Hofstede-shened (2)

LSS 2113
Intercultural Studies
Khalifa Women’s Collage
Hofstede’s six dimensions
Dr. Sinead Eccles
Sireen Abdualla H00258774
Amna Yousif H00250677
Date Due [28-April 2015]
Date Submitted
Hofstede’s six dimensions
Research conducted that Hofestede fide lots of different culture or over the world, and between
50 countries they discover that deference can effect on the management style and philosophy in
life and how to control and manage from both sexual.
Power Distance (PDI)
Individualism vs. Collectivism (IDV)
Uncertainty avoidance (UAI)
Masculinity vs. Femininity (MAS)
Long-term Orientation (LTO)
Indulgence vs. restraint (IVR)
First of all Power Distance (PDI)
They are many countries , and many culture which may conflict with country and another .
Power Distance is a structure for cross-cultural communication, it was established by Geert
Hofstede. It defines the effects of a culture's culture on the member’s morals and how these
morals relate to behavior. On the other hand, there are two kinds of power distance high , and
For instance, Australia is a low power distance country while Asian countries such as Hong
Kong are at the high power distance side of the spectrum. People with high distance countries
consider that power and authority are facts of life. In addition, high power distance culture teach
their people that people not equal everyone have different place in society, which obviously
marked by countless vertical arrangements. Moreover ,Social pyramid is prevalent and
institutionalizes that unfairness. Leaders are the ones who are predictable to resolve
disagreements as well determining all the difficult choices. Subordinates will test their leaders
and how much they can handle pressure , also how are they dealing with conflicts .
Individualism vs. Collectivism (IDV)
Individualism Versus Collectivism
Individualism is "the opposite of collectivism; together they form on of the dimensions of national
cultures. Individualism stands for a society in which the ties between individuals are loose:
everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and his or her immediate family only.
For example marriage. Marriage is often treated as a collective. This is why you hear things like
"making the marriage work", as if it had a life of its own and the husband and wife are just there
to satisfy it. What this example illustrates is that the collective need not be big. It's really a
perspective issue. If you see the husband and wife interacting, then you can say things like "if
you want to get along better, you should do this". But when the marriage becomes a value in
itself, and the husband and wife are told to sacrifice in order to make it work, then they are
acting as collectivists.
Uncertainty avoidance (UAI)
The degree to which people in a country favor structured over unstructured circumstances. In
cultures that score high on uncertainty avoidance, people have an higher level of anxiety about
uncertainty and ambiguity. Such cultures tend to emphasize laws, regulations, and controls that
are planned to decrease uncertainty. In cultures that score low on a uncertainty avoidance,
individuals are less discouraged by ambiguity and uncertainty and have a larger tolerance for a
variety of options. Such countries are less rule-oriented, take more risks, and more readily
accept change.
For example In countries with high Uncertainty Avoidance Index employees prefer formal rules
to be created and avoid actions that do not go along with these rules. Employees in addition
their bosses believe everything that is new or unlike is risky and unsafe. They are commonly
concerned about the future and resist changes. Cultures labeled as exposed and
groundbreaking always have low Uncertainty Avoidance Index.
Hofstede's culture dimensions have been influential on OB (organizational behavior)
researchers and administrators. However, his research has been criticized. First, although the
facts have since been informed, the original facts are from 30 years ago and were based on a
single company (IBM). Second, limited researchers have read the information of his
methodology closely and therefore are unaware of the many decisions he had to make (for
example, reducing cultural values to just five). Despite these concerns, Hofstede has been one
of the most usually cited social scientists ever.
Masculinity vs. Femininity (MAS)
Hofstede has focus on the achievement and diligence community, and he seen that males
should have some characters such as ambition and get the bulk of wealth and power and
being firm and he must determine goals and objectives in life, and focusing about material
success, most of the male think that the most important things in life is money from the
social side, and he may live for work. There is a huge difference between the salary and the
payment between man and female, where the man holds senior positions, they consider the
religion from the most important things in life, and also he can be priests. From family side,
mans do the best to not fail, and man should fight for his right and don’t cry. On another
hand the believe that economy greatly affect the world Policy
Female must meet the characteristics of the care and upbringing of community and equality
Fairy environmental awareness and the roles to be more flexible and contribute more in
giving to the community, most of whom prefer to be social workers and the components of a
lot of energy, labor tracking system policy of working to live, and see that it is the most
important growth of the economy is interest in the environment, and does not see that the
religion of the most important things in life, and has less than wages less hours of work and
cannot work in any profession because it is a great hardship for females, and considers that
the most important things in life is to create a true family and discipline them with the
responsibility of both parties and the performance of duties in an orderly fashion
Long-term Orientation (LTO)
Hofstede believes that should predict the future is too far over and try to distinguish the
ideological difference between East and West, and saw that there are characteristics found
the side of the long-term Perseverance and saving for the future and a sense of shame and
consistency, stability and respect, and societies must maintain the links between them and
how to deal with the challenges of the future and indulgence with the present. In the short
term, linking communities to the past values, including respect for the traditions and
reciprocity and fulfilling social obligations, for instance the states of which the UAE, which is
working hard to challenge the future and evolution However adhering to the past, customs
and traditions
Indulgence vs. restraint (IVR)
Try capita between the community in the discipline and trying to control their desires, and some
communities have a tolerance where you hear the man to satisfy the basic and natural desires that
are related to life, however we must control and regulate the soul and put his strict rules because
this saturation may result in negative consequences, and for example the State of America where
permitted person to exercise illegitimate relationship and the consequent presence of unidentified
children and the spread of disease
Halh, E. (2011, March 14). Individualism vs. Collectivism. Retrieved from academia.edu:
Karp, J. ( 2013, December 30). Uncertainty avoidance. Retrieved from mfiles.pl:
Power Distance . (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia: