midterm study guide violence in america spring 2013 professor

Midterm Review: Below you will find the review questions for our midterm exam, which
will be Wednesday March 20th.
Review Questions: Your midterm will consist of 4 questions, drawn from the material
provided below. The exam covers material on the class schedule from the beginning of the
semester through the week of March 18th.
To prepare, I recommend that you draft answers to each study question, using the materials,
lectures, links, and readings assigned to date. I am interested in your critical analysis, but be sure
to demonstrate that you have read the materials assigned, including the lectures, materials posted
on website, and films viewed in class. As you look at the questions I list below, you will notice
that your answers require two things: (1) knowledge of the facts needed to answer the question,
and (2) critical thinking skills.
1. Highlight the key assumptions of each of the following theories of violence causation: biological,
psychological, sociological, and classical theories. Which theory or combination of theories do
you prefer? Why?
2. According to Stephen Leavitt’s article, Understanding Why Crime Rates Fell in the1990’s:Four
Factors that Explain the Decline and Six that Do Not there were four factors that explained it and
six that did not. Tell me which four and why he thought so. Also give me the six factors he did
not feel were relevant and why. Do you agree or disagree and why?
3. Explain the link—if any-- between various forms of substance abuse ( alcohol,
marijuana, cocaine/crack, meth, heroin, prescription drugs, date rape/ club drugs)
and violent crime?
4. Describe the characteristics of homicide offenders and victims (age, gender, race, location,
ect.)What do we learn by examining these characteristics? Is it possible to accurately profile
potential murderers ( including mass murderers and serial/spree killers) using this information,
along with other background data? Give an example of each type mentioned above and explain
the connection to profiling based on the materials we have reviewed.
5. Three important principles in the assessment process of offenders are risk, needs, and
responsivity. Research by Andrews and Bonta (1998) and Gendreau, Little, and Goggin
(1996) have identified eight major risk factors associated with criminal conduct. What are these 8
factors and which ones are dynamic? Which are static? What is the difference?
6. What is the meaning of false positive? What is the meaning of false negative? Explain fully and
which do you think is worse and what are the potential drawbacks of each?
7. Explain actuarial and clinical assessment. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each? Be
sure to use the assigned reading material to back up your answer.
8. What are UCR, NCVS and NIBRS? Explain each of these sources of data and the advantages
and disadvantages of each.
9. Explain the three perspectives on criminal violence, criminological, criminal justice and public
health. Which of these or combination do you prefer and why?
10. According to your textbook Criminal Violence, define the term tripartite approach and give
examples of how it relates to violence.
11. In reviewing the report, Does Strengthening Self-Defense Law Deter Crime or Escalate Violence?
Evidence from the Castle Doctrine as well as the article from The Tampa Bay Times on the
Florida “stand your ground law” what are the major findings in each? Do you agree or disagree?
12. Define mass murder and serial homicide and explain the difference between the two. Give an
example of each type that was discussed in class, making sure to give the characteristics of the
offender which distinguish them as one or the other.
13. Ted Bundy gave a final interview on the eve of his execution. During that interview how does he
attempt to explain his behavior and what is your perception of this explanation?