MDR Outline of the Process

Diocese of St Albans
Mission & Ministry Development Review
Local Context Review Form
Your Name:
Your Role (see below):
Your Phone Number:
Your Email Address:
Name of Minister:
Minister’s Post / Role:
You have been asked to provide input into this minister’s two-yearly review called a Mission and
Ministry Development Review (MMDR) because you work closely with him/her as a ‘peer’ in
ministry, or are part of the same community. Please indicate your relationship to the minister by
stating your role (e.g. curate, administrator, churchwarden, parishioner etc.).
The purpose of an MMDR is to provide affirmation and foster accountability. The process is designed
to help the minister being reviewed look back and reflect on what has happened over the last year
or two of ministry and, informed by that and the current work situation, to look forward to plan,
anticipate and develop a clearer vision for what lies ahead. In looking back there is an opportunity to
acknowledge the things to be thankful for and to reflect on areas that were more challenging. In
looking forward there is the opportunity to anticipate the changing demands of the role, to identify
future objectives and to recognise areas for potential development.
It should be emphasised that MMDR is essentially about the individual person in the context of
his/her place of ministry – although the context will not be the main consideration. (Mission and
ministry relating to geographical context is reviewed regularly in a separate process).
Please also note that all the information which you provide on this form will be shared with the
minister concerned. We hope you will feel able to be open and honest in your feedback. We
encourage local context reviewers not to write things that they would unwilling to say to the
minister in person. However, if you wish to add further information in confidence, please contact
the CAR Secretary ( or 01727 818163).
The statements below describe some of the things that a priest or minister is called to do in the
Church of England. Not all of them apply to everyone. For example, some assistant clergy may
not have a parish leadership role and chaplains may have different responsibilities.
For each of the statements, think about how well this describes the person that you've been
asked to review. Please consider not only how strong the person is in each area, but also how
might they be able to grow, improve and develop.
Review Statements
Your priest or minister…
Enables people to meet with God through the way he/she leads worship and celebrates
the sacraments.
Preaches and teaches people of all ages and backgrounds, in a way that is engaging,
relevant and challenging.
Helps people to go deeper in understanding the Christian faith.
Helps people to grow spiritually, to pray and to lead Christian lives.
Helps churches to grow in numbers by facilitating and encouraging mission, outreach
and evangelism.
Engages with the local community; for example, in the schools, hospitals and
Cares for people in their times of need, and helps other people to do so.
Identifies other people's gifts and enables them to use them in the church – and maybe
outside church, too.
Helps people to hear God's calling and to explore Christian vocation.
Has a compelling vision for the future of the church and its ministry.
Helps to develop and maintain a sense of momentum and keeps hope alive even in
difficult times.
Is organised, disciplined, punctual and efficient in his/her administration.
Collaborates with others, delegates areas of responsibility and works well with
Is passionate about his/her own faith.
Sets a good example of Christian living.
Tries to stay healthy in body, mind and spirit, devotes time to reading and study, and
achieves a good balance between work and time off.
Feedback Form
Having thought about these statements, how would you like to affirm your minister or priest? In
which three areas is your priest or minister strongest? You will probably want to choose from
the list above, but please don’t let it constrain you if there are other qualities you want to affirm.
Please indicate your responses below, giving your reasons.
Nobody is perfect; we all have room for improvement and there will always be some areas where
there are opportunities for development. Dwelling on shortcomings is rarely helpful. It is more
beneficial to focus on those areas where genuine growth and progress is possible.
Think about the areas of challenge for your minister or priest. In which three do you think that
he/she could most improve? You will probably want to choose from the list above, but please
don’t let it constrain you if there are other areas on which you want to comment. Please indicate
your responses below, giving your reasons.
Please feel free to add any further comments here:
Your name (accepted as signature):
Date completed: