Major Events: Jan 1, 1920 – Prohibition becomes the law


Major Events:

Jan 1, 1920 – Prohibition becomes the law

Immigration Act (Johnson-Reed Act)

Warren G. Harding elected President

Charles Lindbergh makes solo flight across the Atlantic

Marcus Garvey begins back to Africa movement

KKK marches on Washington D.C.

Fordney-McCumber Tariff passed

Nellie Ross elected governor

“The Jazz Singer” opens in theaters

Ford Motor Co. stops production of Model T

Coolidge vetoes McNary-Haugen Bill

Harlem Renaissance begins

Calvin Coolidge becomes president

Income Tax rate lowered to 25%

The Scopes Trial begins

Emergency Quota Act passed

Teapot Dome Scandal

Sheppard Towner Act

U.S. fails to ratify Treaty of Versailles

The Great Mississippi River Flood

October 29, 1929 – The Stock Market crashes

Minor Events:

Claude McKay writes If We Must Die

First Commercial Radio Broadcast made

19 th Amendment passed

Harding dies in office

Sacco and Vanzetti executed

Ford Motor Co. reduces price of Model T to $260

Congress passes Federal Highway Act

Coolidge elected President

Hoover elected President

Museum of Modern Art opens in NYC

Stalin assumes power in Russia

Mussolini becomes dictator of Italy

Coolidge decides not to run for re-election

Ernest Hemingway publishes The Sun Also Rises

F. Scott Fitzgerald publishes The Great Gatsby

Sinclair Lewis publishes Babbit

T.S. Elliot writes The Waste Land

“Wings” becomes first movie to win Academy Award

2 nd Palmer Raid

Five Power Naval Treaty created

Dawes Plan ratified

Kellogg-Briand Pact proposed

St. Valentine’s Day Massacre

Adolf Hitler helps to organize Nazi Party

Bessie Smith records first album

France hosts first Winter Olympics

Babe Ruth hits 60 homeruns in one season

First Mickey Mouse cartoon opens in theatres

The Polygraph is invented

Pop up Toaster invented

Bread Slicer invented

Gertrude Ederle swims English Channel

Jack Dempsey loses Heavy Weight Title to Gene Tunney

Red Grange scores 6 touchdowns in U of I victory over Michigan

Bobby Jones wins first of 13 golf Major Titles

Kool-Aid invented

Band-Aids invented

Hair Dryer invented
