Question 1 - Bibb County Schools

Question 1
Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeleton?
novella_1389783 A) protects soft organs
B) produces vitamin D
C) supports the body
D) stores minerals and fat
Question 2
Which of the following is NOT part of a long bone?
novella_1389783 A) diaphysis
B) medullary cavity
C) epiphysis
D) perichondrium
Question 3
The end of a long bone is the
novella_1389783 A) endosteum.
B) diaphysis.
C) epiphysis
D) periosteum.
Question 4
The epiphyses are covered with _____ to provide protection.
novella_1389783 A) articular (hyaline) cartilage
B) red marrow
C) yellow marrow
D) endosteum
Question 5
The diaphysis is made of
novella_1389783 A) spongy bone.
B) hyaline cartilage.
C) compact bone.
D) fibrous connective tissue.
Question 6
Compact bone consists of cylinder-shaped units called
novella_1389783 A) osteons.
B) trabeculae.
C) Haversian systems.
D) Both A and C are correct.
Question 7
Concentric rings of bone matrix in compact bone are called
novella_1389783 A) lamellae.
B) lacunae.
C) canaliculi.
D) endosteum.
Question 8
Spongy bone is characterized by bony plates called
novella_1389783 A) lamellae.
B) trabeculae.
C) lacunae.
D) canaliculi.
Question 9
Bone-forming cells are called
novella_1389783 A) osteoprogenitor cells.
B) osteoblasts.
C) osteocytes.
D) osteoclasts.
Question 10
Cells that break down bone are called
novella_1389783 A) osteoprogenitor cells.
B) osteoblasts.
C) osteocytes.
D) osteoclasts.
Question 11
The process of bone formation from a fibrous connective tissue membrane is called
novella_1389783 A) hematopoiesis.
B) endochondral ossification.
C) intramembranous ossification.
D) remodeling.
Question 12
The process of endochondral ossification uses a model of ________ to form bones.
novella_1389783 A) fibrocartilage
B) hyaline cartilage
C) fibrous connective tissue membrane
D) adipose tissue
Question 13
The ______ is where bones will grow in length.
novella_1389783 A) epiphysis
B) diaphysis
C) epiphyseal plate
D) periosteum
Question 14
Which of the following lists the steps in bone fracture repair in the correct order?
novella_1389783 A) hematoma, fibrocartilage callus, bony callus, remodeling
B) fibrocartilage callus, bony callus, hematoma, remodeling
C) hematoma, bony callus, fibrocartilage callus, remodeling
D) remodeling, bony callus, fibrocartilage callus, hematoma
Question 15
Which type of fracture occurs when the break is ragged due to twisting of the bone?
novella_1389783 A) compressed
B) comminuted
C) impacted
D) spiral
Question 16
Which of the following is NOT a part of the axial skeleton?
novella_1389783 A) cranium
B) ribs
C) sternum
D) coxal bone
Question 17
What is the only movable portion of the skull?
novella_1389783 A) cranium
B) mandible
C) maxilla
D) vomer
Question 18
An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is
novella_1389783 A) kyphosis.
B) scoliosis.
C) lordosis.
D) hunchback
Question 19
In anatomical position, which arm bone is lateral?
novella_1389783 A) radius
B) ulna
C) tibia
D) fibula
Question 20
What is the name of the U-shaped bone located superior to the larynx?
novella_1389783 A) hyoid
B) thyroid
C) zygomatic arch
D) clavicle
Question 21
What is the only bone in the body that does not articulate with another bone?
novella_1389783 A) patella
B) hyoid
C) (distal) phalanges
D) occipital
Question 22
Which of the following is NOT a leg bone?
novella_1389783 A) femur
B) tibia
C) ulna
D) fibula
Question 23
The pelvis is formed from the
novella_1389783 A) just the coxal bones.
B) coxal bones, sacrum, and coccyx.
C) coxal bones and scapulae.
D) clavicles, scapulae and sternum.
Question 24
Which of the following is NOT a part of the coxal bone?
novella_1389783 A) sacrum
B) ilium
C) ischium
D) pubis
Question 25
Which of the following is most distal to the elbow?
novella_1389783 A) phalanges
B) carpals
C) metacarpals
D) radius
Question 26
An immovable joint is called a/an
novella_1389783 A) diarthrosis.
B) amphiarthrosis.
C) osteoarthrosis.
D) synarthrosis.
Question 27
A suture is an example of a ______ joint.
novella_1389783 A) synovial
B) fibrous
C) cartilagenous
Question 28
The suture between the parietal and occipital bones is the _______ suture.
novella_1389783 A) coronal
B) lambdoidal
C) sagittal
D) squamosal
Question 29
Which of the following is NOT a cartilagenous joint?
novella_1389783 A) between the bodies of vertebrae
B) between a tooth root and its socket.
C) between a rib and the sternum
D) between the pubic bones
Question 30
A freely movable joint is called a ______ joint.
novella_1389783 A) cartilagenous
B) synovial
C) diarthrotic
D) Both B and C are correct.
Question 31
The joint between the carpal and first metacarpal of the thumb is a ______ joint.
novella_1389783 A) hinge
B) condyloid
C) saddle
D) gliding
Question 32
The hip and shoulder are _____ joints.
novella_1389783 A) saddle
B) ball and socket
C) hinge
D) condyloid
Question 33
The knee and elbow are ______ joints.
novella_1389783 A) hinge
B) ball and socket
C) saddle
D) gliding
Question 34
A joint that allows for up and down movement in one plane is a _________ joint.
novella_1389783 A) gliding
B) hinge
C) condyloid
D) saddle
Question 35
The joint between the atlas and axis is a _____ joint.
novella_1389783 A) gliding
B) pivot
C) condyloid
D) hinge
Question 36
To bow before a king is an example of
novella_1389783 A) extension.
B) abduction.
C) adduction.
D) flexion.
Question 37
To flap your arms like a bird involves
novella_1389783 A) flexion and extension.
B) supination and pronation.
C) abduction and adduction.
D) elevation and depression.
Question 38
Doing arm circles is an example of
novella_1389783 A) rotation.
B) circumduction.
C) flexion.
D) pronation.
Question 39
The movement used to cup your hands to get a drink is
novella_1389783 A) pronation.
B) depression.
C) eversion.
D) supination.
Question 40
Which of the following is an autoimmune disorder that results in damage to joints?
novella_1389783 A) rheumatoid arthritis
B) osteoarthritis
C) osteoporosis
D) bursitis
Question 41
The deterioration of articular cartilage is called
novella_1389783 A) osteoporosis.
B) rheumatoid arthritis.
C) osteoarthritis.
D) gouty arthritis.
Question 42
What mineral is stored in bone?
novella_1389783 A) vitamin C
B) calcium
C) oxygen
D) potassium