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Duke University
Political Science 130
Introduction to Political Inquiry
Fall 2014
Lectures: MW 10:05 - 11:20 am, Gross Hall, Room 103
course website at
Prof. Tim Büthe
Dept. of Political Science
219 Gross Hall
(919) 660-4365;
office hours: after each class and Mondays, 11:30am - 12:30pm in the SSRI Café
4:55 - 5:45 pm, 118 Friedl Building
6:30 - 7:20 pm, 304I Allen Building
10:20 - 11:10 am, 109 Social Sciences
12:00 - 12:50 pm, 319 Gray Building
Andy Ballard; (517) 388-1392
office hours: Mondays, 12 - 1pm, 408A Old Chemistry
Josh Lerner; (301) 651-6939
office hours: Fridays, 12-1pm, 408A Old Chemistry
PS130 is an introduction to the systematic study of politics as a social science. It is
organized around major topics in the study of domestic politics and international relations—and
the key challenges that arise in trying to answer those questions. So we examine issues such as
the relationship between inequality and democracy, political polarization in the United States, the
development of political and judicial institutions in the Middle East, arms races and the "security
dilemma" between countries, the sex (or gender?) of policymakers, and innovations in global
Debates over these topics often turn on differences in how to conceptualize something as
ubiquitous as power, how to measure core concepts such as democracy or rule of law, or how to
gather and summarize unbiased, reliable information about the phenomenon in question. We
will learn a number of useful tools for such descriptive inferences, which will put you in a
stronger position to distinguish rhetorical flourishes from meaningful differences in election
forecasts, political parties' policy positions, cross-national measures of political institutions, etc.
We then move from asking descriptive questions to asking more analytical ones, such as:
Does it matter—for local public policy or inter-state militarized conflicts—whether policymakers
are women or men? Why do some get-out-the-vote efforts increase voter turnout when others do
not? Why does the U.S. Supreme Courts have the power to declare laws of Congress
unconstitutional? What explains the allocation of foreign aid? Why do policies for AIDS
prevention and treatment differ so much across countries? Why is public policy more responsive
to the interests of some groups than others?
Political scientists seek to answer such questions by developing positive—as opposed to
normative—theories of political phenomena and conducting empirical analyses to assess those
explanations (though they may well have normative motivations for asking those questions, such
as having a normative commitment to democracy or the rule of law). In examining prominent
answers to a variety of important questions, we will focus on key problems of causal inference in
social analysis and examine how political scientists deal with those problems. The course thus
offers an introduction to a broad range of methods used in empirical inquiry in political science,
including the assumptions underpinning those methods.
PS130 is intended as a true introductory course. Students are not expected (i.e., not
required) to have taken any previous courses in Political Science, nor does the course have any
prerequisites in math, statistics, or methods--though I do expect familiarity with standard high
school algebra and a willingness to use it.
The required readings and lectures for this course are complements, not substitutes. We will
cover a substantial amount of material in lectures (and in some sections) that is not in the
readings. Attendance—and active participation—is therefore crucial, including the ability to
listen to, and constructively engage with, your peers.
Your grade will be based on class participation (25%), five short assignments (50%), and a
final exam (25%). The participation grade will be based on participation in both lectures and
sections, including providing input via some short surveys and answering questions using
i>Clickers (see below). After the first week of classes, you may be absent from up to 4 lectures
and 2 sections (for any reason) without an effect on your participation grade. Participation will
be downgraded for additional absences unless all absences are due to a documented serious
medical condition or required attendance at athletic events. The five short assignments, some of
which may be small-group exercises, provide opportunities to apply the analytical tools that we
will learn in PS130, in some cases to a question of each student's own choosing. The short
assignments will be handed out about a week before they are due (due dates are listed in the
syllabus below). The final exam is scheduled by the university's Registrar's Office, based on the
class time for our course, for 2-5pm on Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2014 (see The exam will cover the
entire course and will include an ID or short answer section that will test your command of the
material from lectures and the required readings, but the main objective of the final exam is to
provide you with an opportunity to show your understanding of the principles and methods of
political analysis.
You are welcome—and I encourage you—to form study groups, but note that each student's
graded written work must be individually produced, except for explicitly authorized small-group
Also, student may participate in the Political Science Experimental Research Subject Pool
(PSRP) on a strictly voluntary basis for up to 3% extra credit. More information about this
opportunity is available at If you wish to participate, please
register at: by October 10, 2014.
The books below are available for purchase at the Duke Bookstore, since we use numerous
selections from them (one copy of each book is also on reserve at Perkins Library). Required
readings that are not contained in these books are available online via Duke's electronic journal
holdings (indicated by "online" below), or they are on electronic reserves (e-res). Occasionally, a
reading may be available via the course website (cws).
Pollock, Philip H. The Essentials of Political Analysis. 4th edition. Los Angeles: Sage,
LB: Bartels, Larry M. Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008.
B&M: Büthe, Tim and Walter Mattli. New Global Rulers: The Privatization of Regulation in
the World Economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011.
Lieberman, Evan S. Boundaries of Contagion: How Ethnic Politics Have Shaped
Government Responses to AIDS. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009.
In addition, the following supplemental text is on reserve as a "recommended" reading. Students
who anticipate doing applied data analysis for research papers or a senior thesis beyond this
course will surely find it useful, but you do not need to buy it for PS130:
Pollock, Philip H. Stata Companion to Political Analysis. 2nd edition. Los Angeles:
Sage, 2010.
Required readings for each class are listed below. Unless I tell you otherwise, you should
generally do them before the lecture for which they are assigned.
To promote an active learning environment, I will regularly ask questions using i>Clickers
to gather your answers, which allows everyone to participate with instantaneous interactive
feedback (details about the technology can be found at Some
questions will have no "correct" answer and may simply be intended to foster discussion; others
will seek to gauge your understanding of the material from lectures (and occasionally from
readings). On the latter questions, you will generally be graded for your performance, but I will
drop the 4 lowest scores to allow for absences or times when you forget to bring your clicker
device to class, and the grading standard is not very strict (75% correct is considered full credit).
If you have a compatible mobile device (iOS or Android smartphone or tablet, or a laptop
computer) and will bring it to every class, you can use the i>Clicker GO app, which is
considerably cheaper than buying a conventional iClicker remote. To create or access your
i>Clicker GO account, sign up for a free 14-day trial of the i>Clicker GO app, or purchase a
subscription to the app, go to Be sure to enter your core Duke NetID
(usually your initials followed by a 2-3 digit number) into the "Student ID" field.
Otherwise, you need to purchase an iClicker2, which is available at the bookstore for
various classes, as well as online from various sources. You need to register your iClicker2 via
the website (link on bottom right of their home page), so that your responses are
identifiable as your responses and so that I can give you credit for them. Be sure to use your
core Duke NetID (usually your initials followed by a 2-3 digit number) as your student ID.
Please get and register for a clicker or get the i>Clicker GO app before our 2nd class.
Answering clicker questions with another student's clicker (or asking another student to answer
with your clicker) is cheating and a violation of the Duke Community Standard.
Statistical Software and Help
We will be using a statistical software called STATA for those parts of the course where we
work with data (from descriptive statistics to regression). The software is available in most Duke
computer labs, with the current version 13 scheduled to be installed throughout the Duke
computer labs during the fall semester. If you want to install STATA on your own computer
(which I recommend but do not require), I recommend you purchase a heavily discounted
student license: a 6-months license for Small Stata (sufficient for PS130) for $35 at or a 1-year license for Stata S/E (more powerful
and good until July 23, 2015) for $50-$55 via
The Social Science Research Institute (SSRI, on the second floor of Gross Hall) has a great
help desk, staffed by statistical consultants who are available for walk-in help from 10am to 6pm
Monday through Friday. Alexandra Cooper from SSRI, who manages the help desk, will give
you an overview of this very valuable support resource during our class on September 3.
Introductions (Mon, Aug. 25)
No assigned readings.
The Study of Politics as a Social Science (Wed, Aug. 27)
Parker, Roger. "Un Ballo in Maschera." In The New Grove Dictionary of Opera. Available via
Oxford Music Online
Verdi, Giuseppe. Un Ballo in Maschera. Madrid (Spain): Teatro Real, 28 September 2008,
available for streaming via Duke's subscription to Naxos Video Library:
Watch as much as you want, but required is only Act 3, Part 2, which starts at 1:47:20; it can be accessed
by clicking on the "Chapters" tab on the right of the Naxos Video Library. Act 3, Part 2 corresponds to
"chapters" 23 ("Forse la soglia attinse") through 28 ("Ella e pura"). I recommend watching in full screen
mode, and unless your Italian is good enough, be sure to turn on English subtitles.
Watts, Duncan J. ["Preface" (read) and Chapter 1 ("The Myth of Common Sense", skim) in:]
Everything Is Obvious—Once You Know the Answer. New York: Crown Business, 2011:
ix-xvi, 3-29.
Wikipedia. [Excerpts from the Entry on:] "Science." From
(accessed 1/6/2014). Please read the excerpt posted on the course website.
Donovan, Todd and Kenneth Hoover. "Thinking Scientifically." In The Elements of Social
Scientific Thinking. 11th edition. Boston: Wadsworth/Cengage, 2014: 1-11.
Complete the "Power Survey"
by Friday, Aug. 29, 8pm
Power and Democracy: From Concepts to Measurements (Mon, Sep. 1)
Baldwin, David A. "The Costs of Power." Journal of Conflict Resolution vol.15 no.2 (June
1971): 145-155.
Pollock, Philip H. "Chapter 1: The Definition and Measurement of Concepts." In The Essentials
of Political Analysis. 4th edition. Los Angeles: Sage, 2012: 6-22.
Further Reading (optional)
Dahl, Robert A. "The Concept of Power." Behavioral Science vol.2 nol.3 (July 1957): 201-215.
Bachrach, Peter and Morton S. Baratz. "Two Faces of Power." American Political Science Review vol.56 no.4 (December
1962): 947-952.
Lukes, Steven. Power: A Radical View. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004: esp. ch.1, intro (pp. 14-59, 1-13).
Cox, Robert W. "Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations: An Essay in Method." Millennium: Journal of International
Studies (London) vol.12 no.2 (Summer 1983): 162-175.
Munck, Gerardo L. and Jay Verkuilen. "Conceptualizing and Measuring Democracy." Comparative Political Studies vol.35
no.1 (February 2002): 5-34.
Rule of Law Indices and Law School Rankings: Measuring as an Exercise of Power
+ presentation by Alexandra Cooper, Assoc. Director of Duke's Social Science Research Institute
(Wed, Sep. 3)
Huff, Darrell and Irving Geiss. "Gee-Whiz Graph" and "One-Dimensional Picture." In How to
Lie With Statistics. (First published in 1954.) New York: Norton, 1993: 62-67, 68-75.
Kaufmann, Daniel, Aart Kraay, and Massimo Mastruzzi for The World Bank. "Introduction"
and "Methodology and Data Source" in "Governance Matters VIII: Aggregate and
Individual Governance Indicators, 1996-2008." World Bank Policy Research Working
Paper No. 4978 (June 2009): 2-6.
You may also consult the summary of the WB Rule of Law Index on the website of the Millennium
Challenge Corporation:
The World Justice Project. "What is Rule of Law?" (online at
/what-rule-law) and video statements by Beverly McLachlin (Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of Canada), Petar Stoyanov (former President of Bulgaria), and Beatrice
Mtetwa (Human Rights Lawyer, Zimbabwe) at
/endorsements (last accessed 8/18/2014).
U.S. News & World Report. "Best Law Schools" and "Methodology: 2015 Best Law Schools
Rankings." Online at and (last accessed 8/24/2014)
Büthe, Tim. "Beyond Supply and Demand: A Political-Economic Conceptual Model." In
Governance by Indicators: Global Power through Quantification and Rankings, edited
by Kevin Davis, Angelina Fisher, Benedict Kingsbury, and Sally Engle Merry. Oxford–
New York: Oxford University Press, 2012: 29-51.
Just How Polarized Is U.S. Politics? Measurements, Variables, and Distributions
Prof. David Rohde will co-teach (Mon, Sep. 8)
Layman, Geoffrey C., Thomas M. Carsey, and Juliana Menasce Horowitz. "Party Polarization in
American Politics: Characteristics, Causes, and Consequences " Annual Review of
Political Science vol.9 (2006): 83-110.
Pollock, Philip H. "Chapter 2: Measuring and Describing Variables." [and from chapter 3:]
"Learning Objetives" and "Making Comparisons." In The Essentials of Political
Analysis. 4th edition. Los Angeles: Sage, 2012: 28-44; 48-50, 58-63.
Democracy and (In)Equality: Do Democratic and Republican Economic Policies Differ?
Probability and Distributions (Wed, Sep. 10)
Bartels, Larry M. "The New Gilded Age" and "The Partisan Political Economy." In: Unequal
Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2008: 1-63. Note: of ch.1, only the excerpt posted on the cws is required.
Pollock, Philip H. "Chapter 5: Making Controlled Comparisons" and "Chapter 6: Foundations of
Statistical Inference." In The Essentials of Political Analysis. Los Angeles: Sage, 2012:
103-118 (esp. 103-109, 113-115); 122-154 (esp. 122-144).
Replication Exercise (Bartels' Table 2.4)
due Sunday, Sep. 14, 8pm
Why? Causality and Causal Inference (Mon, Sep. 15)
Pollock, Philip H. [From chapter 3:] "Proposing Explanations." In The Essentials of Political
Analysis. 4th edition. Los Angeles: Sage, 2012: 51-54.
Johnson, Janet Buttolph and H. T. Reynolds. [Beginning of chapter 6:] "Research Design: Making
Causal Inferences." In Political Science Research Methods. 7th edition. Los Angeles:
Sage/CQ Press, 2012: 165-178.
Lehrer, Jonah. "Trials and Errors: Why Science is Failing Us." Wired vol.20 no.1 (January
2012): 102-117. (Online at , last
accessed 8/24/2014)
Gender and Violent Conflict: Lab Experiments (Wed, Sep. 17)
Johnson, Dominic D. P., Rose McDermott, Emily S. Barrett, Jonathan Cowden, Richard
Wrangham, Matthew H. McIntyre, and Stephen Peter Rosen. 2006. "Overconfidence in
Wargames: Experimental Evidence on Expectation, Aggression, Gender and
Testosterone." Proceedings of the Royal Society B (Biological Sciences) vol.273 no.1600
(7 October 2006): 2513-2520.
Barokso, Maryann, Daniel M. Sabet, and Brian Schaffner. "Chapter 5: Experiments." In
Understanding Political Science Research Methods: The Challenge of Inference. New
York–London: Routledge, 2014: 116-148.
Further Reading
Johnson, Dominic D. P., Rose McDermott, Jon Cowden and Dustin Tingley. 2012. "Dead Certain: Confidence and
Conservatism Predict Aggression in Simulated International Crisis Decisionmaking." Human Nature vol.23 no.1
(March 2012): 98-126.
Take Survey about Global Governance
by Friday, Sep.19, 8pm
Participation and Legitimacy in Global Governance: Survey Experiments (Mon, Sep. 22)
Büthe, Tim and Walter Mattli. [Chapters 1 and 9: "The Rise of Private Regulation in the World
Economy" and "Implications for Global Governance." In: ] The New Global Rulers: The
Privatization of Regulation in the World Economy. Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 2011: 1-16, 214-226.
Note: These chapters from Büthe & Mattli 2011 provide the background to understanding the survey
experiment on innovations in global governance in which all students will participate, and which we will
then jointly examine in class; they also serve as background information for the weeks on game theory and
survey research.
Democracy? How to Increase Turnout in Elections: Field Experiments (Wed, Sep. 24)
Green, Donald P. and Alan S. Gerber. [Excerpt from:] "Introduction: Why Voter Mobilization
Matters." In Get Out the Vote: How to Increase Voter Turnout. Washington: Brookings
Institution, 2008: 1-9.
Gerber, Alan S., Donald P. Green, and Christopher W. Larimer. "Social Pressure and Voter
Turnout: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment." American Political Science
Review vol.102 no.1 (February 2008): 33-48.
Does It Matter Whether Policymakers Are Women or Men? "Natural" Experiments
(Mon, Sep. 29)
Chattopadhyay, Raghabendra, and Esther Duflo. "Women as Policy Makers: Evidence from a
Randomized Policy Experiment in India." Econometrica vol.72 no.5 (September 2004):
due Tuesday, Sep.30, 8pm
Statistical Correlation and Inference (Wed, Oct. 1)
Huff, Darrell and Irving Geis. "Post Hoc Rides Again." In How to Lie With Statistics. (First
published in 1954.) New York: Norton, 1993: 89-101.
Pollock, Philip H. "Chapter 7: Tests of Significance and Measures of Association." In The
Essentials of Political Analysis. 4th edition. Los Angeles: Sage, 2012: 155-77.
Political-Economic Accountability: An Introduction to OLS Regression (Mon, Oct. 6)
Bartels, Larry M. "Chapter 4: Partisan Biases in Economic Accountability." In Unequal
Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2008: 98-126.
Lewis-Beck, Michael S. "Bivariate Regression: Fitting a Straight Line." In Applied Regression:
An Introduction. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1980: 9-25.
Pollock, Philip H. "Chapter 8: Correlation and Linear Regresssion." In The Essentials of
Political Analysis. 4th edition. Los Angeles: Sage, 2012: 182-211, esp. 182-201 and
Political Underdevelopment in the Middle East: Archival Research, the Critical Use of
Sources, and Statistical Analysis of Historical Data (Wed, Oct. 8)
Prof. Timur Kuran will co-teach
[Substantive reading as background for Prof. Kuran's lecture: to be announced]
Furay, Conal, and Michael J. Salevouris. [Excerpt from:] "Evidence" In The Methods and Skills
of History: A Practical Guide. Arlington Heights, IL: Harlan Davidson, 1988: 137-145.
Who Governs U.S. Public Policy? An Introduction to Logistic Regression (Wed, Oct. 15)
Gilens, Martin. [Selections and chapter 6 ("Parties, Elections, and Democratic Responsiveness") from:]
Affluence and Influence: Economic Inequality and Political Power in America.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012: 12f, 17-24, 41-47, 57-62, 66-69, 70-85,
Pollock, Philip H. [Re-read from chapter 6:] "What About Sample Proportions?" and [read
new:] "Chapter 9: Logistic Regression." In The Essentials of Political Analysis. 4th
edition. Los Angeles: Sage, 2012: 147-150; 212-235, esp. 212-223.
Does Media Attention Drive Foreign Aid Allocation? (Mon, Oct. 20)
Büthe, Tim, Solomon Major, and André de Mello e Souza. "The Politics of Private Foreign Aid:
Humanitarian Principles, Economic Development Objectives, and Organizational
Interests in the Allocation of Private Aid by NGOs." International Organization vol.66
no.4 (Fall 2012): 571-607.
Neuendorf, Kimberly A. [Box 3.1: "Flowchart for the Typical Process of Content Analysis
Research" from:] The Content Analysis Guidebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Publications, 2002: 50f.
due Tue, Oct. 21, 8pm
The Security Dilemma: Understanding a Fundamental Concept of International Relations
Prof. Peter Feaver will co-teach (Wed, Oct. 22)
Jervis, Robert. "Offense, Defense, and the Security Dilemma." (Selections from "Cooperation
Under the Security Dilemma." World Politics vol.30 no.2 (January 1978): 186-214.) In
International Politics: Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues, edited by Robert J.
Art and Robert Jervis. 10th edition. Boston: Longman, 2010: 93-113.
Who Wants to Play? Cooperation and Collaboration "Games" (Mon, Oct. 27)
Schelling, Thomas C. "What Is Game Theory?" In Choice and Consequence. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1984: 213-242.
Büthe, Tim and Walter Mattli. [Chapters 3:] "Institutional Complementarity Theory" In The
New Global Rulers: The Privatization of Regulation in the World Economy. Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 2011: 42-59.
Further Reading
Büthe, Tim. "Basic Games." Mimeo, Columbia and Duke Universities, 1998-2013.
Law and Politics: Sequence, Information, and Uncertainty
Prof. Georg Vanberg will co-teach (Wed, Oct. 29)
Clinton, Robert Lowry. "Game Theory, Legal History, and the Origins of Judicial Review: A
Revisionist Analysis of Marbury v. Madison." American Journal of Political Science
vol.38 no.2 (May 1994): 285-302.
Further Reading
Vanberg, Georg. 2001. "Legislative-Judicial Relations: A Game-Theoretic Approach to Constitutional Review." American
Journal of Political Science vol.45 no.2 (April 2001): 346-361.
due Sunday, Nov. 2, 8pm
The Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Public Health
—and an Introduction to Case Study Research (Mon, Nov. 3)
Lieberman, Evan S. "Introduction" and "A Theory of Boundary Politics and Alternative
Explanations." In Boundaries of Contagion: How Ethnic Politics Have Shaped
Government Responses to AIDS. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009: 1-24;
25-60, esp. 25-50.
Yin, Robert K. [Excerpts from:] "How to Know Whether and When to Use the Case Study as a
Research Method." In Case Study Research: Design and Methods. 5th edition. Los
Angeles: Sage, 2014: 6-11, 16-22.
The Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Public Health: Hypothesis-Generating Case Studies
(Wed, Nov. 5)
Lieberman, Evan S. "Race Boundaries and AIDS Policy in Brazil and South Africa." In
Boundaries of Contagion: How Ethnic Politics Have Shaped Government Responses to
AIDS. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009: 110-172.
The Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Public Health: Causal Process Tracing in Case Studies
(Mon, Nov. 10)
Lieberman, Evan S. "A Model-Testing Case Study of Strong Ethnic Boundaries and AIDS Polic
in India." Boundaries of Contagion: How Ethnic Politics Have Shaped Government
Responses to AIDS. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009: 173-238.
Lieberman, Evan S. "Globalization and Global Governance of AIDS: The Geneva Consensus" and "Ethnic Boundaries and
AIDS Policies Around the World." In Boundaries of Contagion: How Ethnic Politics Have Shaped Government
Responses to AIDS. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009: 61-109; 239-291.
Tricks of the Trade: Selecting Cases and Other Key Issues in Case Study Research
(Wed, Nov. 12)
Kitschelt, Herbert P. 1986. "Political Opportunity Structures and Political Protest: AntiNuclear Movements in Four Democracies." British Journal of Political Science vol.16
no.1 (January 1986): 57-85.
Seawright, Jason, and John Gerring. "Case Selection Techniques in Case Study Research: A
Menu of Qualitative and Quantitative Options." Political Research Quarterly vol.61 no.2
(June 2008): 294-308.
George, Alexander L. and Andrew Bennett. "Phase One: Designign Case Study Research" and
"Phase Two: Carrying Out the Case Study." In Case Studies and Theory Development in
the Social Sciences. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005: 73-88, 89-106.
Further Reading
Mahoney, James, and Gary Goertz. "The Possibility Principle: Choosing Negative Cases in Comparative Research." American
Political Science Review vol.98 no.4 (November 2004): 653-669.
Freedman, David A. "On Types of Scientific Inquiry: The Role of Qualitative Reasoning." In Rethinking Social Inquiry:
Diverse Tools, Shared Standards, edited by Henry E. Brady and David Collier. 2nd edition. Lanham, MD: Roman and
Littlefield, 2010: 221-236.
due Sunday, Nov. 16, 8pm
Public Opinion, Politics, and Public Policy: Uses and Design of Survey Questionnaires
Prof. Sunshine Hillygus will co-teach (Mon, Nov. 17)
Hillygus, D. Sunshine. "The Evolution of Election Polling in the United States." Public Opinion
Quarterly vol.75 no.5 (Special Anniversary Issue, December 2011): 962-981.
Krosnick, Jon A. "Question Wording and Reports of Survey Results: The Case of Louis Harris
and Associates and Aetna Life and Casualty." Public Opinion Quarterly vol.53 no.1
(Spring 1989): 107-113.
Sampling—for Surveys, Field Research, Etc. (Wed, Nov. 19)
Huff, Darrell. "The Sample with the Built-in Bias." In How to Lie With Statistics. New York:
Norton, 1993: 13-28.
Babbie, Earl. "The Logic of Sampling." In The Basics of Social Research. 12th edition.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 2010: 187-227.
Rose, Harold M., and Paula D. McClain. "Black Homicide and the Urban Environment: An
Introduction." Race, Place, and Risk: Black Homicide in Urban America. Albany: State
University of New York Press, 1990: 1-29.
Büthe, Tim and Walter Mattli. "Appendix 3: Survey Methods." In: The New Global Rulers:
The Privatization of Regulation in the World Economy. Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 2011: 238-248.
Further Reading
Lohr, Sharon L. "Appendix A: Probability Concepts Used in Sampling." In Sampling: Design and Analysis. Boston:
Brooks/Cole, 2010: 549-562.
Who Governs Global Markets? Survey Research in IPE (Mon, Nov. 24)
Büthe, Tim and Walter Mattli. [Chapters 6, 7:] "Private Regulators in Global Product Markets",
"The Politics of Nuts and Bolts—and Nanotechnology" and "Survey Methods." In: The
New Global Rulers: The Privatization of Regulation in the World Economy. Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 2011: 126-161; 162-186.
Wed, Nov. 26: NO CLASS (Thanksgiving)
due Sunday, Nov. 30, 8pm
History will not be kind to Neville Chamberlain. … I know because I am going to write it.
— Winston Churchill as quoted by David Cannadine (Financial Times 19 Nov 2005).
Roads Less Traveled: Non-Positivist Epistemology (Mon, Dec. 1)
Almond, Gabriel A. and Stephen Genco. "Clouds, Clocks, and the Study of Politics." World
Politics vol.29 no.4 (July 1977): 489-522.
Silverman, David. [Excerpt from chapter 1:] "The Variety of Qualitative Methods." In
Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for Analysing Talk, Text, and Interaction.
London: Sage, 2001: 11-21.
Review and Conclusions (Wed, Dec. 3)
Huff, Darrell and Irving Geis. [Selection from:] "How to Talk Back to a Statistic." In How to
Lie With Statistics. (First published in 1954.) New York: Norton, 1993: 124-132.
Bartels, Larry M. "Chapter 9: Economic Inequality and Political Representation." In Unequal
Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2008: 252-282.
Tue, Dec. 9, 2-5pm: FINAL EXAM