Chapter 52-56 - NylandBiology2014-15

Chapter 52
Read chapter 52(only the parts that pertain to the 4 learning targets)
1.I can define ecology and relate relevant terms and components of this
field of study.
a.I can distinguish between biotic and abiotic components
b.I can distinguish among organismal, population community and
ecosystem ecology.
2.I can explain how the distribution of species is affected by:
habitat selection
introduced species
climate change
3.When provided with major aquatic and/or terrestrial biomes, I can identify
biotic and abiotic factors that affect their distribution on Earth.
Focus Questions
1. Explain how 2 specific abiotic factors impact species distribution.
2. Describe how introduced species can have an impact on the community and
ecosystem to which it has been introduced.
3. Identify the biome in which we live and summarize its abiotic and biotic
characteristics. Do these reflect what you see in your neighborhood? Explain.
4. List the following from least to most specific: population, organism,
ecosystem, community
Read and take notes on Chapter 53/Reading Guide
Chapter 53: Population Ecology
I can explain how population density, dispersion and demographics are
I can describe the different patterns in which a population disperses.
I can use a life table to explain the survival pattern of a population
I can compare and contrast the life styles of populations that show
Type I, Type II and Type III survivorship curves.
I can use mathematical models to compare the exponential model of
population growth to the logistic model.
I can explain what rmax is.
I can explain how growth of a population is the summary of births and
deaths that are occurring.
I can describe how carrying capacity influences the logistic growth
I can explain what happens to a population as N approaches K.
I can observe growth patterns in real populations and determine if
they are in exponential or logistic growth.
I can distinguish between r selected and K selected populations.
3.I can distinguish between density dependent and density independent
factors that affect population growth.
4.I can identify populations that are increasing, decreasing or staying the
same based on age structure diagrams.
5. I can describe the problems associated with estimating Earth’s carrying
capacity for the human species, and summarize the current trends in human
population growth.
Watch videos:
Bozeman Population
Bozeman Population Dynamics
Prezi Population Dynamics
Due _____________Complete POGIL Population Ecology
Due______________Complete POGIL Population Distribution
______________Quiz on C53
Read 54 and Take Notes/Reading Guide
Chapter 54 Community Ecology
1.I can describe the following interspecific interactions and explain how
they impact the community
Competitive exclusionary avoidance through:resource
partitioningfundamental and realized niches character
Predation effects:aposematic coloration, cryptic
coloration,Batesian, and Mullerian mimicry
Distinguishing between: parasitic, commensal ,mutualistic
2.I can quantitatively demonstrate the diversity of a community.
3.I can explain the relationship between community diversity and
stability, including the impact keystone and dominant species have on
4.I can describe how disturbance can impact a community.
a. I can explain how ecological succession works
b. I can distinguish between primary and secondary succession
c. I can describe a climax community.
5. I can describe how human and natural disturbances can alter
Bozeman Coloration
Bozeman Niches
Bozeman Biodiversity
Prezi Community Interactions
Chapter 55 and 56: Ecosystems and Conservation
1. I can distinguish between eutrophic and oligotrophic lakes.
a.I can explain why eutrophic lakes are nutrient rich and oxygen poor.
2.I can explain how energy regulates the amount and sizes of tropihic levels.
a. I can describe the fundamental relationship between autotrophs ,
heterotrophs and decomposers in an ecosystem.
b. I can explain how decomposition connects all trophic levels in an
c. I can explain why the amount of energy used in photosynthesis is
so much less than the amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth.
d. I can summarize the 10% rule.
e. I can explain why worldwide agriculture could feed more people if
all humans consumed only plant material.
3.I can explain how limiting factors affect ecosystem dynamics.
a. I can explain how nitrogen and phosphorous limit the structure of
an ecosystem.
b. I can explain how cultural eutrophication can alter freshwater
c. I can explain how it is that eutrophic bodies of water are both
nutrient rich and oxygen poor.
d. I can use my understanding of photosynthesis to explain how light
limits ecosystems.
4.I can explain how primary productivity impacts the ecosystem structure.
a. I can describe how to calculate gross and net productivity.
b. I can compare gross to net productivity
c. I can explain the influence of cellular respiration on net
5.I can explain how nutrients cycle through an ecosystem
a. I can describe how water, nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorous
b. I can identify the reservoirs of nitrogen, phosphorous and carbon.
c. I can describe how living organisms assimilate and release the
different nutrients in each cycle.
d. I can explain the role of bacteria in the nitrogen cycle.
e. I can explain how the phosphorous cycle is local.
f. I can describe the role of photosynthesis, and cellular respiration
in the carbon cycle.
6. I can explain why toxic compounds usually have the greatest effect on the
top-level carnivores.
7. I can summarize the impact of increased CO2 on global warming.
I can describe the causes and consequences of ozone depletion.
Focus questions:
1 Explain why energy flow and nutrients cycle.
2. What is the 10% rule?
3. What is more sustainable for the planet if humans feed as primary or secondary
consumers? Explain.
4. What is the difference between a pyramid of numbers, biomass and energy?
What is the purpose of using such pyramids?
5. Identify the following with regard to the Nitrogen, Carbon, Water and
phosphorus cycles
a. reservoirs
b. assimilation into plants
c. assimilation into animals
d. release from plants and animals
6. What is the difference between gross and net primary productivity?
7. What is the difference between damage to the ozone layer and global warming?
Once you take the footprint, find 3 specific ways you could lower it. Re-do this quiz applying these
changes and report the difference you can expect to see if you make these changes.
Complete POGIL
___________Ecological Pyramids
___________Chemical Cycles