
Tool Kit Activity
SLO #: _3_ Course Level:_PreCore_ Suggested Class Time :30min Complexity Index:Easy
(1, 2, 3, 4 or 5)
(PreCore, 1000, or 2000)
Snapshot: 10 minutes of class, minimal instructor preparation
Easy: 1 day of class, some instructor preparation
Moderate: 1 – 2 weeks of class; some instructor training/preparation
Complex: 1 – 2 months of class or wholly integrated into class,
instructor preparation should start one semester prior to implementing
In CT3, critical thinking is defined as:
…the disciplined and continuous process of asking the right questions and practicing logical thought processes to come to justifiable conclusions.
CT3 SLO statement: Evaluate Quality and Relevance of Information
Check the Math - PreCore
Cassandra Bowell
MATH Faculty, cbowell@dcccd.edu
Objective of Activity:
Upon completion of this activity, students will be able to check arithmetic computations
involving percents or exchange rates.
Lesson Plan Outline for Activity:
This activity is suitable for any student who is currently enrolled in DMAT 0090 or above.
Five scenarios are described on the attached copy master.
Each student will choose a random scenario. Working solo first, the student will
read the scenario and will answer the questions. (5 minutes)
Then the students will pair up according to matched scenarios. (Logistics hint:
upon making
copies of the scenario page and cutting into five sections, use 5 different highlighter colors and make a small mark on
each page. In other words, mark all copies of scenario #1 with a yellow highlighter; mark all copies of scenario #2 with a
pink highlighter, etc. The students could pair up according to color or number)
The pair should collaborate on their individual results. They are instructed to write a
2 -3 sentence answer on a common third page with both student names listed. (5
Now provide each student with a copy of the master with all 5 scenarios.
For each scenario, a volunteer pair will present their common results page to the
class. (20 minutes) The instructor will collect the common results page for points.
Web Links for Instructor Preparation for Activity:
Four page notecard set on % from DMAT 0090 is appended.
Helpful weblink for Percent Practice:
(interactive and not suitable for screen printing…please alert contributor if link is broken)
Web Links to Access During Activity:
Suggested M.A.T.U.R.E. Measure Technique(s):
Evidence To Be Collected
The common third page with the 2 – 3
sentence statement validating or
contesting the information presented
in the scenario.
In Class Activity:
(3 points) --- the student pair identified and clearly
stated in words the correct mathematical process
to verify or contest the information given in the
(2 points) --- the student pair identified the correct
mathematical process and were able to state this
out loud to the class. The written portion is not as
clear as one for the 3 point award.
Institutional Criteria:
The students exhibit
awareness of varying
degrees of validity,
relevance and reliability of
(1 point) --- the student pair corrected the
information given in the scenario but did not
explain out loud or with a written statement.
(0 points) --- the student pair did not determine the
invalid information posed in the scenario
Early Thinkers
Students in pairs
who score 1, 2 or 3
Students in pairs
who score 0
eCampus quiz – Respondus
(under construction)
Survey question in
Respondus Quiz
The average score achieved on the
Respondus Quiz
Bibliographic References: n/a
Other items that are appended here:
Copy master for the scenario sheet (next two pages)
Percent notecards available only on pdf version.
Scenario #1:
(Note: Sales tax is 8.25% in Dallas1.)
El Centro Shirt
The register receipt shown to the right
jammed in the printer. The clerk said
that your final total was $25.00
Is she correct? How do you know?
What math calculation(s) will empower you to decide?
1.) http://www.window.state.tx.us/taxinfo/local/city.html
Scenario #2:
You are a register clerk for a clothing store that offers extra 15% off the sales price of an item. A customer has selected a dress to purchase for $89.99. That
particular brand is on sale for 30% off. You ring up a subtotal for the dress as $49.50. However, the manager has been flagged and she states that your subtotal
is incorrect. Who is correct? you or the manager? Show the correct math calculation as well as an explanation of the incorrect one.
Scenario #3:
You will be traveling to Brazil for a work related assignment. Currently, the exchange rate is 2.03 Brazilian Real to 1 United States Dollar1. Your hotel rate is
known to be 292 Brazilian Real per night. You have requested an advance of $1000 USD to pre-pay for a seven night stay. Will you have enough? Show the
correct math calculation.
1 http://coinmill.com/BRL_USD.html#USD=1
Scenario #4:
Bank A offers you a student loan of $1000 at 6% simple interest. Bank B advertises a student loan of $750 at 5.5% simple interest but requires a processing fee
of $100. With either bank, you’ll pay the loan back in 2 years. Show correct math calculations that allow you decide based on paying the least amount over the
principal amount ($1000 for Bank A, $750 for Bank B)
Scenario #5:
You are an auto salesperson and receive weekly pay of $300 plus a commission of 8.5% of the sales price of any automobile that is sold under your efforts. Last
week, you were able to secure three new car sales for a total of $74,619. The direct deposit made into your checking account for your pay for last week was
$934.26. Is that the correct amount? How do you know?
Scenario #1:
(Note: Sales tax is 8.25% in Dallas1.)
El Centro Shirt
The register receipt shown to the right
jammed in the printer. The clerk said
that your final total was $25.00
Is she correct? How do you know?
What math calculation(s) will empower you to decide?
2.) http://www.window.state.tx.us/taxinfo/local/city.html
Scenario #2:
You are a register clerk for a clothing store that offers extra 15% off the sales price of an item. A customer has selected
a dress to purchase for $89.99. That particular brand is on sale for 30% off. You ring up a subtotal for the dress as
$49.50. However, the manager has been flagged and she states that your subtotal is incorrect. Who is correct? you or
the manager? Show the correct math calculation as well as an explanation of the incorrect one.
Scenario #3:
You will be traveling to Brazil for a work related assignment. Currently, the exchange rate is 2.03 Brazilian Real to 1
United States Dollar1. Your hotel rate is known to be 292 Brazilian Real per night. You have requested an advance of
$1000 USD to pre-pay for a seven night stay. Will you have enough? Show the correct math calculation.
1 http://coinmill.com/BRL_USD.html#USD=1
Scenario #4:
Bank A offers you a student loan of $1000 at 6% simple interest. Bank B advertises a student loan of $750 at 5.5%
simple interest but requires a processing fee of $100. With either bank, you’ll pay the loan back in 2 years. Show
correct math calculations that allow you decide based on paying the least amount over the principal amount ($1000 for
Bank A, $750 for Bank B)
Scenario #5:
You are an auto salesperson and receive weekly pay of $300 plus a commission of 8.5% of the sales price of any
automobile that is sold under your efforts. Last week, you were able to secure three new car sales for a total of $74,619.
The direct deposit made into your checking account for your pay for last week was $934.26. Is that the correct amount?
How do you know?