No Name Lecture/Workshop Description Rudi Vranckx Het gezicht

Rudi Vranckx
Het gezicht van de oorlog
War correspondents are a special breed, and Rudi Vranckx is no
exception. The 52-year old television journalist has become known
for his daring reporting from conflict zones around the world. He’s
covered armed conflicts in the Gulf, former Yugoslavia, Israel and
Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The title of his lecture is ‘The face of war’ which has been an
ongoing title for some time now, but he keeps refreshing it,
adapting to the actual conflicts. His rich experience in war reporting
makes the lecture definitely something that you wouldn’t want to
Jean-Philippe Bouillon
Selected reactions in organosilicon
Basic principles in organosilicon chemistry
Main organosilicon functions
Synthesis and reactions of silyl ethers
Kris Bernaerts
Wound care, back to basic
How to start a wound care project in Congo with very limited
resources ? The lecture gives an overview on the results of a fiveyear project
Nigl Klaus
Topic 1: Linseed Oil Topic 2:
FODMAP - the Austrian way
Linseed oil
Flax is an ancient crop. Since thousands of years well known in
Iran, this crop spread from Egyt to Europe. Flax is used as fibrous
plant as well as oil plant. Dependent on the designated use several
species have been cultivated. Linseed is distinguished by the high
amount of linolenic acid. This fatty acid plays an important role in
the prevention of heart diseases. Especially the ratio from linolenic
acid to linoleic acid is relevant. Linolenic acid is instable in face of
high temperatures. Anyway some recipes charge to heat linseed
oil. There are barriers and chances that effect the dispersal of
linseed oil.
Recipe composition and cooperation between local manufacturers
and scientists may help delivering innovative and healthy products
containing linseed oil. As olive oil is well known in the southern part
of Europe because of its taste and fatty acid composition, linseed
oil could play a more important role in colder climate regions in
The FODMAP concept is well known in australia. Fermentable
Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols
are avoided. An austrian group of dietitians and medical doctors
tried to move the concept towards Austria. Typical austrian food
has been analysed and the FODMAP content was compared with
the data from Australia. A concept of treatment has been developed
including medical treatment and dietary treatment for both patients
with irritable bowel syndrome and people working within the
medical and dietetic therapy.
Travaux pratiques de Microbiologie
Etude de tests qui permettent l'identification des bactéries :
métabolisme bactérien et pouvoir hémolytique.
Goalsetting at 8000 meter
Climbing 8000m peaks is all about preparation, physical endurance
but most of all, mental focus...
Evelyne Menne
Stef Maginelle
Daniela Wewerka-Kreimel
Project GAAS – Project to promote
health competences in NEETyouth
Barbara Kohlmaier
Nutrition in the elderly
Basic lecture for dietetic and nursing students.
Wat is giftig? Inleiding in de
algemene toxicologie.
In de lezing zal eerst worden besproken wanneer een stof giftig
genoemd kan worden, en zullen als voorbeeld enkele bijzonder
giftige stoffen worden voorgesteld. Maar in onze samenleving
speelt met name de chronische toxiciteit van bepaalde stoffen een
grote rol. Daarbij kan het gaan om accumulatie van de stoffen zelf
in ons lichaam, zoals bij lood, maar ook om accumulatie van
beschadigingen aan het DNA die uiteindelijk kunnen leiden tot het
ontstaan van kanker. Vervolgens zal worden gekeken naar welke
stoffen verantwoordelijk zijn voor een acute vergiftiging bij kinderen
en volwassenen.
10. Manuela Graf
The making of Tissue Micro Arrays
Tissue Micro Arrays are gaining importance within Research
Settings but also within Routine laboratories. The power of a TMA
to deliver results on a vast mix of samples in one Paraffin block is
massive. I would like to Show how a TMA is made and what steps
Need to be done in the preparation Phase and what Needs to be
considered after completing the block.
11. Christine Lockey
The history of public health in the
A short description of the evolution of public health in the UK.
“The truth is rarely pure and never
simple” Philosophy of science at
I would like to talk about selected topics from the philosophy of
science. The aim would be to probe students to think differently
about certain aspects of science. These topics will most likely
receive attention in the lecture: inductive and deductive reasoning,
logic reasoning, falsification, causation. If certain aspects are
already being taught in one of more of your curricula, it would be
good if you can inform me about this.
How to calculate food climate
effects in meu planning tools ?
The potential of climate improvements from better selection of meal
components is considerable, considering that food consumption
accounts for 25% of the consumer driven climate effects in
Paschal Oude Weerning
Patrick Uiterweerd
13. Mette Grefsrud Persson
Sweden, and that 3 million meals are being served in the public
sector every day.
The project “Climate data for conscious choice of food raw
materials” was supported by the region of Västra Götaland and a
number of organizations serving public meals to establish a
database from which municipalities, city councils and regions can
systematically track the climate effects from raw materials.
The project objective has been to implement a climate module
within the meal planning tools that are used today for the planning
of public meals.
14. Marianne Nielsen
Digital imaging
A lecture (Title: Denmark here I come....) on exchange possibilities
to Denmark for Biomedical laboratory scientist and maybe nurses.
A workshop for the Biomedical laboratory science students as part
of the BLS week.
15. Pedro González Muniesa
Twenty-First Century Nutrition:
Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics
The world is evolving rapidly and science with it. In this sense, a
new concept based on the "omics" techniques has been developed,
Personalized Nutrition or Precise Nutrition. This concept is the
future of Nutrition and Medicine as many countries have assured.
New ideas how information
technology can help health care
and ageing
In workshop information technology students from Lahti and health
care students from Leuven do together (via Adobe Connect Pro ACP) a teamwork generating new ideas for health care with IT
support. Teams will introduce their work for each other via ACP at
the end of the workshop.
Presentation of Biomedical
laboratory science programme
I will give a lecture on the programme, and the pedagogic projects I
have currrently, development of an OSPE (objective structured
practical examination).
Marianne Matilainen
17. Catharina Hultgren
I will also take part in a workshop we suggest to "Investigate and
compare laboratory diagnostic methods in countries with similar or
different social-economical conditions" or "quality assurance in an
international perspective".
18. Eva Sillerström
Workshop : Investigate and
compare laboratory diagnostic
methods in countries
"Investigate and compare laboratory diagnostic methods in
countries with similar or different social-economical conditions"
"quality assurance in an international perspective"
19. Jan van Stam
Colloids, Emulsions, and
Macromolecules. Examples of
Applied Physical Chemistry
Physical chemistry is something you encounter in several scientific
fields, among which chemistry, physics, pharmacy, and
biotechnology should be mentioned.In my lecture, I will give
examples of applied physical chemistry for systems characterised
by their small size, at least in one dimension.
20. Jo Thomas
21. Martin Buxbaum
Presentation Techniques
Focus on three main aspects: the audience, body language,
question handling.
Kirsten Neymark
Being a trainee in Denmark –
Possibilities at MUC, Department
The workshop would cover a presentation of Denmark,
Metropolitan University College, the Danish nurse education and
Exchange possiblities.
Lacerda Nobre, Angela
Do-it-yourself global citizenship:
just do it
Be ready,
Life is a risky business.
Bet on secure assets
And on safe heavens.
Fight for lost causes;
You can never fail.
No matter how small,
Your contribution is always a plus.
Be ready,
Stick to larger than life projects.
Be ready,
Just do it.
Sigita Svediene
The place of soil analysis in the
environment monitoring
Mirjam Palsma
Communicatie in de zorg
Climate change, environmental pollution are terrible problems of
our days. Environmental monitoring becomes more and more
actual in each country. The soil pollution control is a part of
environment monitoring. Soil is one of the important components of
each urban habitats. Specialists in various areas unanimously
agree that the chemical composition of the soil affects human
health. In particular focus on the heavy metals in the soil, as they
and other non-biodegradable compounds accumulate in the soil for
centuries, with heavy rainfall falls to ground and surface waters,
with vegetables and fruit grown, inhaling dust go directly into the
human body.
26. Danuta Gajewska
DASH diet in the prevention and
management of hypertension
After complete the course students will be able to identify nutritional
risk factor related to hypertension and to plan diet based on DASH
diet eating plan.
Obesity and overweight, the
current epidemic
Causes, consequences, therapy and prevention of obesity
Minse de Bos Kuil
Treatment of diabetes type 2 - meal
planing with exchange list system
Type 2 diabetes is now one of the most common health problems
worldwide. Adequate nutrition is a prerequisite for the success of
therapy: normalization of glucose level and other biochemical
parameters, as well as the prevention of complications of the
disease. At the workshop, students will learn about dietery
treatment of diabetes and will plan the adequate menu for patients
with diabetes using dietary exchanger system.
29. Serge Pieters
History and perspectives of the
Space Food program
The interest of this topic is to inform students about the
development of the space food program from the first meal of Youri
Gagarine to the actual menu in the International Space station. To
describe the nutritional problem of a long journey in space. And
explain our work at ESA to develop the MELiSSA program, short
for Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative, is an artificial
ecosystem to recover food, water and oxygen from waste, carbon
30. Jan Van Ende
"Pathogenetische studies /
Lichaamsgebeuren en neurose"
Viktor von Weizsäcker (1886-1957), Duits internist, neurofysioloog,
psychotherapeut en filosoof staat bekend als grondlegger van de
medische antropologie. Met aandacht voor het medisch denkkader
van de natuurwetenschappen (het “ontische”) maar tegelijk, steeds
bereid dit objectieve weten achter zich te laten, zoekt hij naar
nieuwe sporen, andere invalshoeken, andere mogelijkheden. Hierin
probeert hij de zieke en zijn ziek-zijn te laten spreken, vanuit het
passionele van het leven en gericht op het in beweging zetten van
de pathologie (het “pathische”).
Von Weizsäcker probeert zowel het lichamelijke proces te
interpreteren door het psychobiografische als het
psychobiografische doorheen het lichamelijke.
Wat is ziek zijn? Hoe staat de zieke in zijn ziekte? In welke
wederkerige wisselwerking verhouden psyché en soma zich? Wat
is de betekenis van het ziek-zijn in de geschiedenis van het subject
? Hoe kunnen we de ‘psycho- somatiek’ denken?... zijn slechts
enkele van de vragen die zijn oeuvre tekenen en hem drijven in zijn
werk als geneesheer.
Joanna Myszkowska-Ryciak
Het ontische en het pathische, de crisis en de beslissing zijn
centrale begrippen in het werk van Viktor von Weizsäcker. Aan de
hand van drie casussen (diabetes mellitus, braken en een geval
van hemiplegie) proberen we deze begrippen duidelijk te stellen en
zoeken we naar een betekenis in deze particuliere manier van ziek
31. Mohammed Ridouani
Dealing with interculturality
32. Peter Plasqui
An experience of a first mission
with MSF: Alhamdulillah.
Plasqui brengt een zelfgemaakte film die een ervaring weergeeft
van een eerste missie met artsen zonder grenzen. De kijker krijgt
niet zozeer de kant van het slachtoffer maar eerder het perspectief
van een hulpverlener te zien. Het gaat om een soort verfilming van
het dagboek van Plasqui.
33. Mieke De Pril
Pain? Not only medication…The
role of the nurse in palliative care.
In this lesson/workshop you can learn what is total pain, how you
can do an assessment, how to manage chronic malignant pain,
how you can give morphine, how much you can give for
breakthrough pain and incidental pain, how you can switch from
one medication to another, how you can give the most comfort in a
palliative situation,…
34. Herman Baerten
Belgian law on euthanasia
Belgium is one of the 3 countries in the world having a law on
euthanasia. During this presentation, the conditions and procedure
of this law will be explained. Problem issues, based on practical
cases, will be discussed as well.
35. Katrien Ruytjens
Introduction to health ethics and
ethics of care
End of life decisions confront us with challenging ethical and
existential questions. In this lecture, I will present –after a general
introduction in ethics- two major approaches in medical ethics.
Principal biomedical ethics is a dominant approach and provides us
with a framework for value clarification and value based decisions.
The lecture will give a historical insight with ample examples in the
ethical considerations regarding end-of-life decisions. In a second
part, the lecture will elaborate on the significance of emotions and
experiential ethics. The approach ‘Ethics of care’ focusses on a
nursing and caring approach, where vulnerability and reciprocity in
caring relationships is crucial.
36. Koen Devriendt
Why do Europeans get cystic
fibrosis and Africans sikkle cell
anemia? Evolution and medicine.
37. Jan Van Passel
Presentation of the Bachelor After
Bachelor Programme North-South