II Sem.(3yr)Assignments

1/3 LL.B.- II Semester ( April 2013)
Environmental Law- Assignment
Short Notes:
Define the term Environment
Water Pollution
Noise Pollution
Stockholm Conference 1972
Public trust doctrine
Forest Conservation
Catchment area
Sustainable development
Essay question:
Discuss how public interest litigation has resulted in increasing environmental
Litigation as well as environment protection
Discuss the salient features of environment Protection Act 1986
Examine the extent of applicability of “absolute liability” Principle to
the Environmental law
Explain different provisions of the Constitution concerning the Protection of
Faculty: Smt.K.Swapa Rani
1/3 LL.B.- II Semester ( April 2013)
Constitutional Law-II- Assignments ( I,II & III)
Essay Questions:
1. What is the procedure to change or amend the Constitution? Discuss the status of the
Constitutional amendment. Is it ‘law’ under Article 13 of the Constitution?
2. Examine the distribution of legislative powers between the union and states in India?
3. Explain the provisions relating to the advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under the
Constitution of India?
4. Among the three types of emergencies write any two types of emergencies
5. Critically examine the position of President under the Constitution of India?
Short Notes:
1. Impeachment
2. Council of Ministers
3. Election Commission
4. Money Bill
5. Doctrine of pleasure
6. Governor
7. Advocate General
8. Federalism
9. Trade, Commerce
10. Public Interest Litigation
11. Constituent Assembly
12. Prospective overruling
13. Indira Gandhi Vs. Raj Narain
14. Sankari Prasad case or Minerva Mills case
15. Finance Commission.
Faculty: Smt.M.Chitra Bhanu
1/3–II Semester: Family Law-II (Hindu Succession Act 1956)
Essay question:
1. What is Joint Hindu Family? Distinguish between Joint Hindu Family and Coparcenary.
Short Notes:
1. Custom
2. Powers of Kartha
3. Class I heirs
4. Agnates and Cognates
Essay question:
1. What are the general rules of Succession in case of Hindu male died intestate?
Short notes:
1. Privileged will
2. Doctrine of Representation
3. Probate
4. Wasiyat
Answer any Two questions:
1. D. dies intestate leaving behind father, mother, 2 widows, 2 sons and 2 daughters. Distribute
the property under Hindu Succession Act, 1956
2. A Muslim ‘M’ died leaving behind his wife and children. The wife ‘W’ was major but her
Children were minors. The deceased had left certain properties. The father of ‘W’
managed such properties on behalf of her and her children. The petition- a residuary filed a
suit for partition of his share. ‘W’ argued that she maintained the properties of her husband
on behalf of minor children- Discuss.
3. A, Christian dies leaving a widow, 2 sons and 2 daughters and property
of Rs.30,000/. Distribute his Property.
Faculty: Smt.S.N.A.Padmaja
1/3–II Semester: Special Contracts
Short questions:
1. Contract of Guarantee
2. Indemnity holder
3. Bailment
4. Caveat Emptor
5. Partnership
6. Hire purchase
7. Surety
8. Termination of Agency
9. Dishonor of cheque
Essay Questions:
1. Explain the essentials of contract of Indemnity. Distinguish it from contract of Guarantee?
2. What are the Rights & Liabilities of surety? Under what circumstances a surety is
discharged from his liability?
3. Who is an Agent and what are his rights and duties. When wills the personal liability of an
Agent arises?
4. Define partnership. What is the nature of partnership? What is the effect of non
registration of Partnership firm?
Faculty: Sri G.V.Naga Suresh
1/3–II Semester & 3/5-VI SEM: Jurisprudence
Essay Questions:
1. What is Jurisprudence? Explain the scope and need to study Jurisprudence
2. Explain the binding nature of precedent with reference to ratio decidendi and obiter dicta
Also discuss English doctrine of stare decisis
3. Evaluate the contribution of Roscoe Pound to the sociological school of law? (Write theory of
Social engineering)
4. Define Legal Right? What are the essential characteristics of a legal right?
Short Notes:
1. Volksgeist (Refer to Historical school)
2. Locus standi
3. Obligation
4. H L A Hart’s concept of law
5. Ownership and possession
6. Basic structure doctrine
7. Concept of reasonableness
8. Custom
9. Mensrea
10. Negligence
Faculty: Dr.A.Aruna Sri Lakshmi