The history of sexuality by Michael Foucault

Submitted by :Bisma raffat
Miss yaminey
The history of sexuality by Michael Foucault
The repression of sexuality as a discourse has been subject to restrictions and
limitations over the course of history. However many Writers, scholars, and
intellectuals have taken up this subject of study in an attempt to decipher the
undertones behind sexuality, and its position in society. In this pursuit Michael
Foucault in his book “the history of sexuality “attempts to address and offer
discourse over the institution of sexuality its origins, its evolving nature and, the
movements of its liberation.
In his writing Foucault puts forward the concept of “repression hypothesis”
whereby he states that society and its design is such that sexual repression has
become the norm. This was systematically induced into mainstream culture, in
converse to it being naturally occurring phenomena. He speaks of the frankness
of sexual advances and openness of society towards sex during the 17th century
for sake of comparison and to establish that the further repression of sexuality
was a phenomenon of the Victorian era.
Foucault speaks of the discursive element of sexuality primarily; his hypothesis
was supported by Freud’s psychoanalytic approach to issues of insanity and
Foucault’s purpose in attempting to express sexuality in an openly discursive
aspect is to question not only the systematic repression of sexuality but also to
identify the repercussions or rather the reasons for this suppression and its role in
power dynamics. Foucault believes that it is through suppression of sex, that
power was maintained. This suppression played a significant role in determining
the social norms of today. By means of faith, inner and external sense of morality,
and law the Victorian society became the epitome of sexual repression.
In my opinion, the secretiveness nature of sex since the Victorian era was a tool to
control and dominate society and its norms. Since, knowledge or rather
controlling the source of knowledge ensures power this was a means of
influencing culture and language. Foucault’s examination includes the impact of
sexual repressiveness on language.
The institution of marriage has claimed discourse on sexuality as its exclusive
right. I believe that it is this aspect of the social system that determines where
power lies in modern day society. Foucault believed that with knowledge come
power and a certain kind of power that lies within the secretiveness of sexuality
was the means of moral and social governing of people.
In this art work the artist (Tracy Emin ) explores the nature of modern day life,
issues surrounding sexuality, gender stereotypes and society’s attitude towards it.
This work is autobiographic; she has displayed a very personal space. The
preconceived notions of power, sexuality and gender are being examined. This is
not just a self reflection but also a mirror to society about its morality, gender
bias, discrimination and dominance. Her visual language comprises of objects
from everyday life carefully selected to provide an insight to the social values and
their irony. Liberation yet masked behind illusions of self empowerment and
equality , Power dynamics, struggles and women’s’ plight in a contemporary
world. She explores the nature of the artwork, its intangibility compared to the
intangibility of society and its norms. This is a critique of the repression of
sexuality and the questions that it raises for intellectuals and the common man
Micheal focoult ‘s “history of sexuality”
Between Marx and Nietzsche: The Limits of (Sexual)
Liberation in Foucault’s History of Sexuality, Volume 1