Microbiology - MDC Faculty Home Pages

General Biology
BSC 2010
Professor Suzanne Butler
Required Textbook
Written by Neil Campbell and Jane Reece
Published by Benjamin Cummings
Course Compass
 You must have the access code found in your new
textbook or purchased from the bookstore to access
 BUTLER50283
– Access number to register for this course in course compass
Course Description
BSC 2010 is the first semester of a two semester sequence general
– The principles of modern biology, including
» the cell doctrine
» the basic physical phenomena of life
» an elementary consideration ofbioenergetics and
» Reproduction
» the gene concept
» the mechanism and evidencefor organic evolution
» phylogeny
» Community and population ecology
Pre- and Co-Requisites
 Prerequisites
– None
 Corequisites:
– BSC 2010L and CHM 1045. (3 hr.
 Attendance
– no specific penalty for missing class
– student responsible for material missed
 Withdrawing
– Deadline January 10 to change without permission
– deadline March 16 for grade of W
– Anyone arriving for an in class exam after first exam has been turned in will be
considered absent and will not be allowed to take the exam
– Anyone not turning in take-home exam before lecture begins will suffer a 10% penalty
and 10% per day thereafter
– If you miss one exam it will be your lowest grade
– 10% penalty per calendar day late
– All written assignments submitted for grade must be typed
 Disruptions to the Learning process
– tardiness and leaving class early
– cellular phones and beepers
– inappropriate behavior
 Please, do your part to make this course a valuable
learning experience for everyone.
80% Exams
Two take home and two in class plus one comprehensive final
Best 3 of 4 exams plus final counted
May bring one 3x5 card to in class exams
20% Assignment
– Chosen from assignment sheet or approval of instructor
Extra Credit Opportunity
– 25 points possible based on selections made from course compass options.
Grading Scale
 90 - 100
 80 - 89.9 = B
 70 - 79.9 = C
 60 - 69.9 = D
 Below 60 = F
Hints for Success
 Spend 3 - 5 hours outside class for each hour in class.
 Read the material before and after lecture covering topic.
 Recopy and expand your notes.
 Form or join a study group which meets regularly.
 Put aside some”fun” time for yourself.