Earthquakes (Day 8 & 9)


Earthquakes (Day 8 &


Application of Knowledge: LAB


 Brainstorm at least 3 pieces of information that are important to include in a conclusion.

 (we’re doing a lab today)

Brainstorm Answers:

Aim, Learning Target &



 How do we use seismic data to locate the epicenter of an earthquake?

Learning Target:

 I CAN use seismic data to locate the epicenter of an earthquake and clearly and concisely explain my process and concluding thoughts.


 Catalyst


Lab Write-up

What do we need to include in our write up?

 Fill in the missing parts on the Lab Sheet:



These should be done with your groups and made your own!

 Include a conclusion

 We will be writing this together on DAY 2!

Lab Procedures:

Using the seismograms, determine the arrival times of the P- and Swaves. Record on your report sheet.

Determine the difference in arrival times by subtracting P-wave arrival time from S-wave arrival time. Record on your report sheet.

Using the Earthquake P-wave and S-wave Travel Time graph in your

ESRT, determine the distance (in km) of the epicenter from the city.

Record on your report sheet.

Since you know when the P-waves arrived at each city and how long it had to travel, determine the time the earthquake began (origin time).

Record on your report sheet.

Construct a circle with radius equal to the distance from the city to the epicenter on the Epicenter Location Map. Use the scale of distance at the bottom of the map to set the compass to the correct radius.

Mark the epicenter with a STAR (where all three circles intersect).


 Write 5 things you came away with from yesterdays lab. These can be things you didn’t understand, things you accomplished, something you noticed!

Aim, Learning Target &

Agenda (CONT.)


 How do we use seismic data to locate the epicenter of an earthquake?

Learning Target:

 I CAN use seismic data to locate the epicenter of an earthquake and clearly and concisely explain my process and concluding thoughts.


 Catalyst


Lab Write-up

Writing Our Conclusion

 Part 1: (15 min)

 In your groups come up with the following parts of the conclusion:

 Explanation of Triangulation


Errors Made

Conclusions you drew from the lab

 Part 2: (16 min)

 Group Rotations

 1 min to get to groups, 15 min to work

How to Rotate

 Remembering your assigned roles and your group letter:

 ALL Captains Together

ALL Recorders Together

ALL Organizers Together

EXAMPLE: Captains Group

 Pink E

Green E

Blue E

Purple E
