Outline for the Website - The Institute of Turkish Studies

The basic changes we would like to implement are as follows:
1) Dropdown menu options:
Instead of displaying the links to sub-sections in each page within a section, we
would like to add the links to those sub-sections on the main page as a dropdown
menu. This way sub-sections will be accessible directly from the main page.
2) “Message from the Executive Director” section will stay the same. However, the
content will be updated. The new text will be as follows:
Message from the Executive Director
***(archive previous message)***
Greetings enthusiasts of Turkey!
The 2011-12 academic year has been a busy year for ITS in particular and Turkish Studies in
general. Over the course of the year, our organization has grown in the number of activities it
has partaken in. ITS’s grants program has continued to provide funding for US based students,
established scholars and academic institutions with the aim of developing greater interest in
Turkish Studies.
In addition, ITS has continued to enhance its outreach program by inviting scholars and students
to provide talks in its newly established lecture series on modern Turkey at the Georgetown
University campus. ITS’ signature event occurred on June 27 2012, when it helped jointly host
the Third Annual Conference on Turkey at the National Press Club with the Middle East
Institute’s Center for Turkish Studies. The one day event drew vast numbers of enthusiasts, who
listened to expert scholars, policy makers and politicians on the future of Turkey’s foreign and
domestic policy considerations.
During 2012-13, ITS will continue to broaden its outreach through the establishment of a
permanent and regular lecture series on modern Turkey in cooperation with the Middle East
Institute’s Center for Turkish Studies (MEI-CTS). The series will seek to invite a variety of scholars
and policy makers to provide valuable talks on key topics relevant to Turkey for diverse
audiences across the Washington metropolitan area. The full program for Fall 2012 is expected
to be broadcast in the near future.
ITS hopes to see many of you at an upcoming event.
Wishing you the best for the new academic year.
3) We are trying to increase our visibility in social media. We already have a
facebook page. Now we are also on twitter. Therefore, we’d like to add a section
on the main page where it says “Connect” that is followed by the logos of
facebook and twitter.
Like this:
4) In addition, we would like to take out the “join our mailing list section” and add a
small logo next to Facebook and Twitter logos through which a new page opens
and visitors can join our mailing list. (as in the above icon next to twitter)
5) We are also taking out the “ITS grants program” and “Upcoming events” sections,
as these sections will be available on the main page under their respective tabs.
6) We are keeping the “Books published with ITS grants” section as it is.
7) We are also keeping the ‘ITS News” section. But we are updating its content. The
updates are as follows:
ITS News
Omer Zarpli joins ITS as Programs Coordinator
***Link to Biopage***
C-Span Coverage of the ITS-MEI Joint Conference
Link: http://www.c-span.org/Events/Middle-East-Institute-Holds-Annual-Conference-onTurkey/10737431921/
Turkish Press Coverage of the ITS-MEI Joint Conference
Link: http://www.usasabah.com/Siyaset/2012/06/28/turkiye-siniri-nato-siniridir
8) Since we’ll have a section with facebook logo through which visitors can “like” us
on facebook, we are taking out the facebook section under the “ITS News”.
Instead, we would like to add a section entitled “Upcoming events”.
9) We are taking out a tab and adding a new one. We would like to take out the
“Executive Director” tab and add “Events” tab. The content of the “executive
director” tab will be moved to the “About” section. The “Events” section will
consist of two sub-sections: “Upcoming Events” and “Past Events”
10) Under the “Study Abroad” tab we would like to add a new subsection entitled
“Meet Our Past Grantees”. However, the content of this page is not yet available.
We’ll provide you with the text and pictures for this page as soon as possible.
11) To summarize, the dropdown menu will consist of these sections and subsections:
1. Home
2. About
i) Welcome
ii) Mission and Organization
iii) Board of Governors
iv) Executive Directors
v) Program Directors (attached you can find my picture and bio)
3. Events
Upcoming Events
Past Events
4. Grants
Grants Program
Competition Announcement
Instructions for Applicants
Past Recipients
Publication Subventions
5. Study Abroad
Why Study Abroad?
Summer Study Abroad Sessions
Semester or Year-Long Exchange Programs
Meet Our Past Grantees
6. Turkish in the U.S
Funding opportunities for students learning Turkish
Turkish Language Resources for Institutions and Instructors
Turkish Language Instruction in the United States
Turkish Studies Programs in the United States
7. Links
8. Contact