Chapter 1 – Organization of the body

Chapter 1 –
Organization of the body
An overview of Anatomy and
Anatomy  the study of the form, or
structure, of body parts and of how these parts
relate to one another.
Physiology  the functioning of the body’s
structural machinery; how the parts of the body
work and carry out their life sustaining energy.
i.e. the way the heart pumps blood and it’s effect on
the body
An overview of Anatomy and
Anatomy comes from the
Greek words “to cut
Anatomy is broken down
in to subdivisions
An overview of Anatomy and
Gross anatomy is the study of large body
i.e. heart, lungs, and kidneys
 can be seen without and examined w/o use of
magnifying instruments
 what we do when we dissect preserved animals or
An overview of Anatomy and
Regional Anatomy is the study of all the various
structures in one particular region
The abdominal area
Muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels
Systemic anatomy is when you examine the body system
by system
Cardiovascular system
Blood vessels
An overview of Anatomy and
Microscopic anatomy is the study of all the
structures too small to be seen w/o a
microscope aid
Take samples and place them on a slide to study
 2 sub-divisions
Cellular Anatomy – cells of the body
a.k.a - Cytology
Histology – the study of tissues
An overview of Anatomy and
Developmental Anatomy is the study of structural
changes in an individual from conception
through old age
Embryology is the developmental changes only
before birth
Pathological Anatomy is the study of structural
changes in body cells, tissues, and organs caused
by disease
Studied on gross and microscopic level
An overview of Anatomy and
Molecular Biology – the structure of molecules
necessary for body structure and function
Radiographical Anatomy is the study of anatomy
by x-rays
We are able to evaluate patients for bone disorders,
tumors and other conditions
An overview of Anatomy and
There are three things that are needed to study
 Manipulation
 Anatomical Terminology
An overview of Anatomy and
Physiology is also broken down in to
Renal Physiology deals with urine production and
kidney function
 Neurophysiology deals with the nervous system
 Cardiac physiology deals with operation of the heart
An overview of Anatomy and
Physiology usually focuses on the cellular or
molecular level
depends on the operation of the individual cells
which depends on the chemical reaction
Also uses principles of physics
i.e. electric currents, blood pressure
An overview of Anatomy and
The principle of complimentary of structure
and function
what a structure is capable of doing depends
critically on the its specific architecture
i.e. blood flows in one direction because the heart has
Hierarchy of structure
Simplest level of the structure is the chemical
Atom – the building block of matter
 Combine to form molecules
 Molecules form cells
Become specific
Hierarchy of structure
Cell Level
all cells can utilize nutrients and maintain their
 but certain types form more specialized features
 Examples?
Secrete mucus, conduct nerve impulses
Hierarchy of structure
Tissues become the next level of hierarchy
Composed of groups of cells
4 basic types of tissues
connective tissues
nervous tissue
Hierarchy of structure
The organ level
A discrete structure composed of at least two tissue
i.e. stomach
lining is an epithelium, which produces digestive juices, the bulk
is composed of muscle, connective tissues reinforce structure,
and nerve fibers provide stimulation for digestion
Hierarchy of structure
The organ system
Organ that cooperate and work closely together with
one another
Respiratory system
Lungs, bronchi, trachea etc
The Organismal level
Highest level of Organization
Represents the sum total of all the levels of complexity
working together to promote life