
Communication on Progress
Year: 2010
Statement of Continued Support of the UN Global Compact
Bamburi Cement Limited is a leader in cement production in the eastern Africa while demonstrating
commitment to environment, safety, health, sustainable market leadership and maintaining a profitable
enterprise through our teams as well as supporting the communities within our operating areas.
Commitment to Global Compact principles and values which we believe in is core in our business practices
and we will endeavour to export them to those we interact, influence and impact in the course of business.
Global compact reminds us that we live in a global village and practising these principles will make a better
world for us as well as others.
Company name: Bamburi Cement Limited
Sector: Corporate Affairs
Number of employees:
UN Global Compact signatory since: 2005
Contact person: Peter M. Muteti
Address: P. O. Box 10921-00100 Nairobi
Phone: (020) 2710510/487
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Brief description of nature of business
We operate in East Africa mainly Kenya & Uganda and the company is managed as one enterprise. Our
principal activities are in the manufacture and sale of cement & cement related products. We also own and
manage a world class nature and environmental park developed from rehabilitated quarries.
Scope of this COP
This COP will cover Bamburi Cement endeavours, actions and initiatives on the Four Aspects of the UN
Global Compact principles. It will focus more on labour rights, environmental awareness and Health and
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Human Rights
UN Global Compact
principles covered:
Principle 1: Business should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed
human rights
Principle 2: Business should ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses
A Safe and healthy working environment remain a key priority and the focal point to the group’s
performance in our business.
Human Rights
A brief description of our Processes or Systems
Bamburi cement is a signatory of ILO as well as UN Global Compact principles and upholds the laws
as set by the government through the Ministry of labour. Bamburi Cement respects the CBA
agreements set by labour Unions.
Activities implemented in the last year
During the year, we partnered with cement transporters in a campaign whose theme was “Epuka
Ajali” that targeted all road users in the region. The campaign, which was supported by the police
traffic department, involved educating the communities and other drivers at various towns along
the Kenyan and Ugandan highways on road safety. Furthermore the group continues to focus on
full enforcement of safety standards key among them Personal Protective Equipment, Working at
Height and Mobile Equipment Advisory. The public private partnership with GTZ covered
sensitization of managers in the 32 contractor companies and training of 101 contractor peer
educators on HIV/Aids, Malaria and Tuberculosis in a bid to encourage and sustain positive and
appropriate healthy behaviour for contractors and the surrounding community.
Human Rights
Measurement of outcomes and value added for our company
 Lost time injury (LTI) have reduced as well as sick offs
 We have received recognition and won COYA awards on safe working environment
 Health and safety is included in the employees’ yearly objectives becoming a KPI.
Activities planned for next year
Renewal of the GTZ partnership on staff and contractors health initiative.
Safety and health to be merged
Continued improvement and monitoring of safety and health
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Labour Rights
Principle 3: Business should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of
the right to collective bargaining
UN Global Compact
principles covered:
Principle 4: Business should support the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory
Principle 5: Business should support the effective abolition of child labour
Principle 6: Business should support the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment
and occupation
Labour Rights
Lafarge is a signatory of ILO policy and is committed in upholding the rights of employees.
A brief description of our Processes or Systems
HR Policy demands one third of senior management to be women. We provide equal employment
opportunities for all and do not discriminate on gender, sex orientation, race or religious
background. Positions are advertised internally and externally for the right persons to get a chance
of to be interviewed. HR Policies, procedures, rights and privileges easily accessible through the
intranet, staff standing and CBA booklets.
Activities implemented in the last year
Internal and external auditors engaged to see if the policies are being followed
Legal department advising more on labour/human rights
Labour Rights
Measurement of outcomes and value added for our company
 Diversity in staff recruitment i.e. from all races, religion, age, sex, gender and ethnicity.
 High staff retention
 Lower Industrial court complains registered
 Continued growth in a profits
Activities planned for next year
Signing updates on Labour Organization and Collective bargaining Agreements
Communication and Awareness forums
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Principle 7: Business should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
UN Global Compact
principles covered:
Principle 8: Business should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental
Principle 9: Business should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally
friendly technologies
We are committed to conserving environment and biodiversity in our quarries and in the course
of business
A brief description of our Processes or Systems
For every land we quarry to get limestone, we rehabilitate and restore the biodiversity affected.
Activities implemented in the last year
In 2009, 14 Hectares of open quarry were planted with Casuarinas and other pioneer trees.
3000 indigenous seedlings were introduced into casuarinas plantations to speed up
diversification and ecosystem development. 518,000 seedlings were planted on our reserve
lands for future bio fuel use to substitute fossil fuels. Bio diversity study carried out.
Measurement of outcomes and value added for our company
 More land under forest cover
 Improved biodiversity due to indigenous trees
Activities planned for next year
To rehabilitate 18 Hectares and plant 400,000 seedlings on our reserve land for bio fuel
purposes. We will also plant 5000 seedlings in the water catchment areas in Mavoko
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UN Global Compact
principles covered:
Principle 10: Business should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and
Lafarge policy demands zero tolerance on corruption and is a corrupt free zone.
A brief description of our Processes or Systems
In all purchases by the company a purchase order created by authorised qualified buyer is
required. All purchase orders are approved by relevant Managers and Directors depending on the
amount. This is electronically done and the information is available for scrutiny. Job segregation is
critical to purchasing process and at Bamburi this is well implemented and embedded in the
system. An audit is regularly carried out by the Internal Audit Department.
Activities implemented in the last year
In the year 2009 all process flows pertaining to expenditure, revenue and stocks control were
implemented. A procurement policy was rolled out and a road show to disseminate the policy and
gain popularity.
The approvals for all purchases are done online thanks to system upgrade done last year.
Measurement of outcomes and value added for our company
There has improved accountability and visibility of all purchases by top management. It is also clear
to everyone on the process to follow.
Activities planned for next year
The activities for next year include engaging into a negotiated long term contract with key
suppliers where the price is agreed between the company and supplier and fixed in the system. All
contracts are awarded after a tendering process which is evaluated by a committee rather than an
individual. This fully shields the procurement process from any fraud.
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How do you intend to make this COP available to your stakeholders?
This COP will be posted on our Annual Report, intranet and network for all stakeholders to access.
Donations, awards
We support the community in various activities among them are:
We practice the shamba system on our reserve lands where we have planted trees for bio fuel
purposes. The community benefit by cultivating the land to grow food crops. 30 Families are currently
involved in the project.
Our Cement for Schools initiative will benefit the rehabilitation and construction of 119 schools
affected by post election violence in 2007.
In 2009 US$250,000 Malaria project was initiated. 28,000 residents of Hima town in Uganda within a
radius of 5-10 Km will benefit from the program.
Due to the prolonged drought 3 million Kenyans faced starvation. Bamburi Cement donated 5 million
shillings to support families affected by the drought
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