SDR Minutes

January 15, 2010
Systems Design Review Feedback:
Validating subsystems individually or as a whole?
o Each person to a station or work collectively (obviously have to work collectively)
o Separate requirements for each subsystem to work so that we will have something to
show even if we can’t “get toner on paper”
Concept selection for measuring outputs of each subsystem (i.e. how to measure amount of
toner transferred)
o Literature search as well would be helpful
Means of judging toner on paper
o What is acceptable toner on paper?
o Ask John Wellin and Marcos Esterman about “judgment” of toner on paper
How to measure mass on paper?
o Do concept generation for toner on paper
o Think of ways to measure mass of toner on paper
o Measure paper beforehand and then measure after toner
o Develop test plans and procedures for process
Measuring voltages after stations
o Pre-transfer station does NOT have probe to measure voltage
Monitoring changes in voltages after each station
o DO NOT want huge changes in voltages between stations
Current limiting on corona – should be set as low as possible
Photoreceptor type
o Some photoreceptors can work in special light
o Using Kodak samples now
Method of attachment of photoreceptor
o Find optimal space between voltage sources and photoreceptors
Stray light as an INPUT to subsystems
o Measured in Ergs/m2 and SHOULD BE a functional demonstration
o May not be able to measure it, just accept it is there
Research on HIGH VOLTAGE power supply
o Make sure to set CURRENT LIMIT on these power supplies
Re-evaluate customer needs
o SAFETY FIRST(functional subsystems and safety first can be interchangeable)
Enclosure for Charging, Exposure and Development Station
o Cover is a TOUGH concept to implement
o Re-evaluate and CONSIDER light filtering concept
Exposure Station
o Lamp Intensity (Erg/sec) measurement (may not be able to do)
o Remove units from parameters that cannot be measured, such as lamp intensity and
stray light
o NEUTRAL DENSITY FILTERS(transparency filters) must be researched
 Limits amount of light from exposure station for control of exposure
Work under the assumption that the existing lamp is strong enough to expose
the film
o Study Exposure research from last year’s project
o Consider projector as a type of exposure
o Modulating Exposure System: If Exposure system is functional, use it (don’t fix it if it’s
not broken)
Polarity of toner
o Photoreceptor compatibility (type) should be considered when dealing with voltages
and other components within the fixture
o Not all toners will work with all photoreceptors
o AC bias frequency should be included in DEVELOPMENT station
Charge area development
o Research Charge area development concept
Pre-transfer station
o How do we measure lamp intensity?
 Determine the VOLTAGE achieved from LAMP INTENSITY (Pre-Transfer Station)
Transfer Station
o How to measure TONER TRIBO
o Think about surrogate ways to measure
o Toner Layer: forms a capacitor and able to measure voltage (functional testing)
o Talk to group 10531 about TONER TRIBO
Formulation of Detailed Design Review
o Add in milestones like SDR, DDR on schedule
o Make sure to start early and catch problems now
o Re-evaluate plan of attack
o Consider new concepts provided by customers
Determine success/failure for project
o Breakdown subsystem success/failure for each station
o Determine what a success/failure is
o Even if project doesn’t work as a whole, use working stations as success and build
around that
Re-analyze risk assessment
o CONSIDER photoreceptor that works with safe-light
o Do research on different parts, elaborate on R and D
o Generate spares wish list
o Check compatibility with LED Exposure with photoconductor with safe light (NOT
For presentations – get rid of meaningless sig. figs in charts and tables
Contact Susan Farnand for help with development station
Look up Corona Project