Decimal Notation

Decimal Notation
Decimals represent part of a whole
number. Like whole numbers there
are different place values of
decimals and they can be written
several ways.
Decimal Notation
Decimal Notation
Word Form- Write the whole
number, use the word “and” in place
of the decimal, write the decimal
 Example: 43.275 “Forty-three and
two hundred seventy-five
Decimal Notation
Number Form- Write using digits in
the correct place value.
 Example: “Five and twelve
hundredths” = 5.12
 Expanded Form- Write an addition
problem using the value of each
 Example: 5 + 0.1 + 0.02
Rounding Decimals
Underline place value you are rounding to
Look at the digit to the right
If it is 4 or less the underlined digit stays the
If it is 5 or more the underline digit goes up
The digits to the left stay the same, the
digits to the right get dropped/turn to
Comparing & Ordering
> Greater Than
 < Less Than
 = Equal To
 Compare whole #’s first
 If the whole #’s are the same,
compare decimals starting at the left
Scientific Notation
Scientific Notation
 Where a number is written in two parts:
First: just the digits (with the decimal point placed
after the first digit),
Followed by: ×10 to a power that would put the
decimal point back where it should be.
Scientific Notation
To Change from Number Form to
Scientific Notation:
Move the decimal to the left until the
whole # is between 1 & 9
 Take that # times 10, with an exponent
(the exponent should be the number of
places you moved the decimal)
Scientific Notation
To Change from Scientific Notation
to Number Form:
Look at the exponent
 Move the decimal that many places to
the right.
Add/Subtract Decimals
Line up the decimals
 Add/Subtract like normal
Multiply Decimals
Multiply like normal
 Count the number of digits behind
the decimals in the problem. There
should be the same number of digits
behind the decimal in the product.
Divide Decimals by Whole
Move the decimal point straight up
 Divide like normal
Divide Decimals by
Move the decimal to the end of the
 Move the decimal the same # of
places right in the dividend
 Move the decimal straight up.
 Divide like normal