MIS 3510 * Fall 2012 * Midterm Exam Preparations This exercise

MIS 3510 * Fall 2012 * Midterm Exam Preparations
This exercise contains three questions and solutions.
1. Class Diagram
The university library keeps track of books. Book data include book title, author, publisher,
catalog number, copy number, edition, publication year, and ISBN.
The library also keeps track of library patrons (users). Since it is a university library, there are
several groups of patrons, each with different privileges. These groups are: faculty, graduate
students, and undergraduate students. Basic data for all patrons are name, address, and telephone
number. For faculty, additional data is office address and telephone number. For graduate
students, data on graduate program and advisor are maintained. For undergraduate students,
specific data cover the program of study and the credit hours total.
The library also records library loans. A library loan is a transaction initiated by a patron’s
request for checking out select books at the circulation desk. Each loan record contains the date
of loan, due date, and return date. If a book that a patron wants is checked out, the patron can
request a reservation. The library tracks book reservations in terms of reservation date, priority,
and fulfillment dates.
Based on this description and the rules of class diagramming, create a class diagram for the
university library book management system. Include the primary keys. You do not need to show
foreign keys and multiplicity.
2. Use Case Diagram
Maxi Software is a developer of fourth generation programming languages. In order to support
its customers, Maxi Software provides a help desk based on a toll free telephone line.
When a call comes in, the customer is routed to the first available consultant. The consultant
accesses the customer record in an electronic database and starts logging the date, problem stated
by the customer and other details of the call. History of calls by the same customer is
automatically retrieved and displayed in a separate window.
Each consultant has certain knowledge of Maxi’s products memorized and may be able to
answer simpler questions right away. The consultant also has a database of questions and
answers available, which s/he can retrieve for an appropriate solution to the customer’s question.
But if the consultant cannot solve the problem any way, s/he announces the problematic call
though an electronic bulletin board, along with a short description of the problem solving
attempted. This board is visible to specialists whose role is to take over more challenging
The call accepting specialist accesses the call log initiated by the consultant, and engages in
communication with the customer. The specialist first tries to solve the problem by guiding the
customer through familiar trouble shooting procedures. If this does not help, the specialist
retrieves a problem case base in search of special problems and solutions.
Based on the description above, create a use case diagram to represent the help desk
information system at Maxi Software. (9 marks)
3. Activity diagram
Follows a description of the check out procedure a clerk in a video rental store regularly
performs for checking out videos. In order to record checked out items, the clerk enters the
customer ID or name to retrieve the customer master data in an electronic database. The
electronic database system (system) fetches the customer record, which could be a family
member to the present customer. The clerk then verifies the customer and starts a new rental. The
system opens a new transaction record for rentals.
For each copy of a video to be checked out, the clerk enters a copy ID and the system records it
and adds the data on the title, and due date. Once all items are entered, the clerk finalizes the
rental procedure. The system calculates the total and displays it on the computer screen. The
clerk enters the payment provided by the customer. The system then updates the rentals file and
prints a receipt. Draw an activity diagram for this check out procedure.
1. Library Class Diagram
2. Maxi Software’s Help Desk System
Help Desk System
Access Customer
Log Customer
Display Calls
Query Q+A
problem call
Query Knowledge
3. Video Rental Store System, Activity Diagram for Check Out Procedure