U. S. History I Review

A Progressive Review 1
1. The Salem Witch Trials took place in what state and why
did they occur?
Massachusetts… Intolerance of other religions (pg 21)
2. The Civil War was fought between two sides, who
were the two sides and what were they fighting for?
Union and Confederate… slavery (pg 156)
3. What was the first document used to set up the
United States government and what new document
later replaced it?
Articles of Confederation … Constitution (pg 55)
A Progressive Review 1
4. Where was the first successful colony founded in the
United States located and what was it called?
Virginia …. Jamestown (pg 17-18)
5. William Penn was a refuge of what religious group and the
founder of what state?
Quaker … Pennsylvania (pg 22)
6. The Boston Tea Party was motivated by what action of the
The Tea Tax … unfair taxation without representation (pg 44)
A Progressive Review 1
7. Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson (pg 93)
8. Following the signing of the Declaration of Independence?
The Revolutionary War ended
or Fighting continued for independence
9. The 3/5’s Compromise stated that…
3/5’s of slaves would be counted for population purposes
10. While the United States government was being set up, the
supported the Constitution and called for a
national government.
A Progressive Review 2
1. What are the first 10 Amendments of the Constitution called?
Bill of Rights (pg 62)
2. List the first three Presidents and their Vice Presidents:
1) Washington
1) Adams
2) Adams
2) Jefferson
3) Jefferson
3) Burr + Clinton (pg 965)
3. Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from
what country for a total of how much money?
France …. $15 Million (pg 95)
A Progressive Review 2
Act (pg 139) : 1854 Law stating citizens of 2
4. a)Kansas-Nebraska
new territories would be able to choose whether or not slavery
would be allowed
Missouri Compromise (pg 98): 1820 Agreement allowing for
Missouri to be a slave state and Maine a free state, also
outlawing slavery in future states north of 36.30’ N Latitude
Compromise of 1850 (pg 138): Agreement designed to ease
tensions caused by the westward expansion of slavery into
new territories
A Progressive Review 2
5. The Monroe Doctrine stated what regarding actions by
European nations?
The US would oppose efforts by any outside power to control a nation
in the Western Hemisphere (pg 121)
6. Who was the first Chief Justice of the United States
Supreme Court?
John Jay (pg 91)
7. What President was responsible for the Indian Removal
Act and what did the act do?
Andrew Jackson … gave Native Americans land in parts of the
Louisiana Purchase in exchange for lands taken from them in the
east (pg 124)
A Progressive Review 2
8. What was the name given to the group of people who
wanted to make slavery illegal?
Abolitionists (pg 129)
9. Eli Whitney invented what in 1794 and what effect did it
have on the need of slaves in the South?
Cotton gin … increased need and made slave population boom (pg
10. What three future states did the United States receive
following the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
California, Texas, New Mexico (pg 137)
A Progressive Review 3
1. During the Civil War, who was the President of the
Confederate States and who was the leader of the
Confederate Army?
Jefferson Davis (pg 143) … Robert E. Lee (pg 164)
2. General Lee surrendered in what Virginia town?
Appomattox Court House (pg 191-192)
3. An element was discovered in 1848 causing a mass
movement of people to the West Coast. What element
was discovered and in what state was it discovered?
Gold …. California
A Progressive Review 3
4. The Emancipation Proclomation was put into effect in
1863 by what President and what did the Proclomation do?
Abraham Lincoln … Freed slaves in Confederate territory (pg 171)
5. What was the name of the time period in the United
States following the Civil War?
Reconstruction (pg 200)
A Progressive Review 3
Haymarket Riot (pg 252)
6. a)______________________
: 1886 labor-related
violence in Chicago
Homestead Strike (pg 252)
: 1892 strike in
Pennsylvania against Carnegie Steel
Pullman Strike (pg 253)
: 1894 railway workers’
strike that spread nationwide
A Progressive Review 3
7. What was the full name of the man who assassinated
Abraham Lincoln?
John Wilkes Booth (pg 193)
8. The Progressive Era in the United States lasted almost
30 years, when was this time period and what happened
during it?
1890-1920 … a variety of reforms were enacted at the local, state,
and federal levels
9. What war against the British broke out not even 30 years
following the end of the Revolutionary War?
War of 1812 (pg 96)
10. How many original colonies were there in the United