

Stellar Fuel, Nuclear Energy and Elements

• How do stars shine?

E = mc 2

• How did matter come into being?

Big bang  stellar nucleosynthesis

• How did different elements form?

Stars  Supernovae

• What is thermonuclear fusion ?

Synthesis of lighter atoms into heavier ones at high temperature-density

Nuclear Fusion: H  He p-p chain neutrino

Deuterium positron

Gamma-rays electron

P.S. No gamma rays produced in the p-p reaction itself

The Atomic and Sub-Atomic Zoo

• Atom  protons, electrons neutrons

• Atomic number (#protons)

• Atomic weight (#protons+neutrons)

• Hydrogen  1 H


• Deuterium  1 H


• Same element, different nuclei  isotopes

• Nuclear reactions  energy

Deuterium (Heavy Hydrogen) + Hydrogen

 Light Helium + gamma-rays (energy)

Final Product H-fusion : Ordinary He + Energy

Stellar Structure

For each layer:

Weight + Pressure Above = Pressure Below

Density and Temperature vs. Radius of Sun

Percentage Mass and Luminosity vs. Radius of Sun

Structure of the Sun: Three Zones

Core, Radiative, Convective

How long with the Sun last?

• What is its current state?

• What is its mass ?

• How much does it burn?

• How old is it?

Answer: Section 9.3

• And then what?

Future: Sun The Red Giant

• When the Sun can no longer burn

Hydgrogen in the core

• Core becomes helium dominated

• Star expands; H-burning in outer shell

• Triple-alpha nuclear reaction

• Three helium nuclei  carbon

• 4 He


 4



+ 4 He


+ 12 C


+ 4 He





12 C


+ 2 g

• Helium burning  Carbon/Oxygen core

Stellar Evolution – HR Diagram

Low Mass Stars: Protostar 

MS  RG  AGB  Pne  WD

High Mass Stars

MS  Cepheids / Supernovae

MS – Main Sequence

RG – Red Giant

AGB – Asymptotic Giant Branch

Pne – Planetary Nebulae

WD – White Dwarf

Sne – Supernovae

Nucleosynthesis and Stellar Evolution of low mass stars

• Red giants continue to eject outer layers and evolve along the Asymptotic Giant

Branch (AGB)

• AGB stars are left with the stellar core surrounded by a relatively thin sphere of hot gas which looks like planetary disk, and called Planetary Nebulae (PNe)

(nothing to do with planets per se)

• PNe cores continue to cool and become

White Dwarfs (94% stars end up as WDs)

Nucleosynthesis in High Mass Stars

• Nuclear fusion continues beyond C/O

• For example:

12 C


+ 16 O


 28 Si


28 Si


+ 28 Si


 56

• Radioactive Ni  Fe



 56 Fe


• Fusion beyond iron is endothermic; does not produce energy; stars out of fuel; gravity wins and……………….

The Supernova Onion

Stellar Death

• 1.44 M(Sun)  Chandrashekhar Limit

• If the WD mass is more than 1.4 times more massive than the Sun, it undergoes a gravitational collapse into a Neutron


• Electrons fall into nuclei (protons) e + p +  n o + n


• Gravitational collapse may continue; massive stars end up as neutron stars or black holes after supernova explosion

Cosmic Abundances

• Big Bang nucleosynthesis produced mainly: ~90% H, ~8% He (by number)

 primordial H, He abundances

• Not yet known accurately, even in the Sun

• To wit: C, N, O abundances revised downwards by 30-50% in the last decade

• What is the Sun made of?

• Cosmic abundances relative to the Sun
