Unemployment Today VS Ancient Rome

Today VS Ancient Rome
By: Abby Toerner
Questions to ask yourself?
• Who started unemployment?
• What happened when unemployment began?
• Why did unemployment start?
Today: Nobody in particular started
unemployment. There were many problems that
led to unemployment, such as taxes. When taxes
rise, incomes decrease.
Ancient Rome: Again not one person started
unemployment. It began with taxes, high price of
education, etc.
5 facts
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2 facts
Today: When people were hearing that
unemployment was a big issue today, they would
write to congress men about the issue that they were
Ancient Rome: When people in ancient Rome were
hearing about unemployment they would normally
start riots, and would write petitions to congress men
explaining their problems.
3 facts
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5 facts
Today: Today unemployment started
because thing's are getting out sourced to
other countries. Also immigration has caused
some unemployment because people coming
in from other countries are willing to be paid
for less.
2 facts
Ancient Rome: The reason why
unemployment started in ancient Rome was
because citizens that owned land had to be in the
army, and since most Roman citizens were in the
army all of the jobs were left empty until the
citizens got back from war. When the citizens were
gone slaves would take their job, but when citizens
got back they were left with not jobs because the
slaves had taken them.
3 facts
Solutions to solve unemployment in today and
in ancient Rome would be to…
o Create more jobs.
o Train people so they can have various jobs and
techniques to many jobs.
o Create a stronger economy.
Firemen unemployment Problems
The business was not able to pay everybody, and basically ran out of money to pay
the firemen.
No one was laid off, the union was responsible for making there own contract.
The was they laid off people would start with whoever was last hired was first fired
144 firemen were planed to be laid off
Government paid part of salaries and taxes paid the rest of the money.
Every firemen agency is different.
-High school diploma
Reasons to make
-Must take a written test and a physical test
it to get into a fire
-How you score on the test
- If in the military they add points to your score
-If you have a college degree it adds more points.
875 firemen in the city of Cincinnati got unemployed.
If the fire house does not have enough people in the fire house they shut it down.
Thanks to Mr. Sanders for making this information reliable.
As most of the slides represent things today and in ancient Rome
about unemployment are very similar problem. Things are very
much the same, and that is one of the main reasons that if
people would go back in time to try to fix unemployment
problem in ancient Rome, nobody would be able to because the
problem is still happening today.
Reason Why the Roman Empire Fell." Roman Colosseum. Web. 07 Feb. 2011.
"Julius Caesar." Ancient Rome for Kids. Web. 07 Feb. 2011.
Amadeo, Kimberly. "Unemployment - How Unemployment Is Controlled - What Is Being
Done to Control Unemployment." US Economy and Business - US Economic Indicators - US
Economic News. Web. 08 Feb. 2011.
What Was The Unemployment Rate In Ancient Rome?" Ask Questions, Get Free Answers Blurtit. Web. 08 Feb. 2011. http://www.blurtit.com/q410681.html.
Ohio Employment Improves Again." Sandusky Register. Web. 10 Feb. 2011.
Unemployment: Issues and Policies." Economic Legislation. Web. 10 Feb. 2011.
"Unemployment: Issues and Policies." Economic Legislation. Web. 10 Feb. 2011.