

Title: Biology Digital Agenda

Date: 4/26-4/27/2012

Essential question(s): (complete the weekly reflection at the bottom of the last page.)

1.) How do the different organ systems in the human body work together to maintain the internal balance of the human body?

2.) What are the various defenses your body has against pathogens?

3.) How do antibodies respond to infection in your body?

4.) How do vaccines protect individuals from infection?

5.) How is HIV transmitted? Why do individual with AIDS have a difficult time fighting and surviving infections?

Teacher: Carr Date: 4/26Subject/Course: Grade:

4/27/2012 Biology 9-10

 Do Now: 4/26-4/27 students will independently research and answer short answer questions on anatomy and physiology focusing on the immune system.____

CA Standard(s):

 BI10. b. Students know the role of antibodies in the body’s response to infection.

BI10. c. Students know how vaccination protects an individual from infectious diseases.

BI10. e. Students know why an individual with a compromised immune system (for example, a person with AIDS) may be unable to fight off and survive infections by microorganisms that are usually benign.

Learning Objective (s):


Explain the various ways your body protects itself from pathogens.

Understand the role of antibodies in protecting your body against infection.

Explain how a vaccination protects an individual from infectious diseases.

Understand how HIV weakens and individuals immune system causing AIDS.


Anatomy and Physiology Quiz I 9a 9c students will be given a multiple choice assessment on standards 9a 9c.

Exit Slips-students will complete multiple choice items on standards 9.a, 9.c

Biology CST-April 30 th -May 4th

Bloom’s level of this assessment:

Quizzes and Exit Slips-Comprehension, Synthesis, Analysis

Anatomy and Physiology Summative Unit Test-all levels

Daily Agenda: (check off each assignment after completion)

Do Now:4/26-4/27 students will independently research and answer short answer questions on anatomy and physiology focusing on the immune system.____

(Independent Station)CST Review Study Guide Part I-students will complete a comprehensive review on the power standards assessed on the CST by completing a variety of activities ranging from vocabulary building activities, online tutorials, quickwrites, and practice test questions.

(Direct Instruction) PPT/Interactive Notes-CST Review Part I-students will complete interactive notes on the PPT listed above by editing, highlighting, and posing further questions. The students will then answer several short questions on the information they learned

(Collaborative Station )Practice CST-students will be given a practice CST covering the standards from throughout the year.

There will be three questions per standard. After completing this practice CST, will be given a feedback form identifying areas of strength and focus areas to study in preparation for the CST.____

(Collaborative Station) Immune System Animations and Tutorial-students will work collaboratively with partners to complete online tutorials and animations providing an overview of how the immune system protects the body.____


Complete questions 16-31 on the Practice CST.

How will students reflect on what they’ve learned?

 Exit Slip 9e

Weekly Reflection: Complete each section below. After completing each section submit your agenda on the school website.

Assignment Completion Check:

How many assignments did I complete this week? (review your daily agendas)

Essential Question(s) Check-Answer the questions below:

What are the various defenses your body has against pathogens?

Standard(s) Check for Understanding-Write what you learned about this standard this week and rank your understanding of the standard (1-5):

•BI9. a. Students know how the complementary activity of major body systems provides cells with oxygen and nutrients and removes toxic waste products such as carbon dioxide.

Understanding of Standard(s) Scale:_____(1-5)
