Chapter 7- Energy from Fossil Fuels

Chapter 7- Energy from Fossil
Oil: Distribution, Politics and Spills
Natural Gas
Energy in the News
The Political Price of Mid-Eastern Oil
Fossil Fuels: The Major Energy Source
90% of commercial energy resources come from fossil fuels
Reserves: proven reserves, indicated reserves, inferred reserves
Resources: total amount of the fossil fuel in the world.
How do you define reserves vs resources?
Some states tax reserves: better to underestimate them for tax purposes
World Oil Reserves
Who has the most proven oil reserves?
Brown=rest of world, Orange=USA+Western
countries, Blue=Former Soviet Union,
Green= OPEC
King Huppert Oil Depletion Curve
If price goes up,
When is half of
The oil gone?
If price stays low,
When is half of the
Oil gone?
World Oil and Gas Production
Conventional production
Methods, when is half of
the oil and gas gone?
Non conventional
production methods, when
is half of the oil and gas
What does this tell you
About your old age?
World Oil Production by Region
Where is the most
Oil produced?
Oil Consumption
Who consumes the most
Per capita?
Another Way to Look at It
Distribution of USA Oil Use
Which sector
Uses the most oil?
Why is there a hump
In the curve?
Distillation of Crude Oil
Products of Oil Distillation
Simple Distillation vs Refinery Yield
How are the refinery yields different? What is there more of?
Why are the refinery yields different? (What is the incentive for the
Difference in yields?)
Politics of Oil Pipelines
Tengiz in Kazachstan:
Largest old field found
In the last 10 years.
Why would Russia not
Support this pipeline?
Bosporus (fault,
(James Bond movie)
Structural Traps
What type of structural trap is
3 major types of structural
Need permeability and
Porosity as well as structural
(impact craters:
Hazards of Oil Production
Oil Spills: Exxon Valdez (fragility of cold environments0
Largest oil spill during Persian Gulf War
Pumping out tanks: Beaches in Italy with petroleum balls
Primary Recovery
Recovery range
1/5 to 1/3 of the
Pump more slowly
And get more oil
Think about
Architecture of
Oil storage
Secondary Recovery
Two methods: Water and Gas Injection
Tertiary Recovery
Recovers up to 50% of original oil with secondary
And primary recovery
End Uses of Natural Gas in USA
Natural Gas Use Since 1930
Where Natural
Gas is Found
Natural Gas forms
From breakdown of
Oil at high temperatures
Associated gas: with Oil
Unassociated gas:
Without oil
Deep earth gas hypothesis
(Tom Gold)
Pipelines for Natural Gas
States produce
The most
Natural gas?
How can
You tell from
This picture?
Global Coal Reserves
What four regions have the most coal?
Types of Coal and Energy Content
US: Coal Consumption by Sector
What sector consumes the
Most coal? How does this
Contrast with the distribution
Of gas and oil use?
Coal Deposits of the USA
Based on Btu yield
Per unit weight,
Which are the
Most valuable coal
Coal Strip Mining Shovel
How big is this
(Look at trucks
Beneath the shovel)
RT 80)
Petrochemicals in Everyday Life
Alarm clock: coated chips
Perfume: aromatic hydrocarbons
Sheets: formaldehyde in non-wrinkling sheets
Gargle: Listerine has a relative of phenol
Toothpaste: contains benzene, chloroform, glycerol
Shampoo; mineral oil is from petroleum
Aspirin: derived from phenol
Antiseptics: petroleum derivatives
Muffin: fertilizer, propylene glycol preserves moistness