Speaking Task

A2 Portfolio – 5
Module 3 (10 February 2014 - 04 April 2014)
Speaking Task
Speaking task is optional so choose one of them.
1- Discuss cultural problems
2- Describing Photographs
1- Discuss cultural problems with your portfolio instructor. To help you prepare
your presentation, think about answers to the following questions:
What problems could a foreigner have in your country?
Do you think it is easy or difficult for foreigners to live in your country?
Why do you think understanding culture in your country is important?
What is considered polite/rude in your country? etc., etc.
Make organized notes and give a presentation to your portfolio instructor. Answer any
questions your instructor has about your presentation.
2- Describing Photographs
This week, you will engage in a conversation with your portfolio teacher.
You are the Website Manager and your portfolio teacher is your director. You are
choosing some photos for the animal charity website. Describe the photos on pages
116 and 125 in your LL2 book to him/her and make your recommendation for the link
on the website.
Use the key language and useful phrases on the Scenario Part of Unit 5:
In the photograph, some people are watching…….
In the first/second photograph, a man is showing…..
There are a lot of people in the background.
On the right/left of the picture, (someone is walking….)
In the middle….
They look (very professional).
This one is nicer/clearer/stronger/weaker
more unusual/dramatic/powerful
I like the way this one feels /seems / looks …
I think this one is better because …
I think we should use this one because …
Use Present Continuous Tense to describe someone’s actions in the picture.
A2 Portfolio – 5
Module 3 (10 February 2014 - 04 April 2014)
Before the portfolio - You are responsible to keep a vocabulary notebook during your course and
learn the target vocabulary from each unit in your Language Leader and Q:Skills 2 course books.
For each new target word, your vocabulary notebook must include its part of speech, definition
and a sample sentence.
In the portfolio session – Your portfolio instructor will check your vocabulary notebook (bring it with
you!) and ask you about 10 new words at random from your Language Leader or Q: Skills books.
Please give an example sentence in English for each of the 10 words.
Target Vocabulary
Language Leader
Consumer (n.)
Possession (n.)
Colleague (n)
Promotion (n)
Staff (n)
Buyer (n)
Delivery (n)
Discount (n)
Export (v)
Materialistic (adj.)
Manufacturer (n)
Price (n)
Quantity (n)
Retailer (n)
Supply (v)
Q Skills Words
Corporation (n)
Courage (n)
Design (v)
Expand (v)
Expert (n)
Manage (v)
Strength (n)
Challenge (n)
Enthusiasm (n)
Depend on (v)
Fail (v)
Goal (n)
Lifestyle (n)
Pass down (v)
Realistic (adj)
Responsibility (n)
Talent (n)
A2 Portfolio – 5
Module 3 (10 February 2014 - 04 April 2014)