09-06-String Inputs

09-06-String Inputs
(Source IPC notes)
The functions that process string input are:
scanf() - input under format control
get_s() - line by line input (not universally implemented)
Formatted Input
The conversion specifiers for a string in scanf() are %s and %[].
The corresponding argument in each case is the address of the string to be populated from the input stream.
The %s conversion specifier – what does scanf do with %s
reads all characters until the first whitespace character – STOPS AT SPACE
stores the characters read in the char array identified by the corresponding argument
stores the null terminator in the char array after accepting the last character
leaves the delimiting whitespace character and any subsequent characters in the input buffer
For example of STOPS AT SPACE,
char name[31];
scanf("%s", name);
My name is Arnold
stops accepting input after the character y and stores
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M y \0
The characters ' name is Arnold' remain in the input buffer.
A qualifier on the conversion specifier limits the number of characters accepted. For instance, %10s reads no
more than 10 characters
char name[31];
scanf("%10s", name);
stopping after the character n and storing
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S c h w a r t z e n \0
By specifying the maximum number of characters to be read at less than 31, we ensure that scanf() does not
exceed the memory allocated for the string.
%s discards all leading whitespace characters.
For example,
char name[31];
scanf("%10s", name);
stops at n and stores
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S c h w a r t z e n \0
Because %s discards leading whitespace, it cannot accept an empty string; that is, %s does not treat a '\n' in
an otherwise empty input buffer as an empty string. If the buffer only contains '\n', scanf("%10s",
name) discards the '\n' and waits for non-whitespace input followed by another '\n'.
%[ ]
The %[] conversion specifier accepts input consisting only of a set of pre-selected characters. The brackets
contain the admissible and/or inadmissible characters. The symbol ^ prefaces the list of inadmissible
characters. The symbol - identifies a range of characters in an inclusive set.
For example, the %[^\n] conversion specifier
reads all characters until the newline ('\n')
stores the characters read in the char array identified by the corresponding argument
stores the null terminator in the char array after accepting the last character
leaves the delimiting character (here, '\n') in the input buffer
For example,
char name[31];
scanf("%[^\n]", name);
My name is Arnold
accepts the full line and stores
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n a m e
i s
A r n o l d \0
A qualifier on this conversion specifier before the opening bracket limits the number of characters
accepted. For instance, %10[^\n] reads no more than 10 characters.
char name[31];
scanf("%10[^\n]", name);
My name is Arnold
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n a m e
i s \0
We specify the maximum number of characters as the qualifier to ensure that scanf() does not store more
characters than room allows.
%[ ], like %s, ignores any leading whitespace characters.
For example,
char name[31];
scanf("%10[^\n]", name);
My name is Arnold
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
n a m e
i s \0
Because %[ ] ignores leading whitespace, it cannot accept an empty string; that is, %[^\n] does not treat a
'\n' in an otherwise empty input buffer as an empty string. If the input buffer only contains '\n',
scanf("%[^\n]", name), unlike %s, returns 0 and leaves name unchanged.
Line-Oriented Input (Optional)
The library function gets_s()
accepts an empty string
assumes no more than a specified number of characters
reads the '\n' as the delimiter
replaces the delimiter with the null terminator
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gets_s() takes two arguments.
The first argument specifies the address of the string to be filled. The second argument specifies the maximum
number of characters that can be stored including the null terminator. On success this function returns the
address of the string filled.
For example
// Read and
Display Lines
// gets_s.c
int main(void)
printf("First Name
: ");
printf("Last Name
: ");
First Name :
Last Name :
return 0;
This function's behavior if the user inputs a line longer than the allocated string is undefined. On a Windows
platform, the function crashes.
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Line-oriented input is useful in debugging. Consider a set of input lines some of which contain incorrect
input. A one-to-one correspondence exists between the lines of input data and the lines read by the
program. Even if the user inputs one line incorrectly, subsequent correct input may still be accepted. In other
words, incorrect input on one line does not cause incorrect reading of subsequent lines.
Ideally, line by line input should
store characters only to a specified maximum
accept an empty string
read the '\n' as the line delimiter
discard the delimiting character along with any characters that overflow memory
append the null terminator to the set of characters stored
The following code meets all of these conditions
// Custom Line-Oriented Input
// getline.c
#include <stdio.h>
// getline accepts a newline
// string s of up to max - 1
// adds the null terminator and
// the remaining characters in
the input
// buffer including terminating
char *getline(char *s, int n)
int i, c;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1 &&
(c =
getchar()) != EOF && c
!= (int)'\n';
s[i] = c;
s[i] = '\0';
while (n > 1 && c != EOF
&& c !=
c = getchar();
return c != EOF ? s :
First Name : Arnold
Last Name
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: Schwartzenegger
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int main(void)
char first_name[11];
char last_name[11];
printf("First Name : ");
getline(first_name, 11);
printf("Last Name : ");
getline(last_name, 11);
return 0;
This function, unlike gets_s() has well-defined behavior if the number of characters entered exceeds the
amount of memory available to store the string.
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