KARABUK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Letters English Language and

Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature
Undergraduate program
Course Syllabus
: Fall Semester 2012
Course Code
: ELIT 305
Course Title: Research Techniques
Course Pre-Requisite(s): There is no strict Prerequisite requirement for this course, yet the students
are recommended to take Research Technique before
they take this course in order that they will easily
grasp this course.
Course Level : Second Year, 1st semester
Course Co-Requisite(s) :
Lecture Time :
ECTS Credit
: 3/5
Academic Staff Specifics
Assist. Prof. Dr.
Number and
Office Hours
E-mail Address
Prerequisites by topics:
Course Description:
The course aims at increasing students’ understanding of research techniques. Our research
would not be possible without the help and co-operation of other people. If we expect people
to continue helping us, we should treat them with honesty and respect. Disruption to a
participant’s life should be kept to a minimum. Nobody knows who the researcher is and what
s/he is doing. This type of work can give research a bad name and has personal safety
implications for the researcher and for the people with whom she comes into contact.
Aims of the Course (Course Objectives) are:
To learn the historical and aesthetic contexts relevant to selected literary texts from the
To practice reading with understanding literary texts from the period.
To improve skills in talking and writing about the literary texts of the period.
To discover how to find and use critical materials relevant to the period.
To foster the development of higher cognitive functions.
To integrate the wisdom of the past into contemporary world views.
Course Learning Outcomes
Having completed this course successfully, the students shall be able to
get an understanding of the historical and aesthetic contexts relevant to selected
literary texts from the period.
read literary texts from the period with understanding.
talk and write about the literary texts of the period.
Tentative Weekly Schedule
Basic and support
material to be
Homework/reports and their due
Introduction to the course: Definition of a research,
how to be an ethical researcher
How to define your project
Characteristics of Research
The research process
Characteristics of objectives, indentifying variables
and invariables
Preparing the research Design
Methods of primary Data Collection
Research about how to prepare a
Preparation of an example data
collection exercise
Mid-Term Exam
Experimental methods
Determining sample design
Determining of preparation of a questionnaire
Styles of data collection
Processing and Analysing data
Final Exam
A draft preparation about data
Core Reading:
Perkins CM (1991). A study to investigate experienced teachers Job satisfaction and the
teachers’ perception of their principals’ leadership style.Doctoral Dissertation.The University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Rossberg JI, Eiring, Q, Friis S (2004). Work environment and job satisfaction. Work
environment and job satisfaction: A psychometric evaluation of the Working Environment
Scale-10. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol.39:576-580
Weiss DJ, Dawis RV, England GW, Lofquist LH (1967).Manual for the Minnesota
Satisfaction Questionnaire. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Industrial Relations
Assessment methods:
Presentations, Exams
Grading policy
Class participation and Presentations
Up to 10 %
Mid-Term Exam
Up to 30 %
Final Exam
Up to 60 %
Expected workload:
On average students need to spend 2-3 hours of study and preparation for each 50-minute
Students are expected not only to come to classes regularly and on time with their necessary
documents but also to read beforehand the relevant documents, since this course will be partly
in a form of classroom discussions. The classroom language is English, and the use of any
other languages shall not be allowed. No assigned works such as class activity, homework,
term work and so on will be accepted after the stated deadline.
Plagiarism is the act of stealing somebody’s work or idea and then of trying to pass it off
as original. This is an offence and crime requiring the punishment not only across the world
but also at IUS. If the student takes or summarizes someone’s written works or ideas, s/he
must give the full citation in her/his assignment.
Attendance policy:
Absence from lectures and tutorials shall not exceed 30%. Students who exceed the limits
without a medical or emergency excuse acceptable to and approved by the Dean of the
relevant faculty shall not be allowed to take the final examination and shall receive a mark of
zero for the course. If the excuse is approved by the Dean and the program coordinator, the
student shall be considered to have withdrawn from the course.