Terms of Reference

Team of Consultants
Develop and Host a series of Thematic Webinars and associated Technical Booklets on
1. Introduction
The UNICEF approach to Inclusive Education (IE) is based upon the concept as initially defined in the
Salamanca Statement1 and is informed by seven basic principles of human rights: universality and
inalienability; indivisibility; interdependence and interrelatedness; equality and non-discrimination; participation
and inclusion; empowerment; and accountability and respect for the rule of law. These principles need to be
applied across all aspects of legislation and policy development, as well as in all practical aspects related to
education systems in order to reflect inclusive practices.
The seven basic human rights principles translate into obligations for the Convention on the Rights of the Child
(CRC) and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) signatory nation-states, obligations
that can be grouped into three separate sets of measures geared towards promoting and implementing
inclusive systems. Therefore, a right-based approach to Inclusive Education includes three sets of actionoriented measures, which are the responsibility of all stakeholders:
1. Measures to fulfil the right to education;
2. Measures to ensure respect for the right to education;
3. Measures to protect the right to education.
Inclusive Education is progressively seen as the process of addressing both education access and quality, by
responding to the needs of all children and youth through increased participation and reduction of exclusion,
and the “conviction that it is the responsibility of the regular system to educate all children” (UNESCO, 2009).
While there is no globally accepted definition of quality, most concepts include both the cognitive (outcomes)
and emotional (achievement) development of pupils, including the promotion of values and attitudes of valuable
citizens. Inclusive Education is responsive to student-needs and relevant to their life, and “access and quality
are linked and are mutually reinforcing” (UNESCO, 2009). Therefore, Inclusive Education is not about teaching
the students to cope with un-responsive educational system. Inclusive Education is the means by which
teaching methods, curriculum, staff and pedagogy support, and are adapted to, the learning of ALL
students, including those students whom traditionally general education systems have not been able
to reach.
With the view to promoting Inclusive Education systems, the UNICEF Regional Office for Central and Eastern
Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS) in collaboration with UNICEF’s Education
Section at HQ, has been tasked with developing a cohesive set of products related to Inclusive Education,
products that will support the capacity development of UNICEF staff (in particular Education Officers), and
provide them with a set of materials that can be used in the field. It is recognized that, because of the wide
presence of UNICEF officers in the field in almost all countries where UNICEF is established, it is necessary
to provide not only a strong rights-based conceptual framework for Inclusive Education but also technical
guidance that is simple to implement but rigorous.
UNESCO, 1994, Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action, p. iii: “recognition of the need to work towards “schools for
all” institutions that include everybody, celebrate differences, support learning, and respond to individual needs”
2. Purpose of Assignment
This Terms of Reference detail the development and hosting of a series of webinars and companion booklets,
each dedicated to a specific thematic area under the overall title of A Rights-Based Approach to Inclusive
Education for Children with Disabilities. This webinar series is intended to provide practical guidance on the
issues of Inclusive Education with a focus on children with disabilities, by exploring specific concerns, policy
and implementation issues specific to fourteen thematic areas. The webinars will also provide the audience
with the necessary tools and references to guide further study and determine the capacity development needs
of each Country Office. Each webinar and the companion booklet will be developed by an expert on a specific
thematic area, under the guidance of two UNICEF inclusive education specialists.
3. Structure of the Assignment & Major Tasks to be accomplished:
The webinars, each dedicated to a specific thematic area under the overall title of A Rights-Based Approach
to Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities, will be as follows:
1. Access to the learning environment – Universal Design for Learning
In this webinar and technical booklet the learning environment within the inclusive classroom will
be discussed. The module will address the development of inclusive and flexible school curriculum
(including instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments) according to the principles of
Universal Design for Learning.
2. Parents, family and community involvement
This webinar will focus on partnerships with parents, families and the community at large.
Research shows that engagement with and support of parents in all matters related to schooling
is of vital importance. In this webinar, strategies for engagement with and empowerment of parents
will be discussed, both in relationship to children from disadvantaged backgrounds, as well as
family involvement in school communities. This webinar will complement the previous ones with
regards to specific issues related to parents and families, and will offer suggestions as to how
communities should be involved in matters concerning inclusive policies and practices.
4. Deliverables
Webinar and Technical Booklet
Due Date
Access to the learning environment – Universal Design for End of October 2014
Parents, family and community involvement
End of November 2014
5. Duration and Location of consultancy
30-day assignment, home based. No official travel anticipated, other than if/when necessary to host and videorecord webinars.
6. Payment schedule:
Each consultant will be paid in a lump sum upon satisfactory completion of all deliverables (i.e.
completion of the webinar and revised Final Draft of the companion booklet)
Any costs related to communications with UNICEF offices should be included and covered by the
budget of the consultancy. If necessary, any travel costs related to the deliverables of this consultancy
will be covered by UNICEF separately.
7. Supervision and work arrangements
The consultants will be under the overall supervision of the Regional Senior Advisor for Education. Two Focal
Points for the assignment will be jointly responsible for the daily management of the consultancy.
8. Qualification and Specialized Knowledge/Experience Required:
All consultants
 Advanced degree in social sciences, inclusive education or related fields;
 Solid knowledge of and experience in working with disability classification models;
 Strong training and facilitation skills;
 Relevant work experience in disability and inclusion, with a minimum of 8 years of experience;
 Familiarity with the UNICEF’s mission and purpose;
 Strong report writing, facilitation, and communication skills;
 Previous experience in working with UNICEF is desirable.
Each consultant by thematic area:
 Access to the learning environment II – Universal Design for Learning
o A senior specialist on Universal Design for Learning with particular experience in designing
flexible curriculum (goals, methods, materials and assessment) and differentiated instruction.
 Parents, family and community involvement
o A senior specialist on collaboration between persons with disabilities, their families, service
providers and government institutions, and in promoting autonomy of persons with disabilities,
and their engagement as actors of social change. Extensive international experience advising
inter-governmental agencies. Knowledgeable about implementation issues related to the CRC
and CRPD.
9. Who can apply and how?
Individuals with the required profile are invited to submit an Expression of Interest based on the present Terms
of Reference by 29 August 2014, by 12am CET. Please send your applications to Ms. Petronilla Murithi
Applications should contain: a) an expression of interest and required fee for the assignment; b) CV of individual
and UN Personal History Form which can be downloaded from the link below; c) a writing sample of previous
work done in the specific thematic area for which the candidate is applying.
PLEASE NOTE: Each candidate will only be considered for one webinar/booklet. Candidates that express
interest in more than one webinar/booklet will be automatically disqualified. Upon evaluation of applications
received by the deadline, the suitable consultants will be contacted.