Characteristics of a Christian Leader

Characteristics of a Christian Leader
Chosen: I am a chosen child of God
The starting point for any Christian leader is discipleship. A Christian
leader leads from God’s love, not for God’s love. I lead from knowing
that I am a child of God, that he deeply loves me and accepts me; I don’t
have to earn his love and therefore I am free to serve. It doesn’t matter
what others think of me; it doesn’t matter what I think of me; what
matters is what God thinks of me. (1 Cor 4.3,4)
 Prayer is the foundation of my leadership
 I seek to obey Jesus’ commands
 I study the Bible to know God more deeply
A Christian call to leadership is the bringing together of a passion, gifting and opportunity under God. Your
gifts can be discerned by combining your Spiritual gifts, Heart’s desire, Abilities, Personality, Experience
I need to know how God has shaped me and how he wants to use me.
Character is foundational to everything. You can be a gifted person, a talented leader … but without godly
character it all falls apart. Character shines through in how we treat people on a day-to-day basis, who we
are when we are under pressure and when no-one else is looking. Just as he who called you is holy, be holy
in all you do. (1 Peter 1.15) Character is important because people won’t follow those they can’t trust.
People model themselves on their leaders.
I meet with a person to whom I am accountable
Competence: … builds on Chosen, Call and Character
1. A Christian leader takes responsibility for their own life: money, time, thoughts, emotions,
responsibilities, organization, … .Watch your life and your doctrine (1 Timothy 4.16)
2. A Christian leader is committed to articulating and implementing God’s mission as the goal for their
3. A Christian leader invests in and grows other disciples, especially leaders.
4. A Christian leader takes responsibility for the mission they have been given to lead.
I am committed to growing in competence as a leader
Christian leadership is not meant to be solo, but as part of a team, where the gifts of the team complement
and balance one another. Christian leaders will submit themselves to learn from others and work with
others for the common goal of bringing glory to God.
I am committed to growing as a team leader
Mavis Payne 2014
Personal Leadership Goals
SU values investing in the development of volunteer leaders. Establishing
leadership goals is a means of being stretched to grow as a leader and to be
held accountable for your leadership development. The five characteristics of
Christian leaders is borrowed from James Lawrence, Growing Leaders.
1. Describe the leader you want to be. Identify any specific areas you feel you need to work
on and improve as a Director.
2. Chosen: A Christian leader leads from God’s love, not for God’s love. It doesn’t matter
what others think of me; it doesn’t matter what I think of me; what matters is what God
thinks of me. I lead from knowing that I am a child of God, that he deeply loves me and
accepts me; I don’t have to earn his love and therefore I am free to serve.
What things matter to me more than God’s love?
3. As a Christian leader, prayer is the foundation of my leadership; I seek to obey Jesus’
commands; I study the Bible to know God more deeply; I meet with a person to whom I am
accountable. What spiritual disciplines do I want to develop to strengthen being a disciple of
Mavis Payne 2014
4. Call: A Christian call is the bringing together of a passion, gifting and opportunity under
God. A Christian leader needs to know how God has shaped them and wants to use them.
How can I identify, grow and develop the gifts God has given me?
5. Character is foundational to everything. You can be a gifted person, a talented leader …
but without godly character it all falls apart. Character shines through in how we treat
people on a day-to-day basis, who we are when we are under pressure and when no-one
else is looking. Just as he who called you is holy, be holy in all you do (1 Peter 1.15)
Character is important because people won’t follow those they can’t trust; people model
themselves on their leaders.
What areas of my life do I want to be transformed so I am a more godly leader?
6. Competence: A Christian leader takes responsibility for their own life: money, time,
thoughts, emotions, responsibilities, organization, … .
What areas of my life do I need to develop? How will I work on these?
7. A Christian leader is committed to God’s mission as the goal for their team.
How can I grow my capacity to lead the team as a missional community?
8. A Christian leader invests in and grows other disciples, especially leaders.
What strategies can I put in place to identify and grow others in my team?
Mavis Payne 2014
9. Community: Christian leadership is not meant to be solo, but a team experience where the
gifts of the team complement and balance one another. Christian leaders will submit
themselves to learn from others and work with others for the common goal of bringing glory
to God.
What areas do I find difficult when leading with others? How can I develop these areas of
my leadership?
10. What are three key things I will act upon from the above reflections?
Mavis Payne 2014