Evaluation Procedure

Lesson Plan for three different classes 10th grade Algebra, and 11th & 12th grade PreCalculus. Objective is to use electronic clickers to collect student’s response to questions
which are presented to them to see if the whole class is correctly understanding the
material. 11/02/2011
Instructor’s Name: Peter Paliwoda
Course Title: Math (Algebra II and Pre Calculus)
Unit: Deriving math equations
Topic: iInstruction clicker questions for 10th, 11th, 12th grades
10th Linear Equations & Functions (chapter 2.1)
11th Review of chapter 1 questions on pg. 117
12th Analyzing Graphs of Functions (chapter 1.5)
Grade Level: 10-12
The lectures often deal on the board explanations and calculations done in notebook. This
lesson’s purpose is to motivate the students to problem solving by making this almost like a TV
show game. Students are given clicker devices on which they can key-in their answers which are
displayed using eInstruction software and projected on the wall. For each grade (10th, 11th and
12th) there are separate questions depending on the topic each class is covering. Topics are listed
above in the “Topic” section.
NJ State Standards: NJ.5.3. Mathematical Applications: All students will integrate
mathematics as a tool for problem-solving in science, and as a means of expressing and/or
modeling scientific theories. NJ.5.1. Scientific Processes: All students will develop problemsolving, decision-making and inquiry skills, reflected by formulating usable questions and
hypotheses, planning experiments, conducting systematic observations, interpreting and
analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and communicating results.
Instructional Goal(s):
The goal is to motivate students in problem solving by making the task fun through using
clickers making the activity more like a game rather than just work. In detail the goal is also to
teach the students topics listed in the “Topic” section above.
Performance Objective:
The students will answer questions listed on the board. Because eInstruction software has the
ability to track how many students got the answer correct the teacher can review a topic if one or
many students give wrong answers.
Lesson Content:
Students will:
 Answer questions presented on the board (questions are fill in the blank and multiple
 Participate in problem solving, work can be done in students notebooks.
Time frame for the Lesson:
Time Frame of Activity
5 mins
30 mins
5 mins
30 mins
Activity to be performed
Introduce the topic
Students answer questions using clickers
Teacher reviews problems that were answered wrong
Students go back to problem solving and teacher reviews
questions when necessary depending on how the students perform.
Instructional procedures:
a. Focusing event –Students will be asked about certain areas that have to do with the
b. Bridge/ Connections – Students will treat problem solving as a game rather than just
c. Teaching procedures – Present questions from the relative chapter and review questions
that were answered wrong.
d. Formative check – The teacher will be observing for independence of the student to
perform the calculations. In addition, the teacher will question students while they are
doing the calculation if they have a good understanding of what is being asked of them.
For instance, asking them how they arrived at their answer.
e. Student participation- The students will be working individually or in pairs.
f. Interdisciplinary connections – This activity integrates technology with science. The
students will learn to appreciate the use of the clickers as a good communication tool.
g. Closure- Teacher reviews most important things to take from each chapter.
Evaluation Procedure:
The student evaluations will be done based on in class discussions and correctness of their
answers. If majority of the class lacks the understanding of the concepts, the teacher needs to
spend more time explaining the topic and use different examples.
Materials and Aids:
The lab will require 1 PC or laptop with eInstruction software running on it, clickers that will be
handed out to students, USB receiver that communicates with each cliker and questions that are
attached with this lesson plan.
Students will need:
10th grade: Algebra 2 Michigan Edition, 2008, ISBN: 0618923939, by Larson, Boswell,
Kanold, and Stiff; McdougalLittell Publishing
11th and 12th grade Pre-Calc: Precalculus, 2007, seventh edition ISBN : 13-978-0-61864345-5, by Larson and Hostetler. Houghton Mifflin Publishing