4-18-2014 Good Friday 2014

Good Friday 2014
Jack Hardaway
He is elevated as the king by being mocked.
He is exalted as our Lord by being lifted up on the cross.
His coronation as the ruler of all is his crucifixion.
He sits in judgment by being the one who is judged.
He is all that is true because he is rejected.
He is salvation because he is damned.
He is life because he is killed.
He is light because the darkness consumes him.
He is the healing of the nations because he is broken.
He is relief because he suffers.
He is mercy because he is tortured.
He is freedom because he is arrested.
He is steadfast love because he is betrayed.
He is the cup of life because he is poured out.
He is the Almighty because he is without power.
He is all power because the powerful bind him down.
He is in control because he is handed over.
He is honored by being shamed.
He never forsakes because he is forsaken.
He is eternal wisdom from before creation because he is made a fool.
He is everything we don’t want.
He is strange and holy, a mystery, a contradiction.
Who is king?
What is power?
Where is truth?
When are we judged?
How are we saved?
Why do we crucify the king of glory?
God fully revealed only by rejection, God only known through failure, God seen clearly in
This is the day we destroy our only hope and in doing so our every dream comes true.
God is inscrutable.