What is massage therapy? - Nandiesel's Fit to fight

Yoga Lecture Notes
How many people actually use yoga?
More than 13 million adults practiced yoga in the previous year.
Yoga use increased 5.1 to 6.1% between 2002 and 2007.
Why/ what is it practiced for?
10.5% of people use it for musculoskeletal conditions
16% to treat specific medical conditions
( Back Pain) is the number one reason people use complementary
health practices.
58% use yoga to maintain health and well-being
22% use yoga because of doctor recommendation. (NIH, 2015)
How effective is yoga on low-back
Studies showed that practicing yoga had significantly less
disability, pain, and depression after 6 months than patients in
standard care.
More pain relief than from a self-care book.
Better function than usual medical care.
How is yoga practiced safely?
By talking to your care provider
Finding a trained and experienced yoga practitioner
Adapt posses to your individual needs and abilities
Summary: Yoga is increasing in popularity with the years. It is great for lower back pain, and maintaining wellbeing. Talk to your care provider for recommendation to an experienced yoga practitioner.
Meditation Lecture Notes
What forms of meditation exist?
Mantra meditation
Relaxation response
Mindfulness meditation
Transcendental Meditation
Zen Buddhist meditation
Can meditation be used during exercise?
Yoga and tai chi also incorporate meditation components
Since meditation is spiritual, does this
mean it is related to religion?
Meditation is often time rooted in religious practices, but many people
practice meditation outside of religious context.
Why is meditation practiced?
Meditation has been practiced to increase calmness and physical
relaxation, improve psychological balance, cope with illness, enhance
overall health and well-being.
The literature on meditation has suggested that it’s a very powerful
tool for learning control of attention, regulating emotion, and
increasing self-awareness or cultivation of the state called
mindfulness. (NIH, 2015)
Meditation is a great mind-body-spirit connection.
Summary: there are many different types of meditation for people to practice. Meditation is practiced in
exercises like yoga. Meditation does not equal to religion but it can equate to religion.
Massage Therapy & CAM Lecture Notes
What is massage therapy?
Massage therapy is many techniques, and types of massages given
usually depending on the needs and physical condition of the
individual seeking this type of therapy.
Who can practice massage therapy?
Any trained, licensed, and certified person. (NIH, 2015)
Can massage therapy replace
conventional care?
Massage therapy is not meant to replace conventional care or to
postpone going to a health care provider because of a medical
Why do people seek CAM
Most people seek complementary and alternative medicine because
they don’t want to pay huge amounts of money and undergo
extensive drug treatments.
Are CAMs meant to replace
conventional medicine?
CAMs are not meant to replace conventional medicine, just to try to
supplement and see if it works prior to diving head first into 100%
conventional treatment.
What’s the importance of CAMs?
CAMs are important because it is a way for people to possibly be
treated, have a peace of mind, and a better outlook towards their
Are CAMs supported by science?
CAMs have been researched and have been shown to work, but there
are many different variables that science can’t make it 100% ready to
be used as conventional medicine.
Summary: Massages therapy and other CAMs can be effective, but are not to be used as a primary care like
conventional medicine.
NIH. (2015, 05 27). NIH NCCIH. Retrieved 09 28, 2015, from National Center For
Complementary and Integrated Health: https://nccih.nih.gov/health/massage