Art History Tasks

Historical Analysis Task
Deaf Man
Style Quality 1
The theme of old age echoes thru each
artwork because of Goya’s ‘technical
experiment’, which caused damage to
each artwork in later years just as Goya
was becoming ‘damaged’ from his age
and ill health. Goya worked quickly using
broad-brush strokes with a large brush,
palette knife, and sponges on the walls of
his home. Goya viewed this collection as a
technical experiment. When looking at the
subjects of this collection, many are of old
age and can be assumed ill in health just
like Goya himself.
Goat (Witch Sabbath)
Style Quality 3
These artworks are an example of
Goya’s misunderstanding and
separation from society as an artist. Deaf
Man, Saturn, Goat (Witch Sabbath), and
Old Men Eating were all apart of Francisco
de Goya’s collection known as The Black
Paintings. At the time, Goya had decided to
paint for no one but himself. The material
choice of fresco painting instead of the
standard oil and canvas is a reason to
believe that Goya did not expect this
collection of artworks to display in public.
Style Quality 2
The theme of his deafness in this
collection represent the torment Goya
experienced in his mind because of his
separation from the world around. The
bold lines and dark and light color choice
are examples of chiaroscuro a strong
contrast of color that creates a sense of
volume in trying to create a threedimensional subject. In this time, Francisco
de Goya became in touch with his dark view
of the world around him.
Old Men Eating
Style Quality 4
These artworks come from within
Francisco de Goya. Each piece represents
a realm beyond the understanding of the
viewer. The scene in Saturn is horrific and
frightening. The idea of a father biting off
their own child’s head leads a viewer to
question Goya’s meaning behind this work.
The Goat (Witch Sabbath) presents scenes
of satanic worship filling the viewer with
questions of meaning also. The subject of
torment in Goya is alive in this collection.
When we look at Deaf Man, the demon
whispering in the man’s ear leads the viewer
to question that the old man is and what the
meaning is with the demon.
Art History Tasks
AED 201
Michelle Harris
Historical Interpretation Task
In 1782, Francisco de Goya lost all of his hearing due to an illness believed to be from
lead poisoning from his paint. He later moved to a two-story house outside of Madrid, Spain. He
moved because Spain was not returning to a liberal government. Goya purposely isolated himself
from others. He began to produce The Black Paintings on the walls of his home. Each artwork
shows intense haunting themes that reflect Goya’s insanity and his dark outlook on the world
outside of his home. According to, Goya was “thumbing his nose at the
inquisition, with images that conveyed the very essence of heresy” (“Francisco de Goya”). The
theme of his illness by the use of browns and blacks unifies the series. Each artwork shows
dreary night scenes and distorted faces of tortured subjects. The subjects are like this because
Goya had to deal with personal suffering due to being deaf and his exile from society.
Saturn is a prime example of Goya’s somber outlook. Saturn was a mythical god who
Goya painted eating the head of his child. Saturn has bulging eyes, untamed hair, and fists
dripping with his child’s blood. Goya portrayed cannibalistic ways of the Roman god Saturn in
an ugly and disgusting way to the public. If one did not know the myth of the god Saturn they
would believe that the scene was based on Francisco de Goya’s own understanding, but in
thinking about the myth it “clears away assumptions that Goya was a horribly distasteful painter”
(Court 3). Goya’s focal point was on the truthful and terrible idea of the myth. Goya's known for
this style quality. It is obvious that Goya stressed this style quality due to his hearing loss.
When looking at Goya’s Goat (Witch Sabbath) you will also see his somber style quality.
In this painting you find a gathering of ‘witches’ “around a demon, or some ecclesiastical
authority, which has taken the form of a goat” according to Bozal (qtd. Court 4). Just like the
other paintings, this piece's background implies that it is dusk. The darkness makes the subjects
unclear, creating a sense of isolation. This isolation refers back to Goya’s isolation from his
deafness. The faces of the subjects also have gaping mouths and a sense of terror just like seen in
Until 1878 when these artworks and others apart of The Blacking Paintings established
their fame, Goya had unanimously “been perceived as a completely spontaneous painter” (Court
7). Later with time, “Francisco Goya was known as the Father of Modern Art, his idea that the
artist's personal vision had more importance than his subject opened new ways of thinking which
helped art break free from commissioned portraits and religious imagery” (“Francisco de
Goya”). Deaf Man, Saturn, Goat (Witch Sabbath) and Old Men Eating served as a way for Goya
to lessen his anger with his deafness, resulting in his isolation and distinctive style.
Works Cited
Court, Kimberly. "Goya’s Black Paintings Harsh, but Honest." Washington State University Pullman, Washington. 27 Oct. 2007. Web. 17 Nov. 2010.
"Francisco De Goya." Famous Painter. 7 Nov. 2002. Web. 17 Nov. 2010.
"Francisco Goya." Learn Spanish in Spain & Latin America - Spanish Schools |
Madrid Chamber of Commerce, 2006. Web. 17 Nov. 2010.
Voznesensky, Andrei. "Goya - Articles & Biography." - Site Hosting for Art
and Related Subjects - Goya - Capra - Sargent - Michelangelo - Etc. 1997. Web. 17 Nov.
2010. <>.