Side 1 -

Planet Travel Brochure Project
Throughout the month of October, students will be working on creating
a travel brochure for the planet that they choose in class. This is the
final project for the solar system unit. Students will be doing research at
school during computer time, but are expected to do some research at
home as well. The project may be completed on the computer. The
Parents’ role in the project will be on the last page.
Due Date: 10-28-13
Primary Resource:
Project Guidelines: The brochure will be a 3-fold style brochure.
- As a guide, I have included a student brochure example
Side 1: Planet Title/ Tour Company Name / Student Name (BE
Side 2: Leave Blank
Side 3: Planetary Facts (from your research)
Side 3
Side 2
Side 1
Side 4: Tour Information (fictional)- What great things does your planet
have to offer? Do you offer planetary or cruises or expeditions to one of
your many moons? What food and activities are offered? You want to
do your best to sell your vacation! BE CREATIVE!!!
Side 5: Planet Pictures/Drawings (Both the whole planet and on the
surface if it has one)…ex. Jupiter is a gas giant, so maybe your resort is
on an orbiting platform or hovering city. Maybe you are doing a cruise
on Neptune or own a Hot Spring & Spa on Venus. BE CREATIVE!!!
Side 6: Travel cost, travel dates and times, phone number, contact info,
etc. Once again, BE CREATIVE, this is your business!
Side 1
Side 3
(on back)
Side 4
Side 5
Side 6
Side 2 (on
Grading: Students will be graded on effort, creativity,
planetary facts, overall completion of the brochure. *See
Parent Role: Parents are allowed to help their child with the
organization and layout aspects of the project. Your role is to
help your child understand the layout of the project (where
each section is and what information belongs in each) and to
coach and encourage them in creativity and hard work! Feel
free to help your child with spelling as well. For those students
who choose to complete this project on the computer, please
help them set the layout up (brochure layouts can be found in
Microsoft word under the brochure template). Students who
choose to not use a computer can use combinations of neat
writing (or cut out pieces of typed words), glued pictures, and
drawings to create their brochures.
-Please do not do the project for your child as this project
is a valuable time for student growth in research, sense of
accomplishment, and creative growth.
Planetary Grading Rubric
Takes advantage of all of the brochure’s space,
each section was created with care and quality.
Creativity Utilizes a mixture of: creative ideas, creative
language, pictures, drawings, brochure is
decorative and colorful.
Facts are accurate, student demonstrates work
and research was put into fact finding.
Layout follows directions, information in
correct place.
Layout follows directions, visually appealing,
inspired, good use of pictures and drawings;
trip details are informative and helpful, sold me
on the trip.