July 2015 Minutes - Radnor House Surgery

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13th July 2015 at Radnor House.
Stephen Isaia (Chairman)
Dr John Rawlinson
Jo Taylor (Practice Manager)
Roz Hansen
Pam Lakin
Sheila Sparks
Malcolm Brown
Peter Boyce
Minutes of the last meeting: Two amendments were noted – Point 1 should have read “WAM CCG
had been awarded £2.5 million from the Prime Minister’s Challenge.”. Point 2 FFT – should have
read “After a good response in Jan/Feb there had been little interest in following months.” These
minutes can now be posted onto the website and a hard copy put on the PPG noticeboard.
1. Matters arising:
FFT – It would seem that our experience is not unusual, and the Government’s
response will be awaited with interest.
Newsletter – The Chairman thanked Roz for another triumph! An interim Newsletter
will be issued with details regarding a public event being held by the RBWM entitled
“Daily Living Made Easy”, and information regarding Age Concern sessions held at
ACM replacing the now out-of-date article on arrangements for Royal Ascot Week.
Action Plan – Jo to ensure that a laminated copy of the Action Plan is put on the PPG
The nurses from AMC are doing extra hours to cover both sites. Patients can now be
seen at either site as there is joint access of medical records. Appointments for AMC
should be made with their Reception and similarly appointments for Radnor House
should be made with our Reception.
A new site for the combined practice is still under discussion with Frimley Health. A
decision is not expected until a final plan for the whole Heatherwood site has been
Pam reported that she had been delighted with the efficiency and speed she had
experienced when arranging a recent appointment for physiotherapy.
Jo had asked for feedback on the arrangements for Royal Ascot Week. Nothing had
come back to her or Stephen so it was assumed that everyone had been satisfied
with the early hours at Radnor House and the afternoon surgeries at AMC.
2. Network PPG – Stephen reported that as the last meeting had been held during
Royal Ascot Week neither he nor Sheila had attended. The main agenda items had
been an up-date on The Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund and reports from the few
PPG Groups who had attended.
3. Update on extended Primary Care - Stephen, as a member of the Programme Board
overseeing the implementation of extended Primary Care, and Dr Rawlinson
reported on progress. At the moment Ascot is not part of the new service but is
scheduled to be included in the near future. At that time careful thought will have to
be given as to how it is to be advertised and recommended to patients. Each surgery
in the WAM CCG would have slots for evenings and weekends at King Edward VII
Hospital, Windsor. Appointments would have to be pre-booked as it is not a walk-in
service. Currently 1 GP and 1 nurse will be on duty at each session, but it is hoped in
time that this might be increased to 2 & 2. Patients must realise that they probably
won’t see their own GP, or even a GP from their own practice, but the doctor on
duty will have access to some medical records. Because of this any prescriptions
issued can only be for a 28 day supply.
The Government want doctors to offer more choice to patients and if used well it
should be a good extension to the current system.
It is currently only on a one year trial, if it is successful and is to be continued future
funding would have to come from the CCG.
4. Merger with Ascot Medical Centre (AMC) – WE HAVE MERGED. Currently the
structure of the team is still under discussion as is the site for the newly merged
practice. As said previously this is very dependent on Frimley Health’s final decision
for the Heatherwood site as a whole.
Stephen asked for views on the merger of the two PPGs as we are now one practice.
It was agreed unanimously that we should merge and Karen Washbourn (Practice
Manager) and Caroline Chamberlain would be invited to our next meeting and
copied in on the minutes of this meeting.
5. Any other Business - Jo asked if anyone had heard the item on the radio recently, or
come across, “Push Doctor” a new on-line medical service. There is a lot of
information on-line and members might be interested to read more about it.
The meeting finished at 7.25 pm.
Date and time of next meeting: Monday 7th September at 6.15 pm. NB: Karen and
Caroline will be invited to come at 5.45 pm to meet the Chairman and the other
members of the PPG as they arrive before the meeting proper begins.