Chapter 5 Study Guide Answers

Chapter 5 Study Guide
1. REVIEW YOUR QUIZZES!!!!!!!!! You will be thanking me later
2. Know your vocabulary words! (They might help answer the short answers)
3. Know the notable people of the chapter
a. Sitting Bull (page 143)
i. Led the Sioux to defeat Custer and his men at the Battle of Little Bighorn
b. George Armstrong Custer (page 143)
i. He and his men were all killed at the Battle of Little Bighorn by the Sioux
c. John D. Rockefeller (page 151)
i. Owner of Standard Oil.
d. Andrew Carnegie (page 151)
i. His steel company made him a very rich man. Devoted later part of his life to
funding education
e. Wright brothers (page 154)
i. Created flight
f. Samuel F. B. Morse (page 154)
i. Created the telegraph
g. Alexander Graham Bell (page 155)
i. Patented the telephone
h. Thomas Edison (page 155)
i. Created first safe light bulb
i. Jane Addams (page 159)
i. Created a settlement house so new immigrants could learn skills to be
productive in society
j. William Marcy “Boss” Tweed (page 159)
i. Leader of Tammany Hall and used his position of power to make his friends
k. Ulysses S. Grant (page 160) Do not just say he was a Civil War general…we’re past that
i. Presidency was marred by scandals including the Credit Moblier scandal
l. Chester Arthur (page 160)
i. Passed the Pendleton Civil Service Act which made people in government be
hired based on merit and not their political connections
m. William McKinley (page 161)
i. Republican candidate for president in 1896. Supported in urban areas
n. William Jennings Bryan (page 161)
i. Democratic candidate for president
o. Booker T. Washington (page 162)
i. Believed African Americans should accept the segregation for now and improve
their situation by acquiring skills in agriculture
p. W.E.B. Du Bois (page 162)
i. Believed that African Americans should strive for full rights immediately
4. Know two of the battles and what happened at them.
a. Sand Creek Massacre
i. Army attacked and killed around 150 native men, women, and
ii. Congress condemned their actions, but no one was punished
b. Battle of Little Bighorn
i. Government ordered Sioux to leave their territory to let settlers in
ii. Led by Sitting Bull, around 1500 Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho
gathered near Little Bighorn River
iii. George Armstrong Custer was outnumbered and his men were
iv. The greatest and last victory for the Sioux
c. Wounded Knee
i. Army captured some Sitting Bull followers
ii. Soldiers demanded the Indians’ rifles
iii. A gun shot went off (now believed to be a soldier’s gun)
iv. Soldiers then opened fire killing some 300 men, women, and
v. Massacre shocked Americans and broke native resistance
5. Know the three land acts and be able to completely describe one of them.
a. Homestead Act
i. Government directly gave land to settlers
ii. Signed by Lincoln in 1862 (remember the South was not involved
during this time)
iii. Offered 160 acres to anyone who met the following requirements:
iv. At least 21 years of age or the head of the family
v. Must be American citizens or immigrants who have filed for
vi. Must pay 10 dollar registration fee
vii. Settlers had to build a house and live on the claim at least 6 months
of the year
viii. Settlers had to farm the land for 5 consecutive years before they
could claim ownership
ix. Nearly 2 million came out to claim land
b. Pacific Railway Act
i. Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroad companies received a
huge land grant.
ii. 10 miles of land on each side of the track for each mile laid.
iii. Railroads profited from selling off this land to farmers who wanted
c. Morrill Act
i. Gave states land to build colleges to teach “agriculture and mechanic
ii. Kansas State was the first college to be an actual land grant school
(as Kansas State Agricultural College)
6. Know why ranches hired cowboys to lead longhorns to cattle towns to ship them
a. They could make more money our east because there was a larger demand. A
longhorn in Texas might be worth $4 but in the east it could be worth $40.
7. Know what process made steel easier and cheaper to make.
a. Bessemer Process
8. Know why time zones developed.
a. Time needed to be more organized for railroads. Every place had different
times and it caused a lot of confusion
9. Know horizontal integration.
a. -------------- Buys out competitiors to have less competition and possibly
form a monopoly.
Know vertical integration.
a. Business owns all aspects of it to lower costs and make it more efficient.
11. Be able to describe what happened at one of the strikes.
a. The Great Railroad Strike
i. Workers protesting cuts in their wages
ii. Blocked freight traffic for over a week
iii. Militia sent in
iv. Clashes between militia and protestors caused many deaths
v. Mob violence in Pittsburgh caused millions in damage
vi. Army sent in to stop the strike
b. Haymarket Riot
i. Over 1500 strikes took place over wage cuts in 1886
ii. Crowds gathered in Chicago’s Haymarket Square to protest police
iii. Someone threw a bomb and people panicked
iv. 11 died and more than 100 injured as a result of the riot
v. Police blamed foreign born men for the attack
vi. Took 8 into custody and were sentenced to death with very little
vii. 4 were hanged, 1 committed suicide in jail, 3 were later pardoned
c. Homestead Strike
i. Labor dispute
ii. Carnegie was away so his right hand man Henry Frick was in
iii. Workers had seized the plant to stop production so their demands
would be met
iv. Frick brought in a private militia called Pinkertons
v. 16 died as a result and looked bad for the Union
12. Know how transportation was revolutionized during this time.
a. Congestion was taken off the streets with the introduction of subways. People
could travel faster. Flight!
13. Know how communication was revolutionized during this time.
a. It was quicker and more efficient. People could hear each other’s voices
without being near each other with the telephone. The typewriter created
jobs for women
14.Know who “new immigrants” were and nativists.
a. Immigrants that came from mostly Eastern Europe. Nativists were
Americans that were born in the United States. They did not like the new
immigrants because they thought they caused crime and stole American jobs
15. Describe the differences between how the wealthy lived compared to the way the
poor lived.
a. Wealthy had nice houses because they had a lot of money while the poor lived
in tenements which had poor ventilation and poor lighting. It was overall
just a really bad experience to live in a tenement because of the unsafe and
unhealthy conditions
16.Know the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For real know this)
a. Man named Homer Plessy (African American) tested Lousiana’s new Jim
Crow law which legalized segregation. He was arrested and sued and it went
all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States. In their decision they
said that it did not violate the 14th amendment because even though they
were separated they still had train cars to ride in. So as long as they had
places for both blacks and whites then it was alright. This made Jim Crow
laws legal for the next 60 years.
17. Be able to fill out a map of the time zones in the United States.
a. Use your timezone worksheets to do this.