Biology Chapter 7 Study Guide


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Biology Chapter 7 Study Guide



The first living cells were known as .

2. List all 3 parts of the Cell Theory:




3. The two types of microscopes are and .

A. Which microscope can view DNA and has a high resolution?

B. Which microscope requires thin specimen and a stain? .

4. List two things the Cell Theory applies to. Two things it does not apply to.

Applies to:


Does not apply to:

5. The two types of cells are prokaryotic and eukaryotic. List two characteristics of each.

Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

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6. In the chart using the information provided. Compare the organelles to something you see everyday.

Organelle Function Comparison


Produce proteins

It’s like a vacuum cleaner.

Clean, breakdown, and recycle materials.

Golgi apparatus

Batteries, power plant

7. Of the four macromolecules, which one makes up the majority of the cell membrane?

What is another name for the cell membrane using that macromolecule?

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8. Water is polar. Which part of the cell membrane is polar? What is another name

“liking water”?

9. Why are the tails on the inside of the cell membrane?

7.4 and 7.3

10. organisms outnumber all other organisms on Earth.

11. Define “interdependent” in terms of cells.

12. Put the following terms in order of smallest to largest:

organ system, cell, organ, tissue.

13. Osmosis is a type of

During passive transport, materials move

, but it only moves

14. Use each word once to fill in the blanks: up, down, high, high, low, low


their concentration gradient from areas of concentration to

During active transport, materials move


their concentration gradient from of concentration to concentration.

15. Which type of protein changes shape to let materials cross the membrane?

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16. Define isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic.

Draw pictures of each.

Include arrows showing how water moves.

17. Define exocytosis and endocytosis.

18. Describe each of the three methods of endocytosis.

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19. Label at least 5 of the letters on the cell below.

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Short answer questions on back

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Short answer questions:

20. How are microtubules and microfilaments similar? How are they different?

21. There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum. What does each one do?

22. Compare 2 organelles to something you see in everyday life. Explain how the function of the organelles and everyday-objects are similar.

23. Is the cell on the previous page a plant cell or and animal cell? How do you know?

24. Draw the cell membrane. Include and label: lipid bilayer, (2) hydrophilic heads, hydrophobic tails, and a protein channel.

25. The sodium-potassium pump is a protein that moves sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) into and out of the cell.

A: What type of transport does the Na+-K+ pump undergo?

B: What is moved into the cell, out of the cell, and how much of each?

C: If the Na+-K+ pump changes shape, then what type of transport protein is it?

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