Interview Transcription Danielle Allen


Danielle Allen

March 25, 2014

Field Techniques/Hall

Interview Transcript

I: First of all I would like to thank you for allowing me to interview you. This interview should take no longer than 15-20 minutes. It is being used for a class project, all the answers are confidential. Okay. The first question is, why do you eat in the mall?

J: Because it’s convenient when I’m out shopping.

Are there any other reasons why you might eat in the mall?

Uhm, no, not really.

Okay. What do you do while you’re eating?

Uhm, usually just look at people walking around and observe, and talk with my friends while I’m out there.

Do you prefer eating alone? Or with friends?

Uhm, I usually prefer eating with friends.


You know, it’s a good time to interact and talk about what’s been going on throughout the week, while we’re at the mall.

Do you shop, or just visit the food court to eat?

I usually shop.

Do you ever just go to the food court without shopping and eat there?


Do you eat before or after shopping, or in the middle?





Uhm, I usually eat afterwards so that way I won’t be walking around on a full stomach, and getting grease everywhere. So I just prefer to eat after I’m done shopping.

Where do you normally eat at the food court?

At the table.

What restaurant do you normally eat at?

Oh, okay I’m sorry ma’am, I didn’t understand the question.


Usually, Popeyes.

Do you always order the same thing?


And what do you order?

Two piece with a biscuit.

White meat or dark?

Uhm, it just depends. You know, sometimes, it’s a white meat day, some days, it’s a dark meat day. It just depends on what I feel like eating.

Don’t be a jerk on my interview. (Laughter).

How do you select your seat within the food court?

Well usually, I’ll just pick a seat that’s close by the place I choose to eat at, or wherever I see the most women at.

How often do you eat in the food court?

Not often at all.

Would you say once a week, twice a month, once every two months?

Probably once every couple months.

How much do you spend on average?

Let’s see. The two piece special is usually $4.99 plus tax, and I usually get a sweet tea with that. So I’m thinking about $5.25 or something like that.

Are there certain days or times you prefer to eat in the food court or days and times you prefer not to eat there?

I prefer to go later in the evenings when a lot of the crowd is gone…so instead of having to stand in a long line, it’s not as crowded.

Can you talk some about healthy choices in the food court? Is it a struggle for you to find something healthy to eat? How do you base your decision on what you want to eat?

Usually it depends on how I’m feeling. But it’s really not that many healthy choices in there.

You may have one or two places to go to to get something healthy. But I mean, I figure, if you’re eating at the mall, you’re not trying to eat too healthy anyway.

So what would you suggest for someone who is trying to be healthy at the mall?

Someone who is trying to eat healthy at the mall?

Uhm hmm.

Uhm, probably just bring you some fruit.

Okay, if you’re in the mall and you don’t have anything with you, what would you say are some healthy alternatives?

Uhm, maybe get something that’s not grilled, I mean, that’s not fried. Maybe stay away from like the Chickfila’s and McDonald’s and stuff like that. I don’t know, just try to find something that’s not fried.

Okay. Is there anything that you wish was in the food court that is not there?

Uhm, no, not really.

What suggestions would you have for mall authorities in terms of improving the food court.

Can you talk some about the level of customer service in the food court vs the actual store?

Is it the same? Is it different?

I’d say you get your food a lot quicker in the food court vs going to a regular McDonald’s or

Popeye’s or whatever.

Hmm. Why do you think that is?

Because it’s not as long of a line, and they try to keep the flow of people going through.

In terms of pricing, do you find that food in the court is priced the same as the restaurant?

Is there a difference in pricing?

They’re about the same.

Are you sure? I thought a 2 piece was $2 or $3.

Where you find a 2 piece combo for $2 or $3 at??

I thought the 2 piece Snack pack and stuff like that don’t be $5.

You mean like KFC?

Or Bojangles or anywhere.

Naw, Bojangles and Popeyes the highest chicken places there is, but anywhere you go, a 2 piece combo is going to be about $4 or $5. Don’t be interrupting my interview, okay?

My apologies. When you go to the mall food court, are there certain groups or populations that oyu see more than others? Like for example, do you see the older people more or are there more younger people there? Does it depend on the time of day? Is it during the week that you go? Can you talk some about who you see in the food court?

I would say it depends on the time of day that you go. If

So when do you prefer to go?

I prefer to go in the evenings.

And why is that?

Because I have to work in the mornings.

And when youre there and there are lots of young people in the food court, what kinds of activities are they usually engaging in?

Uhm, they’re usually just conversating amongst themselves with their friends, shopping, just like normal people.

One of the things we noticed during our observations was a large number of people on their phones. Is that something you see when you go to the food court?? Is that something that you do yourself?

Well, I do see a couple of people on their phones, and I’m also on my phone a lot, checking

Instagram. Instagramming my food, or instagramming my clothes.

Interesting. So are you normally on your phone, whether or not you’re there with friends?

Or does it depend on who you’re there with? Do your behaviors, in terms of being on your phone, do those change dependent upon who you’re with?

Yes, it does.

Okay, can you talk some about that please?

Uhm, yes. If I’m out there with my friends and we really aren’t talking about anything, then

I may get in my phone, like I said, instagramming my food or my clothes or whatever. Or if my phone rings, someone calls me, I might pick up. I don’t stay on the phone too, too much, you know, because I am out there with my friends. So I try not to be too rude.

And do your friends normally reciprocate in terms of being on their phones or not being on their phones?

Can you repeat the question ma’am? I’m sorry.

Are your friends on their phones when you’re hanging out, or not so much??

Again, it just depends on, like I said, what’s going on. I’m pretty sure, if their phone rings, they’ll answer it. I’m pretty sure they’re instagramming or texting or whatever, as well if we’re not conversating at the moment.

In terms of seating arrangements, are there tables or benches normally in the food court?



Do you normally clean up after yourself? Can you talk some about your habits when you leave? Do you normally wipe down the table? Do you pick up your trash and leave? Can you describe your habits in terms of your area when you leave?

Yes. If for some reason I do leave crumbs around the table, I will scoop them into my napkin and throw them away. I try not to leave the table dirty.

Is there anything else you would like to add?


Alright, well I believe this concludes the interview. We’ve passed the 15 minute mark. I do appreciate your time and attention. Please have a nice day.
