15_Lecture 23 Crusad..

Lecture 23 Crusades II
Dr. Ann T. Orlando
3 November 2015
Subsequent crusading movements
Religious orders
Internal crusade – the Inquisition
Second Crusade (1145-1149)
Turks recaptured Edessa and threaten Holy Land
St. Bernard of Clairvaux preached this crusade,
Primarily German (HRE) and French troops
Offered same plenary indulgence as Urban II and First Crusade
Discouraged attacks on Jews in Rhineland
Military disaster in East
Crusading armies from France and Germany not coordinated, distrustful of
each other and Byzantines
Did not win back Edessa
Attacked but did not take Damascus; attacked but did not conquer Egypt
Result: union of Syria and Egypt against the Western Crusaders
Third Crusade (1187-1192)
Because of unified Syria and Egypt, Muslims
under Saladin were able to retake Jerusalem in
King’s Crusade
Saladin made it a point not to engage in same
kind of blood-bath as First Crusade
Richard I (Lionhearted) of England
Phillip II of France
Fredrick Barbarossa of HRE
Military stalemate
Crusaders manage to hold onto Acre, but could
not retake Jerusalem
Richard negotiates a peace with Saladin
guaranteeing safety of Christian pilgrims
On his way home, Richard imprisoned by
Germans, eventually ransomed
Fourth Crusade (1202-1204)
Intended to recapture Jerusalem
Preached by Pope Innocent III
An unruly mob of Western mercenaries sail to Constantinople
Ignored by most kings and rulers
Encouraged by Venetians and Genoese
In spite of Innocent III threatening to excommunicate anyone who molests
Constantinople, city is attacked and taken
Three day horrendous sack, rape, murder, pillage, wonton destruction
Many artifacts (horses in St. Mark’s Sq in Venice) and relics (St. John
Chrysostom and St. Gregory Nazianzus) end up in St. Peter’s Basilica in
Venetians and Genoese rule Constantinople until Byzantines win it back
in 1261
Impact of Fourth Crusade and
Sack of Constantinople
Confirmed the worst fears of Eastern Christians about
Western (Christian) barbarians
Resentment by Orthodox Christians lasts to today
Apologizing for Sack is a part of John Paul II effort to
bring the two lungs of Christianity closer together
The relics of John Chrysostom and Gregory Nazianzus
were returned in 2004
The Fourth Crusade was the last crusade encouraged
by the papacy
Later Eastern Crusades
Children’s Crusade of 1212; adolescent and preteenage children went to Holy Land and were
slaughtered or taken as slaves; led by 10 year olds
Fifth Crusade, 1217-1221, led by Austrians and
Sixth Crusade, 1228-1229, led by HRE Fredrick II;
briefly retook Jerusalem
Seventh and Eighth Crusade, 1248-1254, led by King
Louis IX of France (later proclaimed saint) who was
taken captive and eventually ransomed
Acre falls in 1291
Western Crusade: Reconquista
711: The Muslim conquest of Iberia begins.
721: Charles Martel wins Battle of Tours
800: Charlemagne completes the reconquest of all
of today's southern French territory and the Pyrenees
914: Completion of the reconquest of the north-west.
1085: Toledo reconquered by Castilian forces.
1147: Lisbon and most of Portugal retaken
1236: Half of Iberia has been reconquered by the
1300s and 1400s: Continuing slow push of Spanish
forces south led by Castile and Aragon.
1492: Victorious Ferdinand and Isabel, Treaty of
Granada completes the Reconquista.
NB Parts of Spain were Muslim longer than they have
been Christian (so far)
Impact of Crusades Within
‘Crusades’ against Jews
Crusading Orders
The Western Front: reconquest of Spain
‘Crusades’ against Jews
Some took call to take up arms against enemies of Christianity
as license to persecute Jews in Europe
Especially horrendous during the First Crusade in Rhineland
Same thing occurs during Second Crusade
Mob of Christians rampage against Jews
Large Jewish populations in Mainz and other towns destroyed
In large measure a way to ‘get back’ at Jewish financiers
Bernard of Clairvaux goes to Mainz and convinces leaders of mobs
to cease
Bishops often tried to protect Jews from local mobs
Pope Calixtus II issues Sicut Jadaeis in 1120
Jews have right to property
Jews should not be forced to convert
Jews can conduct their own religious services
Violation carries excommunication
Crusading Orders
Knights Templar
Hospitallers of St John
Knights of Malta
Teutonic Knights
Sad Tale of Templars
Founded after capture of Jerusalem by First Crusade
Became very wealthy and powerful with vast landholdings in
Out of greed and fear, King Philip IV (the Fair) of France
convinced Pope Clement V (an Avignon Pope) to condemn
Templars for heresy and suppress the order
c 1119 to protect pilgrims from bands of Muslim robbers in Holy
Rule of life written by Bernard of Clairvaux
Called ‘Templars’ because they lived on Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Friday Oct 13, 1307 Grand Master and Knights throughout Europe
Executed by being burnt at stake following March
Property in France became property of crown
Property elsewhere in Europe given to papacy
The Internal Crusade: The
Starts as Church opposition to Albingensian (Cathars) in
Southern France
 Similar to (a type of?) Manichaeism
 Spread with Muslim invasions through Spain
1208 Innocent III declares ‘crusade’ against Albingensians
 Barons and bishops of northern France mount bloody and
successful conquest of Southern France
 Asks St. Dominic
1233 Inquisition established to find heretics
 Both a religious and a political institution
 Remember: political and religious unity not distinguished
 Example: St. Jean D’Arc executed by English Inquisition
The Church Reflects on
Tertio Milennio Advente 35
Another painful chapter of history to which
the sons and daughters of the Church must
return with a spirit of repentance is that of
the acquiescence given, especially in
certain centuries, to intolerance and even
the use of violence in the service of truth.
It is true that an accurate historical
judgment cannot prescind from careful
study of the cultural conditioning of the
The Sack of Constantinople, available at