Plate Tectonics Vocab.

Plate Tectonics
The process where the
lithosphere plunges back into the
interior of the Earth.
A seed fern that lived 250 million
years ago found on several
• “
The preserved remains or
traces of an ancient organism.
The theory that links together
the ideas of Continental Drift
and Ocean Floor Spreading. It
explains how the Earth has
changed over time
V -shaped valley on the ocean floor
caused by a convergent plate
The theory, proposed by Alfred
Wegener that the continents
were once joined together and
have since drifted apart.
An undersea mountain chain where
new ocean floor is produced.
A constructive (divergent) plate
The movement of material
caused by differences in
The process in which old ocean
floor is pushed away from a midocean ridge by the formation of
new ocean floor
Plate movement occurs at the
A hippo-like reptile who would
not have been able to swim vast
Irregularly shaped pieces of the
Earth’s crust
The branch of geology that deals with
the movements that shaped the Earth’s
and float on convection currents in the
The name that Alfred Wegener gave to
Earth's one huge landmass that existed
300 million years ago.
Means All Earth
A German scientist that developed the
theory of continental drift. He did not have
any proof although he based his theory on
the fact that the continents looked like
pieces of a puzzle that fit together.
The edges of Earth's plates where two or
more plates meet.
What takes place when two plates move
When two plates move apart
When two plates move toward each other.
When two plates move past each other or
up and down.
When two plates move past each other or
up and down.
The flat space between the mid-ocean
ridges at a divergent boundary, it consists
of new ocean floor.
A v-shaped valley formed at a subduction
zone (convergent boundary)
Underwater mountain chains - formed at a
divergent boundary due to the build up of