Pericles Students Notes

ELACC9010RL4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative
meaning ELACC9-10RI5: Analyze in detail how an author’s ideas or claims are developed and refined
ELACC9-10RI8: Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and
the evidence is relevant and sufficient ELACC9-10W4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
“Pericles’ Funeral Oration”: Analysis Notes
Directions: In the first box provided, take notes from our Power Point in class. In the next box
provided, respond to these level three questions (strategic thinking) to guide your reading and
analysis in class. In the last box provided, check your understanding and respond to the level one
(recall) questions. As we read, please write down any vocabulary terms you do now know.
Power Point Notes:
Historical Background Info: From the _______________ war, written
down by ______________.
Level Three: Strategic Thinking: Revise,
cite evidence, critique, formulate,
hypothesize, investigate..
Level Two: Skills and Concepts: Graph,
classify, infer, categorize, identify patterns,
organize, modify, predict..
Level One: Recall :Draw, define, memorize, who,
what, when where, why, recognize, match, quote,
Who is Pericles? A great __________ of ancient Greece and one of ten
generals. Promoted ____________ in Athens.
What is the Peloponnesian War? Athens versus _____________.
Reshaped the ancient Greek world and marked the end of the
__________. (Conflict between ______ Sparta and _______ Athens)
Genre: A _______ is an oral presentation on an important issue. The
speaker determines the content by considering the speech’s _______,
________ and _________. (Frequent use of rhetorical techniques).
Rhetorical triangle (draw the triangle to the left of this box)
Genre: Oration is a formal address intended to inspire listeners and
incite them to action. Orators deliver an impassioned appeal to the
audience’s religious, moral, or patriotic values. There are seven
identifiable parts:
1.) Opening
2.) Narration
3.) Exposition, or definition,
4.) Proposition
5.) Confirmation
6.) Confutation, or refutation,
7.) Conclusion, or epilogue,
ELACC9010RL4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative
meaning ELACC9-10RI5: Analyze in detail how an author’s ideas or claims are developed and refined
ELACC9-10RI8: Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and
the evidence is relevant and sufficient ELACC9-10W4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Level Three Questions to guide reading:
1.) As we read, list the traits and characteristics of an Athenian, according to Pericles, as they pertain to:
AncestorsGovernmentEntertainmentMilitaryEducationEconomicsThinking and communicating-
2.) In the second paragraph, Pericles states his purpose. What is his purpose and how does he present that
purpose to his audience? What technique does he use and why?
3.) In order to make the mourners at the funeral believe the soldiers had died good, noble deaths, Pericles
reaffirms their sense of identity as a community by comparing Athens philosophy and lifestyle to who/what?
What is his intended affect?
4.) Pericles makes many comparisons to Sparta and Spartans. What are some of these comparisons and why
does he create this contrast for his audience?
5.) Pericles tells his audience, “such is the city for whose sake these men fought nobly and died; they could not
bear the thought that she might be taken from them; and every one of us who survived should gladly toil on
her behalf.” What is he implying that the survivors (current Athenians) do or feel? How are these feelings
typical of a Greek citizen?
ELACC9010RL4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative
meaning ELACC9-10RI5: Analyze in detail how an author’s ideas or claims are developed and refined
ELACC9-10RI8: Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and
the evidence is relevant and sufficient ELACC9-10W4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Level One questions: (please answer in the provided space below)
Why did Pericles protest at the start that he was only obeying the law?
According to this passage, what were the characteristics of Athenian democracy?
Was Pericles a good public speaker?
According to Pericles, did Athenian democracy enjoy any military advantages?
Why should Athens be admired?
Was Athens unique?
What did Athens offer the families of the men who had died?