quotation ppt

Quotation and Citation
Basics and Error Correction
Ref. http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/research/documentation.html
Documenting Sources
Quotation & Internal/Parenthetical
Avoid wordiness;
 Altering the original text.
Work(s) Cited
Citing Electronic Sources;
 Citing Chinese Sources
 Others
Purposes: avoid plagiarism, increase
credibility by giving evidence or support,
for close analysis.
Kinds: paraphrase and direct quote
(further divided into: separated and
Things to Consider: avoiding wordiness
and over-quoting, punctuation; transition,
using ellipses and brackets ([]) for
alterations of sources.
Quotation –increase
Afrika Bambaataa, one of the founders of
Hip Hop, defines it not in terms of skin
colors, “ Hip Hop means the whole culture
of the movement…how you act, walk,
look, talk are all part of hip-hop culture.
And the music is colorless. Hip Hop music
is made from Black, brown, yellow, red,
white, whatever music that gives you the
grunt, that funk, that groove or that
beat… It’s all part of Hip Hop.” (cont’d)
over-quotation & internal citation
Grandmaster Flash, . . . , also emphasizes the
idea of emancipating all hip-hoppers from racial
discrimination, “ For anybody to say ‘this is not
hip hop or ‘that is not hip hop’ is wrong. That’s
not the way the formula was laid down. It was
for the people who were going to continue this
to take anything…by all means necessary and
string it along.” Both of the hip-hop forefathers
are opposed to those who disdain the whites’
talents and dedications, which convinces us
that the color is really not a matter, but only for
the people “who were going to continue Hip
Hop to take anything” deserve the name “real
hip-hoppers”(both quote from DaveyD’s Hip
Hop Corner).
Quotation –indent the long
Afrika Bambaataa, one of the founders of
Hip Hop, defines it not in terms of skin
“Hip Hop means the whole culture of the
movement…how you act, walk, look, talk are all
part of hip-hop culture. And the music is colorless.
Hip Hop music is made from Black, brown, yellow,
red, white, whatever music that gives you the
grunt, that funk, that groove or that beat… It’s all
part of Hip Hop” (par 1).
Quotation –do not quote without
your own interpretation
Grandmaster Flash, . . . , is also against
setting the racial boundaries: the formula
of Hip Hop, instead, “was [and should still
be] for the people who were going to
continue this to take anything” (Flash par
3) Both of the hip-hop forefathers,
therefore, are opposed to those who
disdain the whites’ talents and dedications.
The name “real hip-hoppers,” in other
words, go to those who continue its styles
and spirit, blacks and whites and the
other colors alike.
Quotation: Transition and Avoiding
[. . . ] her attitude towards love can be
regarded as extreme one. That is to say, Xia
Long-nyu can sacrifice for Yang Guo. Jing Yong
says,” On that day when Yang Guo threw away
the panacea, Xia Long-nyu knew that Yang Guo
is not willing to live alone if Xia Long-nyu is dead.
Thus, she must kill herself first then Yang Guo
would just try to find out another panacea.”
(Romanization; 「那日楊過將半枚絕情丹拋入谷底,
內情花之毒。」 From this point of view, Xia Longnyu also can die for Yang Guo and this kind of
attitude towards love is as the same as Yang
Guo. In other words, Xia Long-nyu’s attitude
about love is very extreme.
Quotation: Transition and Avoiding
Wordiness --suggestions
[. . . ] her love is extreme since she is willing to
sacrifice her life for Yang Guo. When both of
them are poisoned and they have only one
antidote, Yang Guo throws out the pill to want to
die with her. Xiau-Long-Nyu, on the other hand,
decides to die first because she knows that “only
when she dies first will he give up the idea of
death and kill the poison of love flower.” (「惟有
毒。」 pagination? My translation.) In other
words, to save his life, she has to make him stop
loving her. While their love for each other is
equally strong, therefore, Xiau-Long-Nyu’s is
Quotation: Transition
According to a consumption behavior
called “Image Congruence Hypothesis”
(林財丁84 your translation?), customers
would tend to choose products that fit
their self-image; in other words, people
choose products that can help them show
“who they are” because “The main reason
for consumers to buy this ‘symbolic
meaning’ (the product) is to highlight
‘self image’” (林靈宏242). (rep)
Quotation: Transition
According to a consumption behavior
theory called “Image Congruence
Hypothesis” (T. Lin 84 your translation?),
customers would tend to choose products
that fit their self-image; in other words,
in buying a commodity, consumers care
not only about its use values but also its
“symbolic meanings [. . . in order] to
highlight [their] ‘self image’” (L. Lin 242).
Use Internal Citation to
avoid wordiness
Based on the dissertation, “A
Historical Analysis of Coffee
Consumption in Taiwan” written by
Fan-ting, the development of coffee
can be divided into three major
periods: first is from 1930 to 1960,
second is form 1960 to 1980 and
the third is from 1980 to 1990. (41,
82, 122)
Errors fixed
Based on the dissertation written by
Fang-ting, A Historical Analysis of
Coffee Consumption in Taiwan, the
development of coffee can be
divided into three major periods: the
first is from 1930 to 1960, the
second is from 1960 to 1980 and
the third is from 1980 to 1990 (41,
82, 122).
Internal Citation
The development of coffee in Taiwan
can be divided into three major
periods: first, from 1930 to 1960,
second, from 1960 to 1980, and
third, from 1980 to 1990 (Fan 41,
82, 122).
Internal Citation –avoid
In Wang’s paper she says, “one of
surrealists, Max Ernst, a poet Paul
Eluard and his wife once visited
him(who?) and invited him to be
one of “surrealist movement”…, but
he refused them as well as he
rejected other invitations from
Fauvism, Cubism, and Structurism”
(qtd. in 78).
Internal Citation –avoid
According to Wang, “one surrealist, Max
Ernst, a poet Paul Eluard and his wife
once visited [Chagall] and invited him to
join the surrealist movement…, but he
refused them, just as he rejected the
other invitations from Fauvism, Cubism,
and Structurism” (78).
Separated quotation
What does “qtd” mean?
Quotation e.g. altering the
original texts.
First of all, “[t]he news [i]s subjective,
spoken by a person,” strongly affirmed by
Margaret Morse, a Professor of Film and
Video at UC Santa Cruz.
First of all, the news, as Margaret Morse
points out, “[i]s subjective, spoken by a
person” (?).
Inevitably, news broadcast is “subjective,
spoken by a person” (Morse ?) –
integrated quotation.
Citing Electronic Sources –
remember the date of access
Walker, Janice & Todd Taylor. “Basic CGOS
Style.” The Columbia Guide to Online Style.
Columbia UP, 1998. Oct 26, 1999.
Flannagan, Roy. "Reflections on Milton and
Ariosto.“ Early Modern Literary Studies 2.3 (1996):
12-45. 16 pars. 22 Feb. 1997
Citing Chinese Sources –don’t be
afraid of troubles!
Tsai, Wen-fang (蔡文芳). “星巴克人的誕生-都市咖啡消
費空間的解讀.” 師大地理研究報告. 2000, 32:
(In Tong-Yong system)
Cai, Wen-fang 蔡文芳. “Sing-ba-ke ren de dan-sheng (〈星
巴克人的誕生-都市咖啡消費空間的解讀〉[The Birth of
the Starbuck-ers: An Interpretation of the Spaces of Urban
Coffee Consumption]).” Shih-da di-li za-jhih bau-gau (《師
大地理研究報告》) 32(2000): 147-169.
陳裕榮 [Chen Ju-rueng]“聯考加分加重
學生壓力.” [Extra Credit, Extra
Pressure to Aboriginal students]
Chinatimes Foundation 16Aug. 1999.
5 Oct. 2003.
Practice -- correction
Chen, Ju-Rong 陳裕榮. “Lien-kao
jia-fen jia-zhung xue-sheng ya-li.
〈聯考加分加重學生壓力〉 [Extra
Credit, Extra Pressure to Aboriginal
students].” Chinatimes Foundation
16Aug. 1999. 5 Oct. 2003.
Work Cited –Anything wrong?
Flash, Grandmaster. “Grand Master Flash’s
Definition of Hip Hop.” DaveyD’s Hip Hop
Corner. 19 Dec. 2002.
Forman, Murray. The Hood Comes First.
Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,
2002. 23-42.
Forman, Murray. The Hood Comes First.
Middletown, IL: Wesleyan UP, 2002.