Ilinua Phrasebook

Ilinua Phrasebook
Ilinua Council
Ilinua is a polysynthetic language.
This means that words are made up
multiple morphemes. Ilinua affixes
and compounds to create a great
number of words from a small base
declined, that is nouns can have endings
added that tell their function in a sentence.
This does not have to be done, but it can be.
If it is not done syntax is strictly SubjectObject-Verb. However, if a noun is declined
this word order can be broken.
Example: Tinta (ink)
Nominative (subject): Tintaat
Genitive (possessive): Tintael
Accusative (direct object): Tintaan
Prefix: goes in front of the root word.
Example: Bu- (not) Buszt (not yes; no).
Suffix: goes in the back of a root word.
Example: -ar (denoting male) Taar (male
one; he).
Infix: goes within a root word. Example: mam- (spoken by) Linguamamlondra
(language as spoken in London).
Circumfix: goes in front and back of a root
word. Example: El- -im (of God) Elkuoim
(Land of God)
Simulfix: One letter within the root is
changed. Example: Ars (art) Ans (painting).
New words are formed by adding two or
more words together. Example: Batkuo
(forest) [Lit. wood-land] {Bat wood Kuo
Dative (indirect object): Tintaav
The plural of the noun is formed, without
exception, by adding –en. If the noun is
declined the plural ending is added after the
declension ending. Example: Tintaen (inks).
If one wished to make a word or prefix into
a noun the nominal ending,-(e)le, is added.
This can also be added to form a standalone
adjective (as adjectives are generally used in
affixing, not as standalone words). Example:
Bomale (good) {boma- prefix meaning good
and –le} The rule for the addition of the
nominal creation ending is: if the affix or
word ends in a vowel (as is generally the
case) –le is added, whereas if the affix or
word ends in a consonant –ele is added.
All verbs end in –i. Conjugation is simple
and there are no irregular verbs. The endings
are the same for all pronouns.
Example of conjugation: Ai to love
Nouns have no definite endings. Nouns can
end in any letter expect for –i. Nouns can be
Present: Ais
Past perfective (completed): Aitt
Past imperfective (uncompleted;
began in the past and continue to the
present): Air
-ookanrin: neutral
iata-: other
Imperative: Aintt
Future: Aiz
Alphabet, Sounds, & Names
Optative (wish or want): Aik
A, a (ah) sounded as a in English
As with nouns words and affixes that are not
verbs can be made into verbs with the
addition of the affix, -(e)li. The same rule
governing the nominal creation governs the
verbal creation. Example: bomali to be good.
Adjectives, Adverbs, Conjunctions,
Prepositions, & Pronouns
Adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, and
prepositions generally act as affixes.
However, if one wished to have them stand
alone, suffixes exist for this function.
Adjective: -(e)le; adverb: -(e)lin;
conjunction: -(o)lo; preposition: -(a)la.
The root pronouns are not gender specific,
but may be made to be. Furthermore, the
root forms are all singular; -en is added to
the root to make the pronoun plural.
The root pronouns:
Vu: I
B, b (bah) sounded as b in English
D, d (dah) sounded as d in English
dad at the beginning and middle of words,
sounded as t in English to at the end of
E, e (uh) sounded as u in English hut.
H, h (huh) sounded as h in English
I, i (yee) sounded as ee in English
fee as a vowel, sounded as y in English you
as a consonant (i is a consonant only when it
occurs at the beginning of a word before a
K, k (kee) sounded as k in English
key when at the beginning and middle of a
word, sounded as g in English go at the end
of words.
L, l (lee) sounded as l in English line.
Vuvantni: you (formal)
Vuvant: you (informal)
M, m (mee) sounded as m in English
Ta: one/ it
Gender affixes:
N, n (nee) sounded as n in English
O, o (oh) sounded as o in English
-ar: male
me-: female
R, r (rah) sounded as r in English run.
S, s (soh) sounded as s in English
rose at the beginning, middle before a
consonant, and end of words, sounded as ss
in English hiss in the middle of words before
a vowel.
T, t (toh) sounded as t in English to,
at the beginning and middle of words,
silenced at the end of words.
Excuse me. Heleiboma vuan huh-luheeboh-mah voo-ahn
Sorry. Bubomavu
Language difficulties
Do you speak…? Vuvant(ni) … zalais?
voo-vahn(tnee) tsahleyes
Ilinua Ilinua eeleenooah
English Anlezala ahnluh-tsahlah
Th, th (thoh) sounded as th in
English thin.
U, u (oo) sounded as oo in English
Spanish Iberiazala eebuhr-eeahtsahlah
French Gelezala guhluh-tsahlah
V, v (vah) sounded as v in English
van at the beginning and middle before a
vowel, of words, sounded as w in English
war at the end and middle, before a
consonant, of a word.
German Duezezala doouhtsuh-
Z, z (tsoo) sounded as ts in English
cats at the start, middle before a vowel, and
end of words, sounded as z in English zone
in the middle of words before a consonant.
Do you understand? Vuvant(ni) kerebalis?
voovahn(tnee) kuhruh-bahlees
I (do not)… Vu voo
speak… (bu)zalais... (boo)-tsahleyes
understand. (bu)kerebalis. (boo)- kuhruhbahlees
Could you please… Delivikokua vuvant(ni)
duhlee-veekoh-kooah voovahn(tnee)
szt ssz
repeat that? Zalabueis? tsahlah-boo-uhees
buszt boossz
speak more slowly? Zalakankanis? tsahlahkahn-kahnees
Delivikokua duhlee-veekoh-
Hello. Aikun
Goodbye. Aiboma eye-bohmah
Zero (zéro) Eole uh-ohl-uh
One (un) I ee
Two (deux) Liank lee-ahng
Three (trois) San sahn
Four (quatre) Ithi eethee
Five (cinq) Ro roh
Six (six) Liu leeoo
Seven (sept) Hiku heekoo
Eight (huit) Ba bah
Nine (neuf) Eivva uh-ee-wah
Tomorrow Kvvakunsecelen kwah-koonsuh-cuh-luhn
This… Zata… tsahtah
morning lumkokun loom-koh-koon
afternoon faesokun fay-soh-koon
evening kakkun kahk-koon
Sunrise Julumkokeu joo-loom-koh-kuhoo
Ten (dix) Zab tsahb
Sunset Kudulumkokeu koo-doo-loom-kohkuhoo
Eleven (onze) Zabi tsahbee
Winter dutenk dootuhng
Fifteen (quinze) Zabro tsahbroh
Spring Zuntenk tsoon-tuhng
Twenty (vingt) Liazab liahtsahb
Summer Hatenk hah-tuhng
Thirty (trente) Sanzab sahn-tsab
Autumn Ziotenk tseeoh-tuhng
One hundred (cent) Zazab tsah-tsahb
Sunday Ikun eekoon
One thousand (mille) Zazazab tsah-tsahtsahb
Monday Liakun leeahkoon
One million (million) Zazazazazazab tsahtsah-tsah-tsah-tsah-tsahb
Tuesday Sankun sahnkoon
Wednesday Ithikun eetheekoon
Time & Date
Thursday Rokun roh-koon
What time is it? Shenmaniaz kokuais?
shuhn-mah-nee-ahts kokooeyes
Friday Liukun leeoo-koon
It is (ten) o’clock. (Zab) niaz kokuais. (tsahb)
nee-ahts koh-koo-eyes
Yesterday Ulikun oolee-koon
Today Zatakun tsahtah-koon
Now Simdi seem-dee
Tonight Zatanakhtt tsahtah-nahk-ht
Saturday Hikukun heekookoon
January Iak ee-ahg
February Liaak leeah-ahg
March Sanak sahn-ahg
April Ithiak eethee-ahg
May Roak roh-ahg
June Liuak leeoo-ahg
July Hikuak heekooahg
August Baak bah-ahg
May I stay here? Vu simdizenkialis
zatacarokho? voo seemdee-tsuhn-keeah-lees
September Eivvaak uh-ee-wah-ahg
I would like to… Vu makis… voo mahkees
October Zabak tsahbahg
withdraw Dirabori dee-rah-bohr-ee
November Zabiak tsahb-ee-ag
deposited Diraui dee-rah-oo-ee
December Zabliaak tsahb-leeah-ahg
save dirabubori dee-rah-boo-bohr-ee
Transportation, Accommodations,
Banking, &Communications
invest dirauitei dee-rah-oo-ee-t-uhee
Where is the…? Vokakuais…? voh-kahkoo-eyes
borrow dirasimdibori dee-rah-seemdee-bohr-ee
bank Uloaku ooloh-ahkoo
cash this check diraaki zataseaksha
dee-rah-ahkee tsah-tah-suh-ahk-shah
bus depot avtobuskuo ahv-toh-booskoo-oh
school Ansarauiian ahn-sahrah-ooee-ee-ahn
house Iian yeeahn
When does the bus leave? Niazavtobus
heleiz nee-ats-avtoh-boos huh-luh-eets
What is your address? Vuvant(ni)
Shenmadakkariian kakuais? voovan(tnee)
shuhn-mah-dahk-kahree-eeahn kah-kooeyes
What is your phone number? Vuvant(ni)
Shenmadakkarteleon kakuais?
voovahn(tnee) shuhn-mahd-ahk-kahr-tuhluh-ohn kah-koo-eyes
It is… (Ta) kakuais… tah kah-koo-eyes
Is there a room available? Beiian szhan
kakuais? buh-ee-eeahn ssz-hahn kah-kooeyes
Shopping, Food, Emergencies, &
How much is this? Shensoa zata? shuhnsoh-ah tsah-tah
I’ll buy it. Vu ta soaliz voo tah soh-ahleez
Will you take… for it? Vuvantni veta ...
boriz voovantnee vuhtah bohr-eez
I’ll find it cheaper elsewhere. Vu hanaaksha
vakikuo tivariz. voo hahnah-ahk-shah vahkeekoo-oh tee-vahr-eez
I want… Vu makis voo mahkees
Meat Kare kahruh
Vegetable kakad kah-kahd
Fruit bekezaliimaklikt buh-kuh-tsahlee-eem-ahk-leek
a sandwich Daiimakliktad dah-eeeemahk-lee-k-taht
Take these. Zataen bori. tsah-tah-uhn
coffee zenkiafaeso tsuhn-kee-ah-fay-
Feel better. Vuvant(ni) bomaloaais
Voovahn(tnee) bohmah-loh-ah-eyes
tea ninifaeso nee-nee-fay-soh
a water faeso fay-soh
Meeting People, Making
Conversation, Romance, & Farewells
a soda heleifaeso huh-luh-ee-fay-soh
Hello Aikun
Help! Elnim! uhl-neem
How are you? Bomavuvant(ni)?bohmahvoovahn(tnee)
Fire! Lumko! loom-koh
My… has been stolen …vuel bumakiboritt
voo-uhl boo-mah-kee-bohr-eet
Fine, and you? Bomavu, havuvant(ni)?
bohmah-voo hah-voovahn(tnee)
wallet tudarza too-dahr-tsah
What is your name? Shenmaisivuvant(ni)
purse vvetudarza wuh-too-dahr-tsah
My name is… Isivu… ee-see-voo
valuables Zalkaen tsahl-kah-uhn
I’m pleased to meet you.
Call the… Isilintt ees-eel-eent
police bubomaboridad boo-bohmahbohree-daht
This is my… Zata vuel… kakuais tsahtah
voo-uhl kah-koo-eyes
doctors bomazenkiadaden bohmahtsuhn-kee-ahdah-duhn
sibling Akt ahk
parent ada ahdah
I feel ill. Vu buboma loaais. voo boobohmah
friend Onk ohng
My…hurts. Vuel… aartis voo-uhl ah-ahrtees
spouse ishtil eeshteel
lover Aidad eyedaht
Head luz luts
child uku ookoo
Hand Sau sah-oo
business associate odionk ohdee-ohLeg rav rahv
Arm iiz yeets
What do you do? Vuvant shenmaaki?
voovahn shuhn-mah-ahkee
I am a… Vu … kakuais voo kah-koo-eyes
Good night. Bomanakhtt bohmah-nahk-ht
teacher ansarauidad ahn-sahrah-ooeedaht
student ansaraboridad ahn-sahrahboh-ree-daht
linguist Linuadad
How old are you? Shenmasada vuvant?
shuhn-mah-sah-ah-dah voo-vahn
I am … years old. Vu masada… voo
Are you single? Buaidad vuvant? boo-eyedaht voo-vahn
I am… Vu kakuais voo kahkooeyes
married ishti eeshtee
in a relationship loahandastt loh-ahhahn-dahst
a castrated monk buindikt niniren
boo-een-dee-kt neenee-ruhn
May I have… Vu loaaik loh-ah-eyeg
this dance. zadevile. tsah-duh-veeluh
Kiss me! Oshkintt vuan! ohshkeent voo-ahn
I love you. Vu vuvant ais voo voovahn eyes
I hate you. Vu vuvant odis voo voovahn odis
I have a terrible feeling I am about to turn
into a serpent, thus we best part ways. Vu
baza laoais savu heleshkais avakhalia, erko
vuen heleifati. Voo bahtsah lah-oh-eyes sahvoo huhluhsh-keyes ahvah-k-hahl-ee-ah uhrko voo-uhn huhluh-ee-fah-tee
Good bye. Bomazenkia bohmah-tsuh-kee-ah
I hope you have enjoyed this presentation of
the Ilinua phrasebook. Furthermore, I hope it
has afforded you some pleasure and a want
to use Ilinua. Thank you, R. Heckner.