Notes - 22 October 2014

Wednesday 22nd October 2014 - 10am
Mary Woollett Centre, Danum Road, Doncaster
Bishop P Burrows (Chair), John Harris (Doncaster Safeguarding Children’s Board),
Colin Hilton (Doncaster Children’s Services Trust), Sharon Schofield (Rotherham,
Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation), Rupert Suckling (Public Health),
Cllr Tony Corden (Cabinet Member), Cllr Nuala Fennelly (Cabinet Member), Eleanor
Brazil (Doncaster Council CYPS), Trevor Smith (New Horizons), Sue Womack
(Doncaster CVS), Akeela Mohammed (Cavendish House), Jo Moxon (Doncaster
Council CYPS), Sally Kilgariff (Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation
Trust), Paul Moffat (Doncaster Service Children’s Trust), Janice Rose (DMBC), Lee
Golze (DCCG), Jane Hopkinson (DfE), Clare Mainon (Headteacher, Our Lady of
Sorrows), Keith Binks (Headteacher, Sir Thomas Wharton Community College),
Joanne Hayes (DMBC – minutes), Keely Holmes (DMBC – minutes)
Steve Leone, Headteacher, Stonehill Rise, Annie Callanan, Interim AD Children’s
Commissioning, Bonny Hodge, Doncaster College, Judith Jones, Director of Housing
Services, St Leger Homes, Suzie Darrell, Children’s Services Trust, Youth Council
Members, David Hamilton, Director, Adults & Wellbeing, Andrew Buxton, Headteacher,
King Edward Primary School, Gopa Gunn, Willow Academy
Welcome and apologies
Peter Welcomed all to the 3rd Meeting of the Children’s and Families Board.
Introductions were made around the table.
Notes of previous meeting
The notes from the previous meeting were agreed.
Matters arising: note 2.4 ‘Board to be reviewed on an annual basis to evaluate
effectiveness, progress and direction’ didn’t say how this would be achieved or who it
would be done by, it was agreed that it would be referred to the Team Doncaster
summit event on 21st Nov for discussion as there is a need for consistency across all
of the boards.
Doncaster Children’s Services Trust Update (see attached slides)
Paul Moffat reported that the trust has been established from the 1st October 14, they
are now located in the Blue Building, Paul expressed thanks for all the hard work in
getting the building ready for this date. The leadership team is not yet at full
complement however it is anticipated that it will be over the next 6-8 weeks.
Paul spoke about the need for a quality workforce, ensuring they retain good staff by
offering good terms and conditions, giving staff support and offering training. The
trust needs to be ‘sellable’ and ensure we don’t focus on the past. Issues were
raised in securing staff and not relying on agencies.
The trust sees the need for partnership working to achieve targets, they have a
strong commitment with Team Doncaster and they have committed resources and
understand it has a big part to play.
Some funding opportunities may be in the pipeline for specific pieces of work.
Cllr Corden mentioned that agency staff were an issue and asked how this
problem would be overcome. It is essential that they create the right environment,
to ensure staff are supported by management to ensure they retain good staff.
Rupert Suckling said he was aware that a lot of work has been put into the
setting up of the trust and asked what support is needed from partners. Paul is
aware that as the trust is new they haven’t necessarily got history or backgrounds of
projects/organisations, keen to learn and welcomes being informed of any multi
agency meetings, Paul is hoping he will have more capacity after Christmas. Paul
welcomes any feedback both positive and negative to learn and improve.
Peter Burrows spoke about the reputation of the trust as people in the
community will be watching. The trust is aware that they have to develop and
engage with the community to make a difference; they see it as helpful challenge.
What’s in a name?
Eleanor Brazil, DCS, spoke about the changes within DMBC Children and Young
People, out of 900 DMBC staff 450 are now left, the trust has now significant
responsibility although the statutory responsibility is with DMBC which retains overall
accountability for children and young people. Eleanor reported that the Council
Children and Young People Service has been renamed ‘Learning and Opportunities:
Children and Young People’ and her job title is now Director of Learning and
Eleanor suggested that perhaps the name for the Partnership could be ‘Young
Doncaster’ to fit in with Team Doncaster and Business Doncaster. It was agreed to
keep the group name as it better reflects ‘partnership’ and ‘families’.
Updates from last meeting:
Vision / Public Value Proposition for Terms of Reference
John Harris outlined the four points that came from the last meeting in July and had
worked them into a Public Value Proposition (PVP) that was shared with members.
John was thanked for his work on the statement and it was suggested that an opinion
should be sought from the Youth Council.
Janice reported that the PVP would be incorporated into the Terms of Reference and
published on Team Doncaster website along with events, minutes of meetings, etc.
It was then discussed about having 2 or 3 areas of focus which would identify key
areas of work with measurable targets so it is evident that we have made a
Outcomes Based Accountability Workshop
Rupert reported that Team Doncaster Strategic Board had agreed the ‘Outcome
Based Accountability’ framework would be the commissioned training model for
planning services and assessing their performance. It focuses on using a common
language, is able to split out individual organisations and partnership responsibilities;
and outcomes are measurable
David Burnby Associates have been appointed and work will start early November
with partnership boards.
Headline information on priorities
Early Help and Early Years
Eleanor tabled a paper and reported that progress was slower than expected and
that more work is needed around data. The Early Help Implementation Group will
ensure the work moves at pace.
A review was commissioned earlier this year on youth provision and Children’s
Centres and recommendations for the re-designation of some centres will go to
Cabinet in October.
Colin Hilton asked who was on the early help Implementation Group.
Eleanor suggested that membership would be circulated as well as terms of
reference, this was to ensure correct representation, and it was also suggested for
the Multi-agency meetings (MAAM).
Sam Webster has been appointed for 4 months and will be looking at how
communities are working together and help support the new early help
arrangements. It was suggested that Sam Webster was asked to come to this
meeting to present.
Discussion took place around ensuring clear accountability and a report back to the
board meeting would be helpful. It is imperative we demonstrate the Multi agency
board is effective and a good example
Work Experience, IAG Educational Attainment linked with Economic
Jo Moxon reported on the work of the following two boards:
The Work and Skills Board – Looking at work experience and IAG offered in
secondary schools, making links with the chamber, young person’s passports, etc
14-25 Board – Work around Post 16, Sixth form – work started over the summer
and a proposed new model will be presented in the New Year.
Work has been undertaken internally around NEET and not known figures resulting
in the not known figures going down, however the NEET figures have gone up. Final
data is to be submitted at the end of the month.
Educational Attainment – awaiting evaluations, GCSE results are not comparable on
previous years, it was suggested this would be brought to Decembers meeting for a
more complete picture as discussions are on-going.
Discussion took place around IAG about the quality and whether IAG was impartial, it
was reported that it can be quite costly for schools.
Voice of Children, Young People & Families
Janice presented the Doncaster results of the recent national ‘Make your Mark’
consultation outlining that returns were up significantly on last year from approx.
4,500 to 7,436 against a target of 6,000. Doncaster’s top 5 issues (11-19 year olds)
were reported with a ‘Living Wage’ receiving the most votes, followed by
‘Euthanasia’. Nationally the top 2 issues were ‘Votes at 16’ and ‘Living Wage’.
Members expressed concern that euthanasia had received so many votes and
suggested that there may be some underlying issues that would warrant further
investigation. It was agreed that it would be useful to see the actual questions asked
and the full Doncaster report. To be circulated.
Health and Education are looking at developing a ‘lifestyle’ questionnaire with
schools to give a clear picture and thorough information.
VCF Network
Sue Womack spoke of work done to date to develop the Network including looking at
processes, different methods of engagement and models from other neighbouring
authorities. 6 representatives have been elected to work with the Partnership Board
on the agreed three priorities as below:
Early Help & Early Years
Work experience, IAG and
Education Attainment linked
to Economic Opportunities
Voice of Children, Young
People and Families.
Tracy Haycox
Pam Smith
Doncaster Homestart
Diane Derbyshire
Changing Lives
Lucy Porter
Prince’s Trust
Paula Jackson-Key
Changing Lives
Kevin Hill
A lot of work has been done to establish the forum and for it to operate effectively it
needs resources and support. Discussion took place regarding faith groups and how
we engage; groups may be used for consultation purposes rather than be specifically
represented at the network.
In the past the Voluntary and Community sectors haven’t been well represented
however this is now changing and the change is welcome.
DMBC are currently looking at the contracting arrangements with CVS and New
Horizons as both expire in March 2015.
Mapping of existing Boards needs to be undertaken as it isn’t wholly clear what
meetings/boards are leading on the agreed priorities and as such it is not clear which
meetings the VCF representatives need to be invited to. Janice to follow up.
Disabled Children’s Charter
Rupert reported that the Every Disabled Child Matters campaign group had
developed the Disabled Children’s Charter for Health & Wellbeing Boards to sign up
to. It was brought to the Children & Families Board to ask if the Board would want to
endorse the Charter.
After discussion it was agreed that although members are supportive of the
principles, they do not wish to endorse the commitments as by doing so the focus of
the group may change.
Any Other Business
9.1 Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Discussion took place around on-going work in Rotherham. An analysis has been
done against the recommendations and the findings are that Doncaster has
addressed the issues and is working on areas of concern.
An audit is currently underway on all children’s open cases to ensure adequate
protection. A multiagency audit is being done to look at gaps and how we address
them, and we are currently working closely with the Police on a sub-regional
Ofsted have inspected 8 authorities and a report is due to be published. It was
suggested that we should look at best practice from these inspections once report/s
are complete.
Further work is required to respond to strategic challenges such as children travelling
between communities. Key issues around CSE will need to be tackled in a multiagency manner with agencies such as the Women’s Refuge, Changing Lives
DRASACS, etc. No one is suggesting that we are complacent around CSE but
acknowledged that data is insufficient and there are some gaps in intelligence.
Dates of future meetings
10 December 2014
09 February 2015
27 April 2015
10.30am – 12.30pm Civic Office (Room 008)
4.30 pm – 6.30pm Civic Office (Room 007a & 007b)
10.00am – 12.00pm Civic Office (Room 007a & 007b)
The meeting scheduled to take place on 16 February 2015 has been changed to
Monday 9th February 2015 at 4.30pm. The change is in recognition that the Youth
Council representatives are not always given permission to attend meetings during
school hours.