) OR short-answer/identification questions.
There are occasional short-answer/identification quizzes over assigned reading, or over sections of
material in long units.
Essays: the class includes a variety of essay assignments – short and long, formal and “informal” – as
well as extensive use of the Document-Based Question, or “DBQ.”
You will also periodically be evaluated on your notebook – a three-ring binder is MUST! The
notebook must include notes from the text readings, classroom handouts and supplements with
notes/annotations, and notes from class.
Other: In addition, there are many individual and several small-group assignments throughout the
year, all of which count toward your grade.
Grading is on a weighted point system, as follows:
Grading Scale (No rounding):
F=59 and below
Classroom Expectations:
This is an extremely fast-moving class. You are expected to attend regularly and to arrive on-time, and with
necessary materials and an inquisitive, positive attitude, so that we can begin promptly! Late work will not be
Attitude and Conduct:
This course will be what you make of it. Come every day ready to undertake the topic(s) on the syllabus.
Conduct yourself according to the highest standards. During class, you are expected to participate actively,
through your attentiveness, notetaking, and oral participation during discussion. You are also expected to treat
diverse and varied opinions with respect – that doesn’t mean you all have to agree with a viewpoint or an
interpretation, but disagreements should be civil, respectful, and academically appropriate.
Preparation for class is YOUR responsibility. I operate under the assumption that any and all assigned reading
is complete before you come to class. Notes from text reading will be collected at random, and notebooks will
be collected and scored on test days. There WILL also be short unannounced quizzes, especially on
reading from the textbook about once per week.
Contact Information:
For whatever reason you need to contact me, I can usually be found in the Social Studies Office: A217. You
can also contact me by phone at 847-692-8138.