View my classroom orientation Power Point

Welcome to the Primary School
Mrs. Stephanie Zervanos
phone: (412) 429-3270
First Day of School
- Please make sure your child has his/her bus tag attached to
the top of his/her backpack.
****This tag will need to remain on the backpack for the first
3-4 weeks of the school year or until your child has his/her bus
number memorized. Please add your address and phone
numbers where you can be reached during drop off. This is an
added safety precaution.
- Please have your child ride the bus.
- Parents are not permitted to walk to the classroom.
- Have your child wear their backpack and bring their daily
-At the PS we have an “All Hands on Deck” approach the first
several days of school to assist the kids
to their classrooms.
First Six Days of School
- The first 6 days of school are 1/2 days for kindergarteners.
Kindergarten Screening
Please sign up for a 30-minute screening time today. The purpose of
this final screening assessment is to assess growth since our last
screening and to give me a chance to work with your child one-on one.
*Please arrive on time for your appointment and don’t forget to bring
your child with you.
*Please bring the remainder of your child’s school supplies at this
time. There will be a sorting station and checklist for you to organize
your child’s supplies as I complete the screening.
*We will not screen children on the first day of school.
- Dismissal begins at 11:45 A.M. each day and the busses leave at 12:00 P.M.
- A responsible adult must meet your child at the bus stop.
- Lunch is NOT served for kindergarten students on
these 1/2 days
- Expect bus delays throughout the first few weeks of school, as the students
and drivers get acclimated to their new routines.
When Your Child Gets Home
Ask your child about their day.
Check and empty their folder.
Read your classroom newsletter (daily or weekly)
Fill out any paperwork completely and return to school (any
incomplete information may be returned to you to complete).
Check and work with your child on their homework.
Praise their accomplishments on their returned school work.
Reply and return school notes and paperwork
Make an effort to establish and repeat this daily routine.
Beginning Kindergarten Expectations:
- using manners
- sit and attend to what the teacher is saying
- follow simple directions the first time they are given
- be able to express ideas related to the class conversation
- be respectful of others
- keep hands and feet to yourself
- communicate personal needs and wants
- independent self-help skills (Please let me know ASAP if your child still
had toileting issues.)
Teacher Expectations
*explain classroom expectations and procedures
*treat you and your child fairly with respect and
*inform you of any learning difficulties and/or
behavior issues that may occur with your child in the
classroom (We report this information to you to help
ensure your child’s school success.)
*do his/her best to meet your child’s academic needs
*if the teacher is unable to meet your child’s needs in
the classroom he/she should refer to other staff
members/teams for assistance
*reply to emails, notes etc. within 1-2 days (unless
the teacher is absent)
Parent/Caregiver Expectations
*Check and clean out your child’s folder each night
*Go over papers with your child and discuss what he/she has learned
*Assist your child with homework
*Read class newsletters
*Make sure your child has the supplies he/she needs at school
*Inform the teacher of any situations which may affect how your child is learning/
behaving in school (Examples- custody situations, divorce, death in the family,
family health issues, loss of home etc.) We care about your child and want to help
him/her through difficult circumstances.
*Fill out paperwork in a timely manner and in full. Any paper work that is not filled
out in full will be returned to you to complete.
* Respond to notes/emails that are sent home in a timely manner.
* Attend parent conferences in person or via phone
*Weigh our observations of your child’s development heavily. We are professionals
and have extensive experience with your child’s current stage of development.
*Treat your child’s teacher with kindness and respect.
Social Media
-Please refrain from posting pictures of
classroom events on social media. There may
be some children whose parents will place them
on the “do not photo list” and do not want their
child’s image on the internet.
-Please refrain from posting comments about
classmates, teachers or school staff on social
media. Any issues that arise should be
discussed in private.
School Day
- Drop off is permitted between 8:30-9:00 A.M. You may not drop off your
child prior to 8:30 as there is no one to supervise him/her.
- Students are expected to be in their classroom seats by the 9:00 A.M.
- In the event of tardiness, you must walk your child into the office to
sign them into school.
- School is over at 3:30 P.M.
- Bus Dismissal takes place between 3:40-4:00 P.M.
- Pick-up dismissal takes place at 3:35 P.M. (you must send a note in the
morning notifying the office of the pick up)
- Early Dismissal: In the event of an early dismissal, please provide a
note to the teacher in the morning so that they can have your child
ready to leave.
- Please have your child wear his/her name tag to school for a few
weeks in case there are any questions about which bus he/she rides
or teacher
There are bathrooms in all classrooms and near all special
Students are expected to use the bathroom independently and
Accidents happen...
Please provide for your child's locker (please label):
extra shirt (seasonal)
extra pants
extra undergarments
extra socks
Snacks are provided by the district each day.
Allergies need to be documented with the school nurse prior to
the start of the school year.
**If your child is allergic to the snacks provided, please provide an
alternate snack for your child to eat. This will need to be discussed
with me prior to sending in snacks.
*Breakfast is offered daily from 8:30-9:00.
*This is an optional program and is an additional cost.
*If you want your child to participate in the breakfast program, you
will need to instruct them to go to the cafeteria AS SOON as they
get off the bus.
Lunch and Recess
- half hour each day in the cafeteria
- students may pack or buy their lunch
- cafeteria envelopes are sent home frequently for you to add funds to your
child's lunch account. Make sure you fill out the envelope completely which will
include your child’s I.D. number. This number will be sent home and you will
need to know it.
- lunch accounts work very similarly to a debit card with a child specific lunch
- Do not send in loose lunch money. Please use a cafeteria envelope (provided
today and sent home often) or a regular envelope with your child’s full name,
room number, id number and amount in the envelope
- half hour after lunch daily
- students should have appropriate shoes and dress to be able to participate on the
Rest Time
Rest time occurs daily for 20-30 minutes in all kindergarten
Your child will need a vinyl rest mat for this time.
Students are not required to sleep, but this time is important for
students to rest, relax, calm down, and get ready for a full afternoon.
This is also a restroom/drink break during the day.
After routines are established I may use this time to work with
children individually or in small groups.
K213 Discipline Plan
Our Class Rules:
*Listen when your teachers or classmates are
*Follow directions quickly.
*Keep hands and feet to yourself.
*Raise your hand to speak.
*Be safe, be kind, be honest.
*Respect others, respect yourself, respect
your school.
Clip Chart
Students who reach pink will be rewarded for their positive
choices by adding a jewel to their clip, receiving a special
certificate and make a trip to the prize drawer!
Students who continue to make positive choices move up to the
purple level. They are one step closer to having outstanding
Students who make positive choices will receive recognition as
they move up the chart.
Everyone starts the day “Ready to Learn!” Students can “clip
up” or “clip down” throughout the day depending on their
behavior choices.
Students who receive a warning will move to yellow. This serves
as a reminder for students to think about the choices they
Students who continue to make poor choices will move to
orange. This will result in a consequence that is appropriate for
the choice that was made. Different choices require different
consequences. The consequences are listed on the following
Students who move to red will require parental contact by me.
Parents will be contacted via telephone, email or note depending
on the severity of the behavioral choice.
Consequences for Unacceptable Behavior
Occasionally children have difficulty following class and school rules. At these times I will
try to redirect the child’s behavior through eye contact, changing his/her clip color, or
quiet reminders. If this does not help to improve the child’s behavior, one or more of the
following consequences will be used:
(These consequences are for behaviors in the orange and red areas of the clip chart.)
*Time-out at a table in the classroom.
This gives the child time to calm down and get ready to rejoin the class activity. If the
behavior occurs outside of the classroom (hallway, playground, cafeteria, etc.) variations of this
consequence will be used.
*Time-out in another teacher’s classroom.
This will be used if the unacceptable behavior is not improved by a time-out in our classroom.
*Time-out in from recess or playtime.
This will be used if the behavior is severe or has been repeated. This may also be used if the
previous two consequences have not been effective (ex: disruption of another teacher’s room).
*Note, phone call home, or conference with parent after school.
*Loss of privileges.
This includes playground time, centers, special events etc.
*Office Referral
This can be used for behaviors that disrupt instruction or threaten others (hitting, kicking,
biting, etc.).
This listing is an overview of my discipline policy. Other consequences may be used if they are
appropriate for the behavior. Please refer to the Student Handbook for policies regarding
suspension and expulsion.
Expect about 10-15 minutes of homework each night. Homework is NOT OPTIONAL
and completing homework is part of your child’s report card grade. I rarely give
assignments over weekends and holidays.
It is helpful to have a box of school supplies at home and a quiet place for your child
to complete assignments.
At this stage in your child’s development, you will need to help him/her with
homework. Please make sure he/she prints his/her name at the top of every
assignment and go over the directions with him/her. Your child should complete
work on his/her own as much as possible. If your child has done sloppy work, please
have him/her correct it. Building a strong work ethic begins in kindergarten.
Please help your child establish good homework habits.
Birthday Celebrations
You may send in a treat for your child’s birthday.
*There are 20 students in our class, but it is always a good idea to send in a
few extras. *Try to send in a healthy treat.
*Please do not send in cupcakes or anything I need to cut apart. Just
send in a note letting me know what day your child would like to bring a treat.
*If your child has a summer birthday we will celebrate it at the end of the
school year.
Birthday invitations may only be passed out in class if you invite the entire
class, otherwise you may mail them. The PTG will sell Social Directories.
Please purchase one if you would like the phone numbers and addresses of
your child’s classmates. If you would like your address and phone number
listed in the directory please fill out and return the form ASAP. I am not
permitted to give out phone numbers or addresses under any
Please do not ask me to make an exception to this rule. I am not able to
give out the personal information of others.
I strongly suggest that you at least include your email in the social
directory. Then if someone would like to invite your child to a party or
for a playdate they have a way to contact you.
When Sick:
- Call the office on the morning of the absence (412) 429-7017
- If the illness is extended, please contact me to arrange for work to
be sent home
- Upon return from the illness a written excuse is required in addition
to your call (if visiting a doctor, ask for an excuse).
- If your child has a fever, stomach virus, pink eye,
lice, or other contagious illness, they must stay
home from school.
- School policy requires that children are fever
free, without medication, for 24 hours before
returning to school.
Attendance is Important!
According to National Statistics:
- 1 out of every 10 kindergartners miss 1 month of school
*of these children only 17% will learn to read by third grade
- Poor kindergarten attendance is also the strongest predictor
of high school drop out.
- It is important that your child arrives to school prior to 9:00
A.M. daily. When tardy, they miss a lot of crucial instruction
and it is a disruption of the class routine.
Medications and the School Nurse
- If your child requires a daily medication during the school day, you
will need to complete a medical form with the nurse.
- Medications are not to be transported by the student in their
- Medicines (including cough drops, etc.) fall under this rule as well.
School Nurse:
- We have a full time school nurse.
- When a child is considered to be in need of the nurse, I will be sure
that they receive the help that they need.
Report Cards
Report cards are sent home twice a year in kindergarten.
You will receive a report card in late January/early February and then
again in June.
In addition to report cards, you will see daily work come home in your
child's folders, which will enable you to track their progress. Please go
over this work with your child to reinforce their learning and to show how
interested you are in their learning.
Parent/Teacher Conferences will also occur in the fall and information will
be sent home prior to the conference for you to schedule.
Sign ups for fall conferences (November 2nd and 3rd) will occur at Open
House on September 22nd. (6:00-7:30)
Volunteer Policy
To volunteer at school, in the classroom, or on field trips, etc., you
must have your clearances. Please see the school website for
information regarding this topic.
Volunteers for the field trip, classroom parties etc. are scheduled
through the PTG. Please consider joining CVPS PTG. Information to
join will be sent home. The PTG provides many fantastic activities for
the kids of The Primary School.
I look forward to a wonderful
year with you and your child.