Poodwaddle Population Clock Name__________________

Poodwaddle Population Clock
http://www.poodwaddle.com/Stats/ Name_________________
1. What is the population of the world?
2. Which are more, male or female?
3. How many people were born today?
4. How many people died today?
5. What part of the world has the most people?
6. What is the population of the United States?
7. What injury has killed the most people?
8. How many people have died from war this year?
9. What infectious diseases have killed the most people?
10. What non communicable diseases have killed the most people?
11. How many people have starved to death (nutritional deficiencies) today?
12. What kinds of diseases have infected the most people?
13. What is happening to the manmade CO2 levels and the world’s temperature?
14. How many barrels (bbl) of crude oil have been produced so far today?
15. Which animal has the highest number being slaughtered?
16. What is the national debt of the United States?
17. What does the gross world product measure?
18. How many people have been murdered (homicide) around the world?
19. How many people have been victimized by ID fraud in the United States?
20. Write down some good news?
– 26. Write a paragraph!!!!! Describe how many people live in the world and how fast the world’s
population is growing. Use complete sentences. Give 3 examples or details. Assume the reader is not familiar with the topic.
Write at least 5 sentences.
Sentence 1: Introduce your topic. What are you going to be writing about? ___________________________________________
Sentence 2: Define your topic or give your opinion. _______________________________________________________
Sentence 3: Give an example or a detail about your topic and explain why it is important (you might need 2 sentences) ___________
Sentence 4: Give another example or detail about your topic and explain why it is important (you might need 2 sentences)__________
Sentence 5: Give another example or detail about your topic and explain why it is important (you might need 2 sentences)_______