Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling

University Mission: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an
academically challenging, learning focused and distinctively Christian environment for
professional success, lifelong learning and service to God and humankind.
Course Number and Title: CNSL 5307 Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling
Dr. Linda Hutcherson
(806) 291-1057 – Office (806) 336-5015 - Cell
Course Description: Review of critical issues in the practice of school and mental
health counseling; ethical standards, legal requirements, client rights, and practice issues
with special populations, and licensure/certification.
Textbook and Resources:
Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions,
9th Edition
Gerald Corey ,Marianne Schneider Corey
Cindy Corey,Patrick Callanan
ISBN-10: 1285464745
ISBN-13: 9781285464749
576 Pages Hardcover
Previous Editions: 2011, 2007, 2003
© 2015 | Published
 Codes of Ethics for the Helping Professions (ISBN-10: 0495906573 |
ISBN-13: 9780495906575)
This brief supplement provides you with a handy resource that contains codes of ethics
for the various professional organizations.
Ethics in Action CD (ISBN-10: 1285850335 | ISBN-13: 9781285850337
The following Internet resources are active links if syllabus is viewed on the
 Student Resources Web Site
 Helping Professions Related Sites
o Helping Professions Journals
o Marriage and Family
o Children and Adolescents
o Consultation
o Substance Abuse
Helping Professions Journals
o Methods/Practice with Communities
o Of Related Interest
o Journals/Periodicals
Associations and Key Informational Sites
o Gerontology to the Associations and Key Informational Sites section
o Professional Organizations
o American Counseling Association Subdivisions
o Licensing, Certification, & Accreditation
o Addictions/Substance Abuse
o Aging
o APA Style Resources
o Children/Families/Marriage
o Death and Dying
o Disabilities
o DSM-IV Diagnoses and Codes
o Ethics/Legal Issues
o Health
o Mental Health/Illness
o Minorities
o News/Current Issues
o Occupational/Industrial Focus
o Parent Education
o Schools
o Miscellaneous
o University Created sites with information on Links to Counseling
o Related Federal Government URLs
Prerequisite Courses: None
Note: Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require some special
arrangement in order to meet course requirements should contact the instructor as
soon as possible to make necessary accommodations.
Student Learner Outcomes:
The certified counselor has a broad knowledge base. The certified counselor must
know and understand legal and ethical standards, practices, and issues;
The certified counselor must counsel individuals and small groups using
appropriate counseling theories and techniques in response to students' needs
The certified counselor continues professional development, demonstrating a
commitment to learn, to improve the profession, and to model professional ethics
and personal integrity. The certified counselor must:
(1) use reflection, self-assessment, and interactions with colleagues to
promote personal professional development;
(2) use counseling-related research techniques and practices as well as
technology and other resources to facilitate continued professional growth;
(3) strive toward the highest level of professionalism by adhering to and
modeling professional, ethical, and legal standards
Course Requirements: The counseling student will know and understand ethical and
legal issues in the helping professions by analyzing current case studies, engaging in the
ethical decision-making process and identifying legal issues for each case. The
counseling students will also be held accountable, through weekly quizzes and
application activities, for the information and principles of ethical and legal issues found
in the text and other reading materials.
Course Outline and Grading Structure:
One Introduction to Professional Ethics (20 points)
Two The Counselor as a Person and as a Professional (20 points)
Three Values and the Helping Profession (20 points)
Four Multicultural Perspectives and Diversity Issues ( 20 points)
Five Clients Rights and Counselor Responsibilities Confidentiality:
Ethical and Legal Issues
(20 points)
Six Midterm examination (50 points)
Seven Managing Boundaries and Multiple Relationships (20 points)
Eight Professional Competence and Training Issues in Supervision and
Consultation (20 points)
Nine Ethical Issues in Theory, Practice and Research and Community
Work (20 points)
Ten Ethical Issues in Couples and Family Therapy and Group Work
(20 points)
Eleven Final examination (100 points)
Aug 26
Sept 3
Sept 9
Sept 16
Sept 23
Oct 1-3
Oct 7
Oct 14
Oct 21
Oct 28
Oct 3031
Participation Policy: Students are expected to submit class assignments with
punctuality and to participate actively on the discussion board. Students are encouraged
to communicate promptly with the professor in case of an unavoidable delay in order to
keep pace with the requirements of the course. You are training to be a professional. If
you wouldn’t use the excuse for your boss/principal, don’t use it as excuse for this class.
You will never be any better counselor than you are a student.
Academic Honesty
Wayland “expects students to be honest in all of their academic work. By enrolling,
students agree to adhere to the high standards of academic honesty and integrity and
understand that failure to comply with this pledge may result in academic and
disciplinary action.”
Source: St. Petersburg College. Academic Honesty Policy. (2003) Retrieved July 31,
2007 from St. Petersburg College Web site at
“Plagiarism — The attempt to represent the work of another, as it may relate to written or
oral works, computer-based work, mode of creative expression (i.e. music, media or the
visual arts), as the product of one's own thought, whether the other's work is published or
unpublished, or simply the work of a fellow student.
When a student submits oral or written work for credit that includes the words, ideas, or
data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete,
accurate, and specific references, and, if verbatim statements are included, through use of
quotation marks as well. By placing one’s name on work submitted for credit, the student
certifies the originality of all work not otherwise identified by appropriate
acknowledgements. A student will avoid being charged with plagiarism if there is an
acknowledgement of indebtedness. Examples include:
1. Quoting another person's actual words.
2. Using another person's idea, opinion, or theory, even if it is completely
paraphrased in one's own words.
3. Drawing upon facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials — unless the
information is common knowledge.
4. Submitting a paper purchased from a term paper service as one's own work.
5. Failing to accurately document information or wording obtained on the World
Wide Web.
6. Submitting anyone else's paper as one's own work.
7. Violating federal copyright laws, including unauthorized duplication and/or
distribution of copyrighted material.
8. Offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any materials, items or services of
value to gain academic advantages for yourself or another.”
Source: St. Petersburg College. Academic Honesty Policy. (2003) Retrieved July 31,
2007 from St. Petersburg College Web site at
University Grading System:
below 60
For Credit*
No Credit
No grade given
In Progress
* A grade of CR indicates that credit in semester hours was granted but no grade
or grade points were recorded.
**A grade of incomplete is changed if the deficiency is made up by the end of the
next regular semester; otherwise, it becomes F. This grade is given only if
circumstances beyond the student’s control prevented completion of work during
the semester enrolled and attendance requirements have been met.
Computation of final grade: Previously explained in Course Requirement section.
Equal Educational Opportunity
In compliance with federal law, including provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973, Wayland Baptist University does not illegally discriminate on the basis of
race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, or disability in admissions, or in the
administration of its educational policies, programs, and activities. Under federal law, the
university may discriminate on the basis of religion in order to fulfill its purposes. In
compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the university does not
illegally discriminate on the basis of sex in the administration of its educational policies,
programs, and activities. Inquiries or complaints should be directed to the
provost/academic vice president.
Services for the Disabled
It is university policy that no otherwise qualified disabled person be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any
educational program or activity in the university. The dean of students serves the
university as coordinator of activities for the handicapped and should be contacted
concerning initial enrollment, scheduling, and other arrangements. It is to the student's
advantage to initiate contact with the dean of students' office as soon as possible before
registration to ensure adequate time for assistance.